木村 和宏 Kazuhiro Kimura

Mobile satellite communication network systems have been developed and putto practical use. However, the network systems using geostationary satellites have aproblem of signal blocking caused by buildings because of a low elevation angle. Lowearth orbit satellite network systems which consist of many satellites are also proposed.However, the commercial services were abandoned because of high cost. As for thesatellite navigation network system, the global positioning system has been put to fullcivilian use. However, it also has the building blocking problem.To solve these problems, quasi-zenith satellite system (QZSS) is proposed, andthe project to provide communications and navigation services using QZSS has beenstarted in Japan. The QZSS network consists of three satellites deployed into inclinedsynchronous orbits.In order to realize the system, the author established the method of optimizingthe satellite constellation, satellite orbit maintenance technologies, and networkoperation technologies.The first issue is the optimization of satellite constellation. After the orbitalmotion for circular orbit constellations is formulated, the equations for calculating theoptimum orbital parameter are derived. The author also found optimum elliptical orbitconstellations under several typical conditions.The second issue is satellite orbit maintenance. It was believed that theconstellation is impractical, because the required velocity increment for orbitmaintenance is very large. The author found out that the velocity increment can bereduced by the trimming of the satellite orbital period and proper selection of the initialorbit. The method of orbit maintenance is optimized considering the total amount ofvelocity increment.The third issue is satellite network operations. The author introduced indicatorsfor the satellite crossing distance. The indicators can be easily calculated from theorbital elements of the crossing satellites, and it is useful for collision avoidance aroundthe crossing point. Strategies for spare satellite deployment are also investigated.The experimental satellite "Michibiki", which demonstrates satellite navigationtechnologies by QZSS, has been successfully launched in September 2010.衛星を用いた移動体通信ネットワークシステムが、1990 年代から実用化されてきたが、静止衛星を用いた場合には、例えば、東京からでは最大でも仰角48度にしかならず、都市部でビル等により電波が遮断されるブロッキングが問題となる。また、多数の低軌道衛星を用いたイリジウムのようなネットワークシステムが複数提案されたが、仰角の確保や衛星ダイバーシティの実現には多数の衛星が必要で、ネットワーク構成に高いコストがかかる問題がある。衛星を用いた測位ネットワークシステムに関しても、GPS(Global PositioningSystem)の民生利用が浸透し、カーナビゲーションや測量等の用途に幅広く利用されるようになったが、ブロッキングにより、測位に必要な4機以上の衛星からの信号が受けられず、測位ができないことも多い。これらの問題を解決する衛星ネットワークシステムとして、わが国の官民が連携し、準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムの開発が行われてきた。準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムは、日本付近で8 時間高仰角が保たれる衛星3 機でネットワークを構成し、順次、切り替え(ハンドオーバ)しながら天頂付近の衛星から移動体に通信・測位のサービスを行うものである。筆者は、準天頂衛星軌道の基礎研究を行うとともに、2003 年に準天頂衛星プロジェクトが開始されて以降は衛星システムの概念設計に参画し、衛星軌道に関する課題について研究を行った。赤道に対して45 度程度の傾斜角をもち、衛星が地球の自転と同じ周期で地球を周回する楕円軌道の傾斜同期軌道において、その軌道面と楕円の長軸方向を一定に保持するためには、静止軌道の軌道を保持する場合の3倍程度の制御量が必要になり、準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムは当初実用にならないと考えられていた。そこで、本研究では、最初にこの衛星軌道保持制御量の問題について再検討を行い、準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムのミッション要求条件とネットワークの幾何学的配置を考慮して、衛星高度の調整で地球に対する相対的な軌道面を保つとともに、適切な初期軌道を選ぶことで、静止衛星と同程度以下の制御量で軌道保持ができることを明らかにした。このことにより、準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムの実現可能性が示され、計画の実現に向け大きく前進した。本研究では、準天頂衛星ネットワークシステムの軌道に関する以下の三つの課題について検討を行った。一番目の課題は、衛星の軌道配置の最適化である。円軌道の場合は、軌道運動が解析的に定式化できるため、軌道傾斜角の関数として運用最低仰角が最大となる緯度を計算するための数式を導出した。円軌道の場合でも、日本の主要部分で70 度以上の仰角を常時確保できるものの、一般的には楕円軌道の方がいい仰角特性が得られる。このため、円軌道での検討で得られた知見を活用し、楕円軌道について、南北両半球へのサービスに適した軌道や、北半球限定で非常に高い仰角が得られる軌道配置、衛星間でのハンドオーバが地上から見てほぼ同一位置で可能となる軌道パラメータを導出した。二番目の課題は、衛星軌道保持制御量の最小化とそのための制御方法の確立である。楕円軌道の場合には、円軌道の場合と比較して、楕円の長軸方向を保持する制御も新たに必要になる。また、軌道上のどの位置でどの方向に加速制御するかによっても制御量が異なる。実際に衛星を制御する場合には、運用上の制約で制御ができない軌道上位置もある。これらの条件を考慮した上で、初期軌道投入パラメータなどさまざまな要因を含めて検討し、軌道保持制御方法の最適化により制御量の最小化を行った。この一般的な検討に加えて、実システムの概念設計段階で以下の検討を実施した。初めに、プロジェクトで候補となった複数の軌道案について比較評価を行った。次に、通信・測位の複合システムの要求条件に合わせ、通信ミッションに必要なハンドオーバ条件を維持しながら軌道制御による測位精度劣化を回避するために、軌道保持制御間隔を可能な限り延ばすことを検討した。最適な制御方法を導出することにより、40 日程度まで間隔を広げられることを示した。最後に、測位のみのミッションで仰角条件を緩和した場合には、1 年に1 回程度の制御に減らせる可能性を示した。三番目の課題は、衛星ネットワーク運用に関するものである。提案した同一位置ハンドオーバを実現する軌道の場合には、衛星衝突が起こりうる。安全に運用するための方法とそのための軌道変位量について検討し、衝突回避運用方法を確立した。さらに、ネットワークを構成する衛星が故障した場合に備えた予備衛星の配置方法や、予備衛星の軌道変更によるネットワーク構成復旧制御方法についてトレードオフ検討を行い、指針を導出した。本研究により、準天頂衛星ネットワークの実現可能性を示し、軌道に起因する諸問題を解決するための指針を明確にした。このことにより、準天頂衛星プロジェクトが開始されることになった。2010 年9 月には、準天頂衛星システムの測位ミッション実証衛星である「みちびき」が打ち上げられた。
Yuichi Tamura Hiraku Kumamaru Shiori Nishimura Yasuo Nakajima Hiromi Matsubara Yu Taniguchi Ichizo Tsujino Ayako Shigeta Koichiro Kinugawa Kazuhiro Kimura Koichiro Tatsumi
International Heart Journal Association
International Heart Journal (ISSN:13492365)
vol.64, no.4, pp.684-692, 2023-07-29 (Released:2023-07-29)

Upfront combination therapy including intravenous prostaglandin I2 (PGI2-IV) is recognized as the most appropriate treatment for patients with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). This retrospective study aimed to determine reasons why this therapy is not used for some patients with severe PAH and describe the hemodynamic and clinical prognoses of patients receiving initial combination treatment with (PGI2-IV+) or without (PGI2-IV−) PGI2-IV.Data for patients with severe PAH (World Health Organization Functional Class III/IV and mean pulmonary arterial pressure [mPAP] ≥ 40 mmHg) were extracted from the Japan Pulmonary Hypertension Registry. Overall, 73 patients were included (PGI2-IV + n = 17; PGI2-IV− n = 56). The PGI2-IV+ cohort was younger than the PGI2-IV− cohort (33.8 ± 10.6 versus 52.6 ± 18.2 years) and had higher mPAP (58.1 ± 12.9 versus 51.8 ± 9.0 mmHg), greater prevalence of idiopathic PAH (88% versus 32%), and less prevalence of connective tissue disease-associated PAH (0% versus 29%). Hemodynamic measures, including mPAP, showed improvement in both cohorts (post-treatment median [interquartile range] 38.5 [17.0-40.0] for the PGI2-IV + cohort and 33.0 [25.0-43.0] mmHg for the PGI2-IV − cohort). Deaths (8/56) and lung transplantation (1/56) occurred only in the PGI2-IV − cohort.These Japanese registry data indicate that older age, lower mPAP, and non-idiopathic PAH may influence clinicians against using upfront combination therapy including PGI2-IV for patients with severe PAH. Early combination therapy including PGI2-IV was associated with improved hemodynamics from baseline, but interpretation is limited by the small sample size.
Masafumi Kanai Masatoshi Minamisawa Hirohiko Motoki Yuta Seko Kazuhiro Kimura Takahiro Okano Yasushi Ueki Koji Yoshie Tamon Kato Tatsuya Saigusa Soichiro Ebisawa Ayako Okada Neiko Ozasa Takao Kato Koichiro Kuwahara
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-22-0712, (Released:2023-08-04)

Background: Hyperpolypharmacy is associated with adverse outcomes in older adults, but because literature on its association with cardiovascular (CV) outcomes after acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is sparse, we investigated the relationships among hyperpolypharmacy, medication class, and death in patients with HF.Methods and Results: We evaluated the total number of medications prescribed to 884 patients at discharge following ADHF. Patients were categorized into nonpolypharmacy (<5 medications), polypharmacy (5–9 medications), and hyperpolypharmacy (≥10 medications) groups. We examined the relationship of polypharmacy status with the 2-year mortality rate. The proportion of patients taking ≥5 medications was 91.3% (polypharmacy, 55.3%; hyperpolypharmacy, 36.0%). Patients in the hyperpolypharmacy group showed worse outcomes than patients in the other 2 groups (P=0.002). After multivariable adjustment, the total number of medications was significantly associated with an increased risk of death (hazard ratio [HR] per additional increase in the number of medications, 1.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01–1.10; P=0.027). Although the number of non-CV medications was significantly associated with death (HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 1.02–1.13; P=0.01), the number of CV medications was not (HR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.92–1.10; P=0.95).Conclusions: Hyperpolypharmacy due to non-CV medications was associated with an elevated risk of death in patients after ADHF, suggesting the importance of a regular review of the prescribed drugs including non-CV medications.
Keisuke Machida Masatoshi Minamisawa Hirohiko Motoki Kanako Teramoto Yukari Okuma Masafumi Kanai Kazuhiro Kimura Takahiro Okano Yasushi Ueki Koji Yoshie Tamon Kato Tatsuya Saigusa Soichiro Ebisawa Ayako Okada Koichiro Kuwahara
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0129, (Released:2023-07-12)

Background: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) has a poor prognosis and common comorbidities may be contributory. However, evidence for the association between dementia and clinical outcomes in patients with is sparse and it requires further investigation into risk reduction.Methods and Results: We assessed the clinical profiles and outcomes of 1,026 patients (mean age 77.8 years, 43.2% female) with ADHF enrolled in the CURE-HF registry to evaluate the relationship between investigator-reported dementia status and clinical outcomes (all-cause death, cardiovascular (CV) death, non-CV death, and HF hospitalization) over a median follow-up of 2.7 years. In total, dementia was present in 118 (11.5%) patients, who experienced more drug interruptions and HF admissions due to infection than those without dementia (23.8% vs. 13.1%, P<0.01; 11.0% vs. 6.0%, P<0.01, respectively). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that dementia patients had higher mortality rates than those without dementia (log-rank P<0.001). After multivariable adjustment for demographics and comorbidities, dementia was significantly associated with an increased risk of death (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.43; 95% confidence interval, 1.06–1.93, P=0.02) and non-CV death (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.04–2.62, P=0.03), but no significant associations between dementia and CV death or HF hospitalization were observed (both, P>0.1).Conclusions: In ADHF patients dementia was associated with aggravating factors for HF admission and elevated risk of death, primarily non-CV death.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.81, no.10, pp.1461-1467, 2019 (Released:2019-10-24)
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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) contributes to non-shivering thermogenesis and plays an important role in body temperature control. The contribution of BAT thermogenesis to body temperature control in a non-cold environment was evaluated using developing hamsters. Immunostaining for uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), a mitochondrial protein responsible for BAT thermogenesis, indicated that interscapular fat tissue had matured as BAT at day 14. When pups were placed on a thermal plate kept at 23°C, the body surface temperature decreased in day 7- and 10-day-old pups but was maintained at least for 15 min in 14-day-old pups, indicating that hamsters are unable to maintain their body temperature until around day 14 even in a non-cold environment. Body temperature maintenance was also evaluated in UCP1-deficient mice. BAT analysis showed that the UCP1 protein level in Ucp1+/− Hetero mice was 61.3 ± 1.4% of that in wild-type (WT) mice and was undetected in Ucp1−/− knockout (KO) mice. When 12-day-old pups were place on a thermal plate at 23°C, body surface temperature was maintained for at least 15 min in WT and Hetero mice but gradually dropped by 2.4 ± 0.2°C in 15 min in KO mice. It is concluded that BAT thermogenesis is indispensable for body temperature maintenance in pups of hamsters and mice, even in the non-cold circumstances. The early life poikilothermy and the later acquirement of homeothermy in hamsters may be because of the postnatal development of BAT.