佐野 武仁 内田 敦子 Takehito SANO Atsuko UCHIDA 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 Department of Human Environmental Science and Design Showa Women's University Department of Human Environmental Science and Design Showa Women's University
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.813, pp.49-57, 2008-07-01

There are various theories about the origin of glass. One is that glass beads were made during the time of the Old Kingdom in Egypt (27th-22nd century BC). Another suggests that glass was first manufactured around 18th-17th century BC. The truth is uncertain. Without a doubt, however, glass has been a notable feature of a great deal of architecture, most notably the Crystal Palace which was built on the grounds of the first World Exposition, held in Hyde Park, London, in 1851. It was an enormous building made from an iron frame work and glass. The theme of this paper is the continuing evolution of glass architecture. It discusses design, and plans which make full use of state-of-the-art technology to achieve energy conservation. Here, the term "glass architecture" refers to buildings whose outer walls and roofs are mainly or entirely made of glass. The distinguishing features of glass architecture can be described as follows: (1) In glass architecture, the aim is to bring more light into the building, and thereby create building with a healthy environment and outstanding occupant comfort, which prevents people from getting sick. This can be achieved by skillfully using natural conditions such as light and heat. (2) Transparent architecture allows people to see the sunny sky on clear days, and the cloudy sky when it is overcast. Sunshades are indispensable fixtures which enable adjustment of light and heat. (3) Glass architecture is the starting point for greenhouses, and the standard practice is to investigate greenhouses first when looking at design and functions such as ventilation or the heat/light environment. (4) If intelligent design and function are built in, then it is possible to construct glass architecture with outstanding occupant comfort, and low overhead thanks to energy conservation. (5) Since there are too many types of glass, and this makes things difficult to understand, a classification is used which combines the glass manufacturing process and sunshades.
富本 靖 Yasushi Tomimoto 昭和女子大学 Showa Women's University
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.800, pp.36-49, 2007-06-01

In this paper the author examines the historical background of physical education. Wherefrom it came, whereto it goes and how it should be in the future? Chapter 1 discusses its historical background as well as pointing out the problems it contains from the beginning. Chapter 2 focuses on the historical backgrounds and thoughts on the physical education in the United States of America and China eliciting the typical conditions of both the Western and Asian countries. Conditions in Japan are also compared in this chapter. Chapter 3 explores the ideal way the school physical education should be and our future task is shown.
安宅 信行 横須賀 洋平 Nobuyuki Ataka Yohei Yokosuka 昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科生活機構学専攻 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HUMAN LIFE SCIENCES SHOWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY SHOWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.17, pp.111-119, 2008-01-01

The five-story pagodas in Japan date back 1400 years or more. Despite the occurrence of many earthquakes during this period, there is no record of these pagodas being destroyed by earthquakes. Therefore, it is believed that these pagodas are earthquake resistant. However, the reason underlying this resistance has not been clarified yet. Of the various theories, that have been put forth, the most plausible explanation is that one offered by the snake-dance theory. According to this theory, the rocking movements of these pagodas during earthquakes, which resemble a snake dance, protects them from destruction. The pagodas are subjected to few horizontal vibrations during earthquakes. However, a structural model that can recreate these rocking vibrations has yet been created. While we attempted to create such a structural model on a laboratory scale, the aim of our study is that one of describing the structural process during the earthquake shaking, and explaining the results we obtain by writing reports.