西村 智恵子 高野 久美子 Chieko NISHIMURA Kumiko TAKANO
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.72, pp.163-177, 2020-03-31

The processes experienced by mothers of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD) when dealing with difficulties were examined. Interviews were conducted withmothers (N= 8 ) of young children with ASD, and the results were qualitatively analyzedusing the Modified Grounded Theory Approach, which indicated the following process of theirexperience. ( 1 ) Mothers gradually come to understand their children by dealing withdifferent difficulties in child-rearing specific to children with ASD.( 2 ) Mothers experiencepsychological and behavioral changes, including feelings about the characteristics andbehavioral problems of their children, and measures to deal with these behavioral problems.( 3 ) Mothers expect support from specialists as an environmental factor that facilitating theabove process. Moreover, the results suggested that emotional support from surroundingpeople such as spouses, relatives, friends, parents’ association members, and someone to talkto, among others, was considered useful for the mothers.
三津村 正和 MITSUMURA Masakazu
no.67, pp.93-115, 2016-03-31

AbstractThis paper aims to discuss the current state and challenges of school bullying inJapan from a comprehensive perspective, simultaneously exploring the fundamentalquestion: Why school bullying cannot be stopped?The author first attempts to take a general view of statistical data relevant to schoolbullying, statistics that has been accumulated over a 30-year period since 1985 when theMinistry of Education launched the national survey of school bullying, which shows theirregularity of statistics due to the repeated alteration of the definition of bullying as well asthe lowering of the age where bullying occurs. In more detail, secondary schools had hadthe highest rates of bullying until 2011; however, elementary schools instead have becomethe largest institution that has victimized children who are being bullied from 2012 on.The author then examines some of the important texts retrieved from the Anti-Bullying Law that was enacted on September 28, 2013, followed by pointing out itsbecoming a dead letter through illustrating the tragic event in which a 13-year-old boycommitted suicide on July 5, 2015, to escape from severe bullying that he had enduredand the school where he attended never took any measures regardless of the fact thathe had continuously sent his SOS to the school.The author finally discusses the invisible phenomenon of school bullying as one ofthe factors that bring about the state where the Law has been reduced to an empty shellas described above. In his analysis, the reasons causing the phenomenon that bullyingcan be invisible for many teachers are: 1) the lack of sensitivity that enables them tosympathize the inner feelings and pain of a victimized child; and 2) the lack of a sense ofhuman rights that leads them to detect perpetrators' physical and psychological attacksaimed for causing victimized children severe pain. The author concludes that suchteachers' innate dispositions contribute to the invisible phenomenon of school bullying,which may be one of the reasons that school bullying cannot be stopped in Japaneseschools. In addition, the author argues some other points indispensable to eradicatingschool bullying in Japan.
山内 俊久 加藤 康紀 Toshihisa YAMAUCHI Yasunori KATO
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.69, pp.207-224, 2017-09-30

青鳥特別支援学校は、わが国の「養護学校」制度がスタートする以前の1947 年に創立された知的障害教育の実験学校であり、今日までの特別支援教育における中等教育を担う中心的学校である。 本研究では、戦後から1974 年の養護学校義務制実施にいたるまでの法整備等の動きを整理し、青鳥特別支援学校の前身である青鳥中学校、青鳥養護学校における希望者全入の歴史を振り返り、その理念と教育方法の変遷について考察を加えた。その結果、戦後のわが国の知的障害教育の流れには、その法的整備等も含めインクルーシブ教育への底流があったことは間違いない。 筆者は、これからの特別支援教育の先に、生涯教育化の理念が重要であると捉える。「特別支援教育は特別でない」との言葉もあるが、これからの特別支援教育は、「障害」「障害者」「支援」等というキーワードではなく、「人間」「人権」「連続性」「幸福」等を念頭においた人間教育の視点から考えることが必要であると考える。その趣旨から、創価教育学体系の著者でもあり、本学の理念の礎である牧口常三郎の考えを通して、これからの特別支援教育の考察を試みた。Seicho Special Support School is an experimental school of education for the intellectually disabled established in 1947 before the system of "Yogo school" (school for handicapped children) started in Japan. Since its foundation, it has been a central school in charge of secondary education in the special needs education. In this article, we outline the major trends in the legislation from the end of WWII to the implementation of compulsory system of Yogo schools in 1974. Then we look back on the history of the open admission of all applicants at Seicho Middle School and Seicho Yogo School, the predecessors of Seicho Special School, and examine the transition of its philosophy and teaching methods. As a result, we feel certain that the tide toward inclusive education as well as its legislation has always lain beneath the education for the intellectually disabled in Japan after WWII. The authors consider that the idea of making special education into lifelong education is important beyond the special needs education in the future. As implied by the words "Special needs education is not special", we think it necessary to see the special needs education in the future from the viewpoint of human education bearing in mind the words like "human", "human rights", "continuity", "happiness" and so on, not the keywords like "disability", "disabled person", "support" and so forth. To that effect, we make an attempt to look at special needs education through the thought of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, the author of "The Theory of Value-Creating Pedagogy" and the founder of the philosophy of Soka University.
鈴木 将史 Masashi SUZUKI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.73, pp.171-187, 2021-03-31

筆者は2018年4 月から3 年間の計画で、「江戸期の和算における教育課程の探究を通した算数・数学教育刷新の提案」とのテーマのもと科学研究費補助金を受けて研究を続けてきた。そもそもの発想は、「江戸時代には和算と呼ばれる数学が大変発達し、日本全国で算術教育を行う塾が盛んであったことはよく知られているが、そこではどのような教育課程に従って算術が指導されていたのであろうか?」という疑問であった。教育である以上、流派や地域によって異なるとはいえども何らかのカリキュラムがあり、ある種の指針に従って算術教育が行われていたに違いないであろうと考えたのである。その上で筆者は、日本の津々浦々、農村部に至るまで、多くの人々が楽しく数学を学んでいたという江戸時代の教育のあり方が、「数学離れ」を克服できない日本の数学教育において、新たな風を呼び起こすヒントになるのではないかとも考えた。 コロナ禍で移動が大幅に制限されたこともあり、全国の算術塾の調査が進んだとは言えなかったが、2019年に訪れた長野県で見聞した江戸時代の数学研究の様子や、それ以前に知った至誠賛化流と呼ばれる和算の流派の活動状況等から、江戸時代にはある種の「常識」として、数学が広く、しかも自発的・積極的に研鑽されていたことを知ることができた。 そのような研究の一環として、筆者は昨年発表した論考「和算流による算数・数学教育改革の試み」において、和算の醍醐味が算術塾における問題作りにあったこと、そして同様な作題活動を取り入れることが算数・数学教育を活性化させること、またそれが「創造的なアクティブラーニング活動」につながり、文部科学省の目指す「主体的・対話的で深い学び」にも通じることを主張した。ただ、そこで提案した作題は、あくまでも「学習を活性化させる方法・手段としての作題」であり、紹介した例も、既存の問題をつなぎ合わせる方法のみであった。 本稿ではその考えをさらに進め、もっとたくさんの「作題」を取り入れる方法について述べるとともに、和算のレベルを飛躍的に向上させた「遺題継承」と呼ばれる方式にならい、算数・数学をより「深い学び」へと導く方策について考察したい。
加地 雄一
教育学論集 (ISSN:02869373)
vol.62, pp.235-244, 2020-03
細井 克彦
教育学論集 (ISSN:02884909)
vol.14, pp.1-16, 1988-05
玉井 啓介
教育学論集 (ISSN:02884909)
vol.29, pp.62-72, 2003-09
汲田 克夫
教育学論集 (ISSN:02870061)
vol.2, pp.120-128, 1973-03
アニーシャ ニシャート 鈎 治雄 Aneesah NISHAAT Haruo MAGARI
教育学論集 (ISSN:03855031)
no.72, pp.179-193, 2020-03-31

Concept of happiness has been pursued since the 4 th- 5 th century BC in Greek philosophyand is still widely discussed to the date. Many studies have shown that there were culturaldifferences in the concept of well-being, and the results of those studies have providedinteresting suggestions. Seligman (1991) argued that the use of the concept of happiness in a monistic way, inpositive psychology is problematic. He suggested that using the term “well-being” is moreappropriate. Diener (1984), on the other hand, conducted research on human well-being usingthe concept of subjective well-being, and considered that subjective well-being is a conceptsynonymous with well-being. So this paper examined happiness using the concept of wellbeing,and discussed future research subjects. This paper explores well-being from the viewpoint that people in any country are the samehuman beings. Certainly, there are differences in this world, such as race, religion, culture,income and living environment, and it cannot be denied that these differences createdifferences in the individualʼs view of happiness. On the other hand, every person sharessomething in common while living such as learning, working, and living in a relationship withfamily, friends and others in this world. They encounter common suffering and difficulties suchas illness, economic problems and relationships at home and in the workplace. At the end oflife, they face the common and more fundamental problems of human beings, such as agingand death. If these events are common and universal in their life, the common and universal goals forhuman beings across the borders can be considered happiness and well-being and the ways toachieve them. Considering these points, this paper will focus on well-being from apsychological perspective.