Akira Sezai Masayoshi Soma Kin-ichi Nakata Mitsumasa Hata Isamu Yoshitake Shinji Wakui Hiroaki Hata Motomi Shiono
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.77, no.8, pp.2043-2049, 2013 (Released:2013-07-25)
29 85

Background: Febuxostat has been reported to have a stronger effect on hyperuricemia than allopurinol. Methods and Results: Cardiac surgery patients with hyperuricemia (n=141) were randomized to a febuxostat group or an allopurinol group. The study was single-blind, so the treatment was not known by the investigators. The primary endpoint was serum uric acid (UA) level. Secondary endpoints included serum creatinine, urinary albumin, cystatin-C, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), eicosapentaenoic acid/arachidonic acid ratio, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, high-density lipoprotein, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, blood pressure, heart rate, pulse wave velocity (PWV), ejection fraction, left ventricular mass index (LVMI), and adverse reactions. UA level was significantly lower in the febuxostat group than the allopurinol group from 1 month of treatment onward. Serum creatinine, urinary albumin, cystatin-C and oxidized LDL were also significantly lower in the febuxostat group. There were no significant changes in systolic blood pressure, PWV, and LVMI in the allopurinol group, but these parameters all had a significant decrease in the febuxostat group. Conclusions: Febuxostat was effective for high-risk cardiac surgery patients with hyperuricemia because it reduced UA more markedly than allopurinol. Febuxostat also had a renoprotective effect, inhibited oxidative stress, showed anti-atherogenic activity, reduced blood pressure, and decreased PWV and LVMI.  (Circ J 2013; 77: 2043–2049)
Hiroaki Hata Duy Phuoc Tran Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh Akio Kitao
The Biophysical Society of Japan
Biophysics and Physicobiology (ISSN:21894779)
vol.18, pp.305-316, 2021 (Released:2021-12-22)

We recently proposed a computational procedure to simulate the dissociation of protein/ligand complexes using the dissociation Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics simulation (dPaCS-MD) method and to analyze the generated trajectories using the Markov state model (MSM). This procedure, called dPaCS-MD/MSM, enables calculation of the dissociation free energy profile and the standard binding free energy. To examine whether this method can reproduce experimentally determined binding free energies for a variety of systems, we used it to investigate the dissociation of three protein/ligand complexes: trypsin/benzamine, FKBP/FK506, and adenosine A2A receptor/T4E. First, dPaCS-MD generated multiple dissociation pathways within a reasonable computational time for all the complexes, although the complexes differed significantly in the size of the molecules and in intermolecular interactions. Subsequent MSM analyses produced free energy profiles for the dissociations, which provided insights into how each ligand dissociates from the protein. The standard binding free energies obtained by dPaCS-MD/MSM are in good agreement with experimental values for all the complexes. We conclude that dPaCS-MD/MSM can accurately calculate the binding free energies of these complexes.
Hideki Banno Hiroaki Hata Masanori Morise Toru Takahashi Toshio Irino Hideki Kawahara
Acoustical Science and Technology (ISSN:13463969)
vol.28, no.3, pp.140-146, 2007 (Released:2007-05-01)
11 28

A very high quality speech analysis, modification and synthesis system—STRAIGHT—has now been implemented in C language and operated in realtime. This article first provides a brief summary of STRAIGHT components and then introduces the underlying principles that enabled realtime operation. In STRAIGHT, the built-in extended pitch synchronous analysis, which does not require analysis window alignment, plays an important role in realtime implementation. A detailed description of the processing steps, which are based on the so-called “just-in-time” architecture, is presented. Further, discussions on other issues related to realtime implementation and performance measures are also provided. The software will be available to researchers upon request.