Megumi Masuda Kazuya Murata Kimihisa Itoh Shunsuke Naruto Akemi Uwaya Fumiyuki Isami Hideaki Matsuda
Journal of Traditional Medicines (ISSN:18801447)
vol.28, no.2, pp.47-54, 2011 (Released:2011-05-20)

高血圧や高脂血症では血液の流動性が低下しているとされており,ノニ(Morinda citrifolia)由来の健康食品はこれら生活習慣病の予防を期待され上市されている。しかし,これまでノニの血液流動性に対する作用は報告されていない。そこでノニの果肉,葉と種子の50 % EtOH エキス(MCF-ext, MCL-ext と MCS-ext)の血液流動性改善作用を検討した。血液流動性は,LPS 誘発 DIC 病態モデルラットを用い,MC-FAN を用いた血液通過時間を測定することにより評価した。その結果,MCL-ext 及び MCS-ext 投与群において血液通過時間が短縮され血流低下が抑制された。MCL-ext 及びその主要成分の rutin, ursolic acid と kaempferol-3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside は,コラーゲン誘発血小板凝集を抑制し,MCS-ext 及びその主要成分の americanin A, 3, 3-bisdemethylpinoresinol と ursolic acid, 並びに MCL-ext はポリブレン誘発赤血球凝集を抑制したことからこれらの成分は MCL-ext と MCS-ext それぞれの血流低下抑制に寄与すると考えられる。次に,MCL-ext と MCS-ext 投与ラットにおける in vivo 線溶系活性を ELT (euglobulin lysis time) の測定により検討した。 各エキス投与群では対照群に比し ELT が短縮され, 線溶系活性化が認められた。 今回ノニの血液流動性改善作用が初めて明らかになり,MCL-ext は MCS-ext よりも強い血小板凝集抑制作用,in vivo 血流低下抑制作用, 及び in vivo 線溶系活性化作用を示した。
Tadashi Fujita Atsushi Kawase Toshiro Niwa Norimichi Tomohiro Megumi Masuda Hideaki Matsuda Masahiro Iwaki
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.31, no.5, pp.925-930, 2008-05-01 (Released:2008-05-01)
36 40

In a previous study we found that 50% ethanol extracts of immature fruits of Citrus unshiu (satsuma mandarin) have anti-allergic effects against the Type I, II and IV allergic reactions. However, many adverse interactions between citrus fruit, especially grapefruit juice, and drugs have been reported due to the inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the competitive inhibitory effects of extracts from immature citrus fruit on CYP activity. Extracts were prepared from 12 citrus species or cultivars, and were tested against three kinds of major CYPs, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, in human liver microsomes. We also estimated the amounts of flavonoids (narirutin, hesperidin, naringin and neohesperidin) and furanocoumarins (bergapten, 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin and bergamottin) in each extract using HPLC. Citrus paradisi (grapefruit) showed the greatest inhibition of CYP activities, while Citrus unshiu which has an antiallergic effect, showed relatively weak inhibitory effects. Extracts having relatively strong inhibitory effects for CYP3A4 tended to contain higher amounts of naringin, bergamottin and 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin. These results, providing comparative information on the inhibitory effects of citrus extracts on CYP isoforms, suggest that citrus extracts containing high levels of narirutin and hesperidin and lower levels of furanocoumarins such as C. unshiu are favorable as antiallergic functional ingredients.
Kimihisa Itoh Noriko Hirata Megumi Masuda Shunsuke Naruto Kazuya Murata Keitaro Wakabayashi Hideaki Matsuda
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.32, no.3, pp.410-415, 2009-03-01 (Released:2009-03-01)
35 46

The 50% ethanolic extract (CH-ext) obtained from the unripe fruit of Citrus hassaku exhibited significant tyrosinase inhibitory activity. The CH-ext showed antioxidant activity, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity. Activity-guided fractionation of the CH-ext indicated that flavanone glycoside-rich fractions showed potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity. Further examination revealed that the tyrosinase inhibitory activity and antioxidant activity of the CH-ext were attributable to naringin and neohesperidin, respectively. The CH-ext showed inhibition of melanogenesis without any effects on cell proliferation in cultured murine B16 melanoma cells after glucosamine exposure. The topical application of the CH-ext to the dorsal skin of brownish guinea pigs showed in vivo preventive effects against UVB-induced pigmentation.