大塚 香奈子 伊藤 久生 時澤 佳子 田中 正純 八谷 直樹 荒牧 真紀子 猪口 哲彰 大泉 耕太郎 Masahiro Yoshida
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.37, no.11, pp.833-837, 1994-11-30 (Released:2011-08-04)

症例は54歳, 女性で1968年特発性血小板減少紫斑病 (ITP) と診断され副腎皮質ホルモン投与されていたが, 1971年に慢性関節リウマチ (RA) を併発した. 1979年尿糖および高血糖が出現し, 糖尿病と診断され, その後ITPの増悪により副腎皮質ホルモン (プレドニン) を30mgに増量し, インスリン注射を開始した.この時点での尿中C-ペプチド (CPR) は36μ9/日であった. 1989年頃より血糖コントロールは徐々に悪化し1991年には尿中CPRが10μ9/日以下となり, グルカゴン試験も無反応を示した.また, 既往に流早産を数回経験し, 検査所見ではICA, RA因子, 抗血小板抗体, およびループアンチコアグラントが陽性を示した. 以上より時間的に推移しながらITP, RAおよび抗リン脂質抗体症候群にslowly progressive IDDMなどの自己免疫疾患を合併したもので, 免疫学的背景を考える上で興味ある症例と思われた.
Hiroyuki Tanaka Masahiro Yoshida Koya Mori Noriyuki Takahashi
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.26, pp.87-97, 2018 (Released:2018-02-15)

Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) can be defined as a model for enabling business oriented, cloud computing platform within multiple types of the access network (e.g., LTE, 5G, WiFi, FTTH, etc.) at the close proximity of subscribers to serve delay sensitive, context aware applications. To pull out the most of the potential, MEC has to be designed as infrastructure, to support many kind of IoT applications and their eco system, in addition to sufficiently management mechanism. In this context, various research and standardization efforts are ongoing. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art research efforts on MEC domain, with focus on the architectural proposals as infrastracture, the issue of the partitioning of processing among the user devices, edge servers, and a cloud, and the issue of the resource management.
Takashi KIMURA Masahiro YOSHIDA Kayoko OISHI Masafumi OGATA Teruo NAKAKUKI
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry (ISSN:00021369)
vol.53, no.7, pp.1843-1848, 1989 (Released:2006-04-05)
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A dual enzyme system of exo-maltotetraohydrolase [EC] and pullulanase [EC] was studied for the continuous production of maltotetraose. Porous chitosan beads were selected from among many carriers as the best carrier to immobilize both enzymes. The properties of the immobilized enzymes were examined and compared with those of the native enzymes. For exo-maltotetraohydrolase, the optimum pH of the immobilized enzyme shifted slightly to the acidic side and the pH stability was improved on the alkaline side. The optimum temperature of the immobilized enzyme increased by about 15°C and thermostability was improved by about 10°C. As for pullulanase, very little difference in thermostability was observed. The effects of operating conditions on the continuous production of maltotetraose using exo-maltotetraohydrolase immobilized on the porous chitosan beads were examined. Porous chitosan beads were recognized to be superior to Diaion HP-50. The continuous production of maltotetraose was accomplished using the dual immobilized enzyme system. The dual enzyme system proved to be effective to increase the maltotetraose content in the product. A stable operation was successfully continued for more than 60 days.
Yumiko Komatsu Akinobu Nakamura Masahiro Takihata Yuichiro Inoue Satoko Yahagi Kazuki Tajima Hirohisa Tsuchiya Tatsuro Takano Tadashi Yamakawa Masahiro Yoshida Hideaki Miyoshi Yasuo Terauchi
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
vol.63, no.3, pp.311-314, 2016 (Released:2016-03-31)
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Diazoxide is a non-diuretic benzothiadiazine derivative, one of a group of substances introduced into clinical practice in the 1950s for the treatment of hypertension. Fajans reported the use of diazoxide for the treatment of insulinoma in 1979. Although patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia worldwide have been treated with diazoxide for more than 30 years, there are no recent reports about the adverse effects of this drug in Asian patients, including Japanese patients. Herein, we report the results of our retrospective clinical record review of 6 Japanese patients (3 females and 3 males, ranging in age from 58 to 91 years) with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia and inoperable insulinoma treated with diazoxide. Diazoxide improved control of hypoglycemic symptoms and maintained normoglycemia in 5 of the 6 patients, and was ineffective in one patient. Surprisingly, although all 6 patients received diazoxide according to the treatment strategy recommended in Western patients, 5 of the 6 patients developed edema and two developed congestive heart failure. Thus, when starting treatment with diazoxide in Japanese patients, the symptoms and signs of fluid retention should be evaluated carefully. Also, appropriate protocols for treatment with diazoxide should be evaluated by means of clinical trials in Japanese patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.