小崎 道雄 飯野 久和 クスワント カプティ ラハユ Michio Kozaki Hisakazu Iino Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.6, pp.101-106, 1997-03-31

Brem cake is a traditional fermented rice cake made from glutinous rice in east and central Java island, and eaten mainly as snack food. This cake divid into two types, one is Madium type (ash-yellow colour, sweet-sour flavour, small rectangle plate) another is Wonogiri type (white colour, solide sweet flavour, thin round block). Microorganisms concerning with fermentation was Saccharomycopsis spp. and Mucorales for degradation of rice starch. Saccharomyces is mainly concerned in alcohol fermentation.
田畑 久夫 Hisao Tabata
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.12/13, pp.9-27, 2004-03-31

The history advocated by French scholars of the "Annales" School played a central role in the reform movement of history in the 20^<th> century. It is sometimes called 'New History' because it denied the main stream historical view of the 19^<th> century which emphasized a political history alone, and tried to grasp total history including an economic history, a social history, a cultural history etc. For the same purpose it also encouraged exchange between history and geography which attached importance to regional study. In particular, two historians, L. Febvre and M. Bloch, who edited the bulletin of the "Annales" School, ≪Annales d'histoire economique et sociale≫, were deeply interested in geography and introduced a geographical view into historical study. In this paper I first discussed the formation and development of the "Annales" School, paying special attention to its relations with geography. Next, I took up M. Bloch's ≪Les Caracteres originaux de l'Histoire rulale francaise≫, analyzed and studied it because this book best shows geographical influence among the books on historical study. And I concluded that the methodology of the "Annales" School can effectively be applied to regional study by geographers.
遠藤 由紀子 Yukiko Endo
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.15, pp.31-43, 2006-03-31

We cited as an example the Kotoni soldier village and the Ebetsu soldier village, comparing the detities of shrines in these two Tonden soldier village. In the Kotoni soldier village where many kyu-aizu-hanshi settled worshippedthe ancestor of their former feudal domain as the deity of their village shrine, while in the Ebetsu soldier village, the place of worship of the Ise shrine which is representative of the country unified under the centralistic Emperor system was made to serve as a village shrine. This indicates that kyu-aizu-hanshi for whom the Meiji era started with the defeat of the Boshin War lived vigorously, cultivating the land to build a nation, while still retaining in a new world the sense of identity as a member of their former feudal domain.
番場 あやの 上村 保子 Ayano Bamba Yasuko Uemura
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 (ISSN:09182276)
vol.16, no.2, pp.73-84, 2007

The observer's fixation points and time spent for recognizing six basic expressions (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and surprise) were examined, using the Japanese facial expressions composed based on the FACS (Facial Action Coding System). The fixation points were measured by means of the Eye-tracker for 11 undergraduate students and 3 graduate students of a women's university. The results showed that the longest fixation time required was at the points of eyes in all six facial expressions. Moreover, longer fixation time spent was recorded (1) at the points of a mouth in the disgust expression ; (2) at the points of a nose in the fear ; (3) at the points of eyebrows in the anger and the sadness.
小崎 道雄 飯野 久和 クスワント カプティ ラハユ Michio Kozaki Hisakazu Iino Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto Laboratory of Food biotechnology Faculty of Agricultural technology Gajah Mada University
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.6, pp.101-106, 1997-03-31

Brem cake is a traditional fermented rice cake made from glutinous rice in east and central Java island, and eaten mainly as snack food. This cake divid into two types, one is Madium type (ash-yellow colour, sweet-sour flavour, small rectangle plate) another is Wonogiri type (white colour, solide sweet flavour, thin round block). Microorganisms concerning with fermentation was Saccharomycopsis spp. and Mucorales for degradation of rice starch. Saccharomyces is mainly concerned in alcohol fermentation.
藤波 朋子 高瀬 亜津子 飯野 久和 大沢 眞澄
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 (ISSN:09182276)
vol.10, pp.31-42, 2001-03-31

本調査では、古糊の生成過程の微生物の関与を把握するために、金沢文化財保存修理研究所の調製した新糊と、貯蔵過程の古糊及び上層水を試料として、各々の微生物相を調べた。その結果、生成過程にある糊および糊上の水のpHは大寒の水交換時には貯蔵年数の多少にかかわらず3.0前後まで低下していることが確認され、貯蔵1年目より微生物によって生成された有機酸等により静菌作用が働いていることが推察された。しかし、その作用は1年よりも短い期間で既に発現していると予想されたため、その時期の確定および関与する微生物の確認には、年間を通しての微生物の挙動およびそれに伴う貯蔵環境の変化について、より詳細に調査することが必要であると考えられた。また、比較的低温下でも生育が認められる微生物が多く分離されたことから、冷暗所に貯蔵中も微生物による緩やかな関与を受けている状態であることがわかった。このことから、微生物の関与速度をより詳細に検討することにより、糊の熟成との関係をより明確にすることができると考えた。さらに、分離菌の菌体外への酵素生産性は弱かったことから、低温度環境下における微生物によるデンプンの低分子化は、非常に緩やかに行われることが示唆された。これらのことから、古糊生成過程における微生物の主要な役割は、微生物生育に伴うpH低下で生じる静菌作用や菌膜形成による菌股下環境の制御による、糊に関与することのできる微生物種の選択及び微生物量の制限等の、糊熟成のコントロールにあると推察した。研究試料について、色々とご指導いただいた、金沢文化財保存修理研究所所長 川口法男氏をはじめ、馬場秀雄氏、荒木史氏に感謝いたします。なお、本研究の一部は日本文化財科学会第15回大会(講演要旨集P61,190-191(1998年))、文化財保存修復学会第20回大会(講演要旨集P40,116-117(1998年))にて発表した。
安宅 信行 横須賀 洋平 Nobuyuki Ataka Yohei Yokosuka 昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科生活機構学専攻 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HUMAN LIFE SCIENCES SHOWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY SHOWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.17, pp.111-119, 2008-01-01

The five-story pagodas in Japan date back 1400 years or more. Despite the occurrence of many earthquakes during this period, there is no record of these pagodas being destroyed by earthquakes. Therefore, it is believed that these pagodas are earthquake resistant. However, the reason underlying this resistance has not been clarified yet. Of the various theories, that have been put forth, the most plausible explanation is that one offered by the snake-dance theory. According to this theory, the rocking movements of these pagodas during earthquakes, which resemble a snake dance, protects them from destruction. The pagodas are subjected to few horizontal vibrations during earthquakes. However, a structural model that can recreate these rocking vibrations has yet been created. While we attempted to create such a structural model on a laboratory scale, the aim of our study is that one of describing the structural process during the earthquake shaking, and explaining the results we obtain by writing reports.
田畑 久夫 Hisao Tabata
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09182276)
vol.12, pp.9-27, 2004-03-31

The history advocated by French scholars of the "Annales" School played a central role in the reform movement of history in the 20^<th> century. It is sometimes called 'New History' because it denied the main stream historical view of the 19^<th> century which emphasized a political history alone, and tried to grasp total history including an economic history, a social history, a cultural history etc. For the same purpose it also encouraged exchange between history and geography which attached importance to regional study. In particular, two historians, L. Febvre and M. Bloch, who edited the bulletin of the "Annales" School, ≪Annales d'histoire economique et sociale≫, were deeply interested in geography and introduced a geographical view into historical study. In this paper I first discussed the formation and development of the "Annales" School, paying special attention to its relations with geography. Next, I took up M. Bloch's ≪Les Caracteres originaux de l'Histoire rulale francaise≫, analyzed and studied it because this book best shows geographical influence among the books on historical study. And I concluded that the methodology of the "Annales" School can effectively be applied to regional study by geographers.
角田 由美子 岡村 浩
昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 (ISSN:09182276)
vol.2, pp.19-30, 1992-12-15

According to the current economic growth in Japan, the consumption of leather products is rapidly increasing with a diversity of consumer's needs. In order to satisfy these various demands, the combination tannage with chrome and other tanning agents or the retannage is adopted as a tanning procedure rather than relying on single method of chrome tanning. Formaldehyde has long been utilized to produce soft leathers, but there often were the cases to cause skin troubles such as allergic dermatitis. Consequently then as the alternative material, glutaraldehyde (dialdehyde) is currently examined. In this paper, examinations were performed regarding to the sweat resistant characteristic of glutaraldehyde treatment and retanning on with chrome leather. It was proved that the combined treated leather with glutaraldehyde and chrome tanning was excellent one as to the sweat resistancy. This effect would be due to the blocking of the basic groups of collagen fibers with glutaraldehyde and acidic groups with chrome complex salt.