Hirofumi Tsuru Hidekazu Ishida Jun Narita Ryo Ishii Hidehiro Suginobe Yoichiro Ishii Renjie Wang Shigetoyo Kogaki Masaki Taira Takayoshi Ueno Yohei Miyashita Hidetaka Kioka Yoshihiro Asano Yoshiki Sawa Keiichi Ozono
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.85, no.5, pp.677-686, 2021-04-23 (Released:2021-04-23)

Background:Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is characterized by impaired ventricular relaxation. Although several mutations were reported in some patients, no mutations were identified in cardiomyocyte expressing genes of other patients, indicating that pathological mechanisms underlying RCM could not be determined by cardiomyocytes only. Cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) are a major cell population in the heart; however, the pathological roles of CFs in cardiomyopathy are not fully understood.Methods and Results:This study established 4 primary culture lines of CFs from RCM patients and analyzed their cellular physiology, the effects on the contraction and relaxation ability of healthy cardiomyocytes under co-culture with CFs, and RNA sequencing. Three of four patients hadTNNI3mutations. There were no significant alterations in cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration, activation, and attachment. However, when CFs from RCM patients were co-cultured with healthy cardiomyocytes, the relaxation velocity of cardiomyocytes was significantly impaired both under direct and indirect co-culture conditions. RNA sequencing revealed that gene expression profiles of CFs in RCM were clearly distinct from healthy CFs. The differential expression gene analysis identified that several extracellular matrix components and cytokine expressions were dysregulated in CFs from RCM patients.Conclusions:The comprehensive gene expression patterns were altered in RCM-derived CFs, which deteriorated the relaxation ability of cardiomyocytes. The specific changes in extracellular matrix composition and cytokine secretion from CFs might affect pathological behavior of cardiomyocytes in RCM.
鶴 宏史 中谷 奈津子 関川 芳孝 Hirofumi TSURU Natsuko NAKATANI Yoshitaka SEKIKAWA
教育学研究論集 (ISSN:21877432)
vol.11, pp.1-8, 2016-03-20

本研究の目的は,保育ソーシャルワーク(以下、保育SW)に関する研究のレビューを通して,保育所における保護者支 援の課題を明確にすることである。保育SW に関する35 本の文献を,保育SW の機能,保育所内での組織的対応の有無,保育SW の対応課題に生活課題までを含むか,保育SW の基礎となる援助理論,の4 つの枠組みで分析した。その結果,保育SW の主な機能は相談援助機能と連携機能である点,組織的対応の重要性が指摘されていたが具体性には乏しい点,子育て以外の生活課題への言及はあったが具体的内容は不明であった点,基礎となる援助理論としてジェネラリスト・アプローチとエコロジカル・アプローチの重要性が指摘された点が明らかになった。今後の保護者支援の課題として,面接技術及びアセスメント技術の習得,連携の具体的方法の明確化,保育所内の組織的対応の具体化,継続的な現任者への研修体制の確立が挙げられた。