アニーシャ ニシャート 鈎 治雄 Aneesah NISHAAT Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.72, pp.179-193, 2020-03-31

Concept of happiness has been pursued since the 4 th- 5 th century BC in Greek philosophyand is still widely discussed to the date. Many studies have shown that there were culturaldifferences in the concept of well-being, and the results of those studies have providedinteresting suggestions. Seligman (1991) argued that the use of the concept of happiness in a monistic way, inpositive psychology is problematic. He suggested that using the term “well-being” is moreappropriate. Diener (1984), on the other hand, conducted research on human well-being usingthe concept of subjective well-being, and considered that subjective well-being is a conceptsynonymous with well-being. So this paper examined happiness using the concept of wellbeing,and discussed future research subjects. This paper explores well-being from the viewpoint that people in any country are the samehuman beings. Certainly, there are differences in this world, such as race, religion, culture,income and living environment, and it cannot be denied that these differences createdifferences in the individualʼs view of happiness. On the other hand, every person sharessomething in common while living such as learning, working, and living in a relationship withfamily, friends and others in this world. They encounter common suffering and difficulties suchas illness, economic problems and relationships at home and in the workplace. At the end oflife, they face the common and more fundamental problems of human beings, such as agingand death. If these events are common and universal in their life, the common and universal goals forhuman beings across the borders can be considered happiness and well-being and the ways toachieve them. Considering these points, this paper will focus on well-being from apsychological perspective.
ニシャート アニーシャ 鈎 治雄 Aneesah NISHAAT Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.73, pp.261-274, 2021-03-31

本研究では、インドと日本の主観的well-beingの考え方の相違点について検討した。まず、両国双方の主観的well-beingの概念について分析した。次に、宗教、社会経済状況などの要因が、どのように両国の主観的well-being に影響を与えているかについて明らかにした。その結果,両国は、人種、宗教など様々な側面で異なる特色を持っており、そのことが両国の主観的well-beingの考え方にも影響を及ぼしていることが示唆された。先行研究では、インド人に宗教的な信仰心が強いことが示されており,「人生の意義」という要因がインド人のwell-beingに大きな影響を与えていることが考えられる。また、日本人のwell-beingにおいては、「調和性」、「人並性」などの要因が大きな影響を与えていることが先行研究からも確認された。
ニシャート アニーシャ 鈎 治雄 Aneesah NISHAAT Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.73, pp.261-274, 2021-03-31

本研究では、インドと日本の主観的well-beingの考え方の相違点について検討した。まず、両国双方の主観的well-beingの概念について分析した。次に、宗教、社会経済状況などの要因が、どのように両国の主観的well-being に影響を与えているかについて明らかにした。その結果,両国は、人種、宗教など様々な側面で異なる特色を持っており、そのことが両国の主観的well-beingの考え方にも影響を及ぼしていることが示唆された。先行研究では、インド人に宗教的な信仰心が強いことが示されており,「人生の意義」という要因がインド人のwell-beingに大きな影響を与えていることが考えられる。また、日本人のwell-beingにおいては、「調和性」、「人並性」などの要因が大きな影響を与えていることが先行研究からも確認された。
アニーシャ ニシャート 鈎 治雄 Aneesah HISHAAT Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.70, pp.201-213, 2018-03-31

The concept of optimism has been researched by various scholars such as Martin Seligman,Shelley E. Taylor, Shepperd et al, and Carver. They have proposed different types of optimism.Though they have shown that optimism confer positive effect on people’s life, they havealso indicated some risk when people utilize it. This research has named these concepts as“conventional optimism”.On the other hand, Magari Haruo has proposed a different concept of optimism in whichhe has included new factors that are 1. Flexibility, 2. Will power and courage, and 3. Futureorientation and hope. This concept has not yet been covered by conventional optimism. Thisresearch has named this concept as “realistic optimism”.This research paper has focused on and made a comparative study between two conceptsthat are conventional optimism and realistic optimism. This paper will focus on the importanceof realistic optimism which will be useful for people’s well-being.
五味淵 高志 鈎 治雄 Takashi GOMIBUCHI Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.69, pp.129-142, 2017-09-30

本稿では、夏目漱石の「夢十夜」の第三夜を分析心理学の手法によって解釈した。その結果、物語の多くの要素は両義的に解釈することが出来、従来原罪的不安が主題であるとされた物語は、それのみではなく、「大文字の自己」に象徴される葛藤の統合という創造的側面を含むことが明らかに示された。 「自己」とは定義の困難な動的なコンプレックスであり、あらゆる葛藤を生み出し、統合の原因ともなる。この複雑な過程を、分析心理学では「個性化」と名付けた。「明暗」に認められる他者の受容へとつながるある種の人格の成熟は、「自己」の影響下に生起する「個性化の過程」にごく似たものである。病跡学的には三度の病勢憎悪期を認め、幻覚妄想を含む症状が生涯続いている。仮にそれが統合失調症であるとするならば、これは、ある種の人格の成熟を示したまれな症例と言うことが出来る。統合失調症とは、通常意識することのできない根源的な葛藤に不可避的にさらされた者の心の反応なのではないかと言う、新たな視点を提供していると言うことが出来るのではないか。"The Third Night" was interpreted using the methods of analytic psychology. The results show that many elements of this story can be interpreted in two ways. Although the theme of this story has been considered to be anxiety derived from original sin, it is clearly shown here that it also has a creative aspect, that is, the integration of conflicts which is symbolized as Self. Self is dynamic complex, which is hard to define and creates many conflicts, but it can be the motive for integration as well. In analytic psychology, this complicated process is called individuation. In "The Light and The Dark", the last novel by Natume, we can see a certain maturing of personality that can lead to acceptance of others, which is very close to process of individuation that happens under the influence of Self. Natume went through three periods of serious mental illness, and suffered from various symptoms including hallucination and delusion throughout his life. If his symptoms can be diagnosed as schizophrenia, he may have been a rare case who achieved a certain kind of maturity of personality. His case (or novels) Offers us a new perspective to understand schizophrenia as a mental reaction of those who are inevitably expose to fundamental conflicts that ordinary cannot be noticed.