Yume Suzuki Naoki Toma Katsuhiro Inoue Tomonori Ichikawa Hirofumi Nishikawa Yoichi Miura Masashi Fujimoto Ryuta Yasuda Masayuki Maeda Hidenori Suzuki
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy
Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy (ISSN:18824072)
pp.oa.2023-0016, (Released:2023-06-15)

Objective: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the “improved motion-sensitized driven-equilibrium (iMSDE)”-prepared T1-weighted black blood (T1-BB) MRI for monitoring treatment effect with a flow diverter (FD) for cerebral aneurysms.Methods: Following the exclusion of concomitant coiling and retreatment cases from 60 consecutive cases of cerebral aneurysms treated with FDs at our institution, 32 with imaging data were included in the analysis. Detectability of residual blood flow within the aneurysms was validated as follows: 1) comparison of MRI sequences (iMSDE-prepared T1-BB images, T1-weighted images [ T1WI], and time-of-flight [ TOF]-MRA) in cases of incompletely occluded aneurysms and 2) comparison of angiography and MRI sequences in the same period.Results: 1) The probability of diagnosing intra-aneurysmal blood flow was significantly higher with iMSDE-prepared T1-BB (iMSDE-prepared T1-BB vs. T1WI, p <0.001; iMSDE-prepared T1-BB vs. TOF-MRA, p <0.001). 2) The diagnostic accuracy of residual aneurysmal blood flow was significantly higher with iMSDE-prepared T1-BB than that with T1WI (p = 0.032). Furthermore, in cases of incomplete occlusion, the probability of detecting intra-aneurysmal blood flow was significantly higher with iMSDE-prepared T1-BB (iMSDE-prepared T1-BB vs. T1WI, p <0.001; iMSDE-prepared T1-BB vs. TOF-MRA, p = 0.023).Conclusion: Our results demonstrated that iMSDE-prepared T1-BB could help distinguish between blood flow and thrombus within the aneurysms after FD treatment, especially in the early stages of FD treatment.
Toshiro NARUSE Hitoshi SAKAI Katsuhiro INOUE
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu) (ISSN:04182642)
vol.24, no.4, pp.295-300, 1986-01-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
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我が国に分布する土壌のうち, 火山灰土 (クロボク土), 古砂丘下に埋没する古土壌, 玄武岩台地や海成段丘上にのる土壌, 南西諸島の赤黄色土など, 北海道から与那国島にかけての地域で20試料を採取した.試料土壌中に含まれる微細石英 (1~10μm) は, 10~30%と多く, この微細石英の起源を明らかにするために石英の酸素同位体比 (18O/16O) を求めた.その結果, 完新世に生成された火山灰土や黄色土中に含まれる微細石英の18Oは15.4~15.9‰であり, これまで行われた研究の結果とほぼ一致した. 最終氷期に生成された土壌についても, ほぼ同様の値が得られ(δ18O=14.1~15.5‰), これも, 従来の研究の結果とほぼ一致した.以上のことから, 我が国には最終氷期, 後氷期を通じて頻繁に風成塵が飛来し, また雨水や雪にともなって降下堆積し, 土壌の母材になったことが明らかとなった.