Japanese Society of Animal Breeding and Genetics
The Journal of Animal Genetics (ISSN:13459961)
vol.36, no.2, pp.95-104, 2008-12-01 (Released:2010-03-18)
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日本犬標準6品種 (柴犬、紀州犬、四国犬、北海道犬、甲斐犬、秋田犬) の中で、柴犬は飼育数も多く最も馴染み深い。柴犬には、信州柴犬 (日保系・柴保系) 、山陰柴犬、美濃柴犬の3内種が存在し、形態や性格が異なる。先行する日本犬研究の多くは、柴犬の3内種を区分けしないで扱ってきたため、各内種内の遺伝的多様性や、内種間の遺伝的分化の程度は明らかでない。本研究では、柴犬3内種 (信州柴犬/日保系、信州柴犬/柴保系、山陰柴犬、美濃柴犬の4集団) に、比較として加えた7品種 (北海道犬、秋田犬、四国犬、薩摩犬、琉球犬、日本スピッツ、ラブラドール・レトリーバーの7集団) の計11集団、合計430頭に対して、マイクロサテライト17座位を用いて、解析した。用いた17座位による柴犬3内種 (4集団) の期待ヘテロ接合度の平均は、信州柴犬/日保系が0.641、信州柴犬/柴保系が0.480、山陰柴犬が0.508、美濃柴犬が0.588であり、他の7犬種の平均0.603と、大きく異ならない値を示した。また、柴犬3内種 (4集団) 問の遺伝的分化の程度は高度に有意であった (P<0.Ol) 。11集団間の枝分れ図では、柴犬の3内種 (4集団) は相互に近い位置関係を示したが、山陰柴犬は、他の2内種 (3集団) からはやや離れた位置関係にあった。この結果から、山陰柴犬は、信州柴犬 (日保系・柴保系) や美濃柴犬と異なる可能性が考えられた。また、柴犬3内種 (4集団) に属する個体問の枝分れ図では、個々の内種内は遺伝的に密にまとまっており、 (社) 日本犬保存会【日保】と天然記念物柴犬保存会【柴保】両系の問にも明確な差が認められた。このことから、各内種を保存・育成する会で、独自に血統が保持されてきたことが示唆された。今回の結果から、柴犬3内種 (4集団) 問は統計的に高度に有意な遺伝的分化を示しており、今後の研究では、柴犬は3内種 (4集団) 別に区分けして取り扱う必要がある、と考えられる。
Masaya Motohashi Michael F. Wempe Tomoko Mutou Yuya Okayama Norio Kansaku Hiroyuki Takahashi Masahiro Ikegami Masao Asari Shin Wakui
The Japanese Society of Toxicology
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.48, no.6, pp.R1, 2023 (Released:2023-06-06)

Editor’s AnnouncementIn utero-exposed di(n-butyl) phthalate induce dose dependent, age-related changes of morphology and testosterone-biosynthesis enzymes/associated proteins of Leydig cell mitochondria in ratsMasaya Motohashi, Michael F. Wempe, Tomoko Mutou, Yuya Okayama, Norio Kansaku, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masahiro Ikegami, Masao Asari, Shin Wakui(The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 41, 195-206, 2016) I have retracted the above paper as Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Toxicological Sciences since I have serious concerns about it, primarily due to inappropriate authorship on a non-negligible scale.When it was brought to my attention that there was inappropriate authorship in this paper, I contacted the co-authors to confirm this point. I found out that the majority of them considered their listing as co-authors to be inappropriate. In addition, the majority agreed to the retraction of this paper.These facts raise concerns about the paper. From the standpoint of maintaining the integrity of the research community, I felt that such a paper should be retracted at once.Accordingly, I sent a summary of my concerns about the paper to the corresponding author, Dr. Shin Wakui. I also had an online interview with him to discuss this matter. I told Dr. Wakui that inappropriate authorship on a non-negligible scale is a serious problem that raises concerns about the paper.I prepared a draft of this Editor’s Announcement and sent it to Dr. Wakui for review prior to revision and release. Although he did not agree to the retraction, I have decided to take this action from the standpoint of maintaining the integrity of the research community.I coordinated my response to this issue with Dr. Akira Naganuma, Editor-in-Chief of Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, a sister journal of The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. Toshiyuki Kaji, Ph.D.Editor-in-ChiefThe Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Norio Kansaku Shin Wakui Tomohiro Sasanami Takeshi Ohkubo
Japan Poultry Science Association
The Journal of Poultry Science (ISSN:13467395)
pp.0220023, (Released:2022-06-25)

Difference of onset of increase of PRL content in the anterior pituitary gland and plasma PRL concentration during the late stage of chicken embryogenesis is well known. To investigate the disagreement, changes in PRL content and PRL mRNA levels, and the effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptides (VIP) on PRL release and PRL mRNA expression were examined using western blot analysis and real-time PCR quantification. Changes in SPRL content were strongly correlated with PRL mRNA levels. The increase in PRL content on day 17 of incubation may be caused by the increase in PRL mRNA levels on day 16 of incubation. Additionally, the effects of VIP on PRL release from the embryonic anterior pituitary gland were not observed until day 18 of embryogenesis. These results suggest that increased levels of PRL mRNA and PRL content in the anterior pituitary gland are closely correlated. However, the increased expression of PRL mRNA observed on day 17 and the initiation of PRL release from the anterior pituitary gland on day 19 were differentially regulated. According to the results of western blot analysis, the proportion of glycosylated PRL (G-PRL) and non-glycosylated PRL (NG-PRL) in the anterior pituitary gland at the end stage of development differed from the proportion of PRL released from the anterior pituitary gland. According to the results of two-dimensional western blot analysis, no isoforms with different isoelectric points were detected in the culture medium on days 19 and 20. These data suggest that the peptide chains of G-PRL and NG-PRL were not modified. In conclusion, the differentiation of PRL-producing cells and the maturation of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland were completed at the end stage of incubation, and that different factors regulated the initiation of PRL mRNA expression before day 18 of incubation.