Acharya BS Actis M Aghajani T Agnetta G Aguilar J Aharonian F Ajello M Akhperjanian A Alcubierre M Aleksic J Alfaro R Aliu E Allafort AJ Allan D Allekotte I Amato E Anderson J Anguner EO Antonelli LA Antoranz P Aravantinos A Arlen T Armstrong T Arnaldi H Arrabito L Asano K Ashton T Asorey HG Awane Y Baba H Babic A Baby N Bahr J Bais A Baixeras C Bajtlik S Balbo M Balis D Balkowski C Bamba A Bandiera R Barber A Barbier C Barcelo M Barnacka A Barnstedt J de Almeida UB Barrio JA Basili A Basso S Bastieri D Bauer C Baushev A Becerra J Becherini Y Bechtol KC Tjus JB Beckmann V Bednarek W Behera B Belluso M Benbow W Berdugo J Berger K Bernard F Bernardino T Bernlohr K Bhat N Bhattacharyya S Bigongiari C Biland A Billotta S Bird T Birsin E Bissaldi E Biteau J Bitossi M Blake S Bigas OB Blasi P Bobkov A Boccone V Boettcher M Bogacz L Bogart J Bogdan M Boisson C Gargallo JB Bolmont J Bonanno G Bonardi A Bonev T Bonifacio P Bonnoli G Bordas P Borgland A Borkowski J Bose R Botner O Bottani A Bouchet L Bourgeat M Boutonnet C Bouvier A Brau-Nogue S Braun I Bretz T Briggs M Bringmann T Brook P Brun P Brunetti L Buanes T Buckley J Buehler R Bugaev V Bulgarelli A Bulik T Busetto G Buson S Byrum K Cailles M Cameron R Camprecios J Canestrari R Cantu S Capalbi M Caraveo P Carmona E Carosi A Carr J Carton PH Casanova S Casiraghi M Catalano O Cavazzani S Cazaux S Cerruti M Chabanne E Chadwick P Champion C Chen A Chiang J Chiappetti L Chikawa M Chitnis VR Chollet F Chudoba J Cieslar M Cillis A Cohen-Tanugi J Colafrancesco S Colin P Calome J Colonges S Compin M Conconi P Conforti V Connaughton V Conrad J Contreras JL Coppi P Corona P Corti D Cortina J Cossio L Costantini H Cotter G Courty B Couturier S Covino S Crimi G Criswell SJ Croston J Cusumano G Dafonseca M Dale O Daniel M Darling J Davids I Dazzi F De Angelis A De Caprio V De Frondat F Dal Pino EMD de la Calle I De La Vega GA Lopez RD De Lotto B De Luca A Neto JRTD de Naurois M de Oliveira Y Wilhelmi ED de Souza V Decerprit G Decock G Deil C Delagnes E Deleglise G Delgado C Della Volpe D Demange P Depaola G Dettlaff A Di Paola A Di Pierro F Diaz C Dick J Dickherber R Dickinson H Diez-Blanco V Digel S Dimitrov D Disset G Djannati-Atai A Doert M Dohmke M Domainko W Prester DD Donat A Dorner D Doro M Dournaux JL Drake G Dravins D Drury L Dubois F Dubois R Dubus G Dufour C Dumas D Dumm J Durand D Dyks J Dyrda M Ebr J Edy E Egberts K Eger P Einecke S Eleftheriadis C Elles S Emmanoulopoulos D Engelhaupt D Enomoto R Ernenwein JP Errando M Etchegoyen A Evans P Falcone A Fantinel D Farakos K Farnier C Fasola G Favill B Fede E Federici S Fegan S Feinstein F Ferenc D Ferrando P Fesquet M Fiasson A Fillin-Martino E Fink D Finley C Finley JP Fiorini M Curcoll RF Flores H Florin D Focke W Fohr C Fokitis E Font L Fontaine G Fornasa M Forster A Fortson L Fouque N Franckowiak A Fransson C Fraser G Frei R Albuquerque IFM Fresnillo L Fruck C Fujita Y Fukazawa Y Fukui Y Funk S Gabele W Gabici S Gabriele R Gadola A Galante N Gall D Gallant Y Gamez-Garcia J Garcia B Lopez RG Gardiol D Garrido D Garrido L Gascon D Gaug M Gaweda J Gebremedhin L Geffroy N Gerard L Ghedina A Ghigo M Giannakaki E Gianotti F Giarrusso S Giavitto G Giebels B Gika V Giommi P Girard N Giro E Giuliani A Glanzman T Glicenstein JF Godinovic N Golev V Berisso MG Gomez-Ortega J Gonzalez MM Gonzalez A Gonzalez F Munoz AG Gothe KS Gougerot M Graciani R Grandi P Granena F Granot J Grasseau G Gredig R Green A Greenshaw T Gregoire T Grimm O Grube J Grudzinska M Gruev V Grunewald S Grygorczuk J Guarino V Gunji S Gyuk G Hadasch D Hagiwara R Hahn J Hakansson N Hallgren A Heras NH Hara S Hardcastle MJ Harris J Hassan T Hatanaka K Haubold T Haupt A Hayakawa T Hayashida M Heller R Henault F Henri G Hermann G Hermel R Herrero A Hidaka N Hinton J Hoffmann D Hofmann W Hofverberg P Holder J Horns D Horville D Houles J Hrabovsky M Hrupec D Huan H Huber B Huet JM Hughes G Humensky TB Huovelin J Ibarra A Illa JM Impiombato D Incorvaia S Inoue S Inoue Y Ioka K Ismailova E Jablonski C Jacholkowska A Jamrozy M Janiak M Jean P Jeanney C Jimenez JJ Jogler T Johnson T Journet L Juffroy C Jung I Kaaret P Kabuki S Kagaya M Kakuwa J Kalkuhl C Kankanyan R Karastergiou A Karcher K Karczewski M Karkar S Kasperek A Kastana D Katagiri H Kataoka J Katarzynski K Katz U Kawanaka N Kellner-Leidel B Kelly H Kendziorra E Khelifi B Kieda DB Kifune T Kihm T Kishimoto T Kitamoto K Kluzniak W Knapic C Knapp J Knodlseder J Kock F Kocot J Kodani K Kohne JH Kohri K Kokkotas K Kolitzus D Komin N Kominis I Konno Y Koppel H Korohoda P Kosack K Koss G Kossakowski R Kostka P Koul R Kowal G Koyama S Koziol J Krahenbuhl T Krause J Krawzcynski H Krennrich F Krepps A Kretzschmann A Krobot R Krueger P Kubo H Kudryavtsev VA Kushida J Kuznetsov A La Barbera A La Palombara N La Parola V La Rosa G Lacombe K Lamanna G Lande J Languignon D Lapington J Laporte P Lavalley C Le Flour T Le Padellec A Lee SH Lee WH de Oliveira MAL Lelas D Lenain JP Leopold DJ Lerch T Lessio L Lieunard B Lindfors E Liolios A Lipniacka A Lockart H Lohse T Lombardi S Lopatin A Lopez M Lopez-Coto R Lopez-Oramas A Lorca A Lorenz E Lubinski P Lucarelli F Ludecke H Ludwin J Luque-Escamilla PL Lustermann W Luz O Lyard E Maccarone MC Maccarone TJ Madejski GM Madhavan A Mahabir M Maier G Majumdar P Malaguti G Maltezos S Manalaysay A Mancilla A Mandat D Maneva G Mangano A Manigot P Mannheim K Manthos I Maragos N Marcowith A Mariotti M Marisaldi M Markoff S Marszalek A Martens C Marti J Martin JM Martin P Martinez G Martinez F Martinez M Masserot A Mastichiadis A Mathieu A Matsumoto H Mattana F Mattiazzo S Maurin G Maxfield S Maya J Mazin D Mc Comb L McCubbin N McHardy I McKay R Medina C Melioli C Melkumyan D Mereghetti S Mertsch P Meucci M Michalowski J Micolon P Mihailidis A Mineo T Minuti M Mirabal N Mirabel F Miranda JM Mirzoyan R Mizuno T Moal B Moderski R Mognet I Molinari E Molinaro M Montaruli T Monteiro I Moore P Olaizola AM Mordalska M Morello C Mori K Mottez F Moudden Y Moulin E Mrusek I Mukherjee R Munar-Adrover P Muraishi H Murase K Murphy A Nagataki S Naito T Nakajima D Nakamori T Nakayama K Naumann C Naumann D Naumann-Godo M Nayman P Nedbal D Neise D Nellen L Neustroev V Neyroud N Nicastro L Nicolau-Kuklinski J Niedzwiecki A Niemiec J Nieto D Nikolaidis A Nishijima K Nolan S Northrop R Nosek D Nowak N Nozato A O'Brien P Ohira Y Ohishi M Ohm S Ohoka H Okuda T Okumura A Olive JF Ong RA Orito R Orr M Osborne J Ostrowski M Otero LA Otte N Ovcharov E Oya I Ozieblo A Padilla L Paiano S Paillot D Paizis A Palanque S Palatka M Pallota J Panagiotidis K Panazol JL Paneque D Panter M Paoletti R Papayannis A Papyan G Paredes JM Pareschi G Parks G Parraud JM Parsons D Arribas MP Pech M Pedaletti G Pelassa V Pelat D Perez MDC Persic M Petrucci PO Peyaud B Pichel A Pita S Pizzolato F Platos L Platzer R Pogosyan L Pohl M Pojmanski G Ponz JD Potter W Poutanen J Prandini E Prast J Preece R Profeti F Prokoph H Prouza M Proyetti M Puerto-Gimenez I Puhlhofer G Puljak I Punch M Pyziol R Quel EJ Quinn J Quirrenbach A Racero E Rajda PJ Ramon P Rando R Rannot RC Rataj M Raue M Reardon P Reimann O Reimer A Reimer O Reitberger K Renaud M Renner S Reville B Rhode W Ribo M Ribordy M Richer MG Rico J Ridky J Rieger F Ringegni P Ripken J Ristori PR Riviere A Rivoire S Rob L Roeser U Rohlfs R Rojas G Romano P Romaszkan W Romero GE Rosen S Lees SR Ross D Rouaix G Rousselle J Rousselle S Rovero AC Roy F Royer S Rudak B Rulten C Rupinski M Russo F Ryde F Sacco B Saemann EO Saggion A Safiakian V Saito K Saito T Saito Y Sakaki N Sakonaka R Salini A Sanchez F Sanchez-Conde M Sandoval A Sandaker H Sant'Ambrogio E Santangelo A Santos EM Sanuy A Sapozhnikov L Sarkar S Sartore N Sasaki H Satalecka K Sawada M Scalzotto V Scapin V Scarcioffolo M Schafer J Schanz T Schlenstedt S Schlickeiser R Schmidt T Schmoll J Schovanek P Schroedter M Schultz C Schultze J Schulz A Schure K Schwab T Schwanke U Schwarz J Schwarzburg S Schweizer T Schwemmer S Segreto A Seiradakis JH Sembroski GH Seweryn K Sharma M Shayduk M Shellard RC Shi J Shibata T Shibuya A Shum E Sidoli L Sidz M Sieiro J Sikora M Silk J Sillanpaa A Singh BB Sitarek J Skole C Smareglia R Smith A Smith D Smith J Smith N Sobczynska D Sol H Sottile G Sowinski M Spanier F Spiga D Spyrou S Stamatescu V Stamerra A Starling R Stawarz L Steenkamp R Stegmann C Steiner S Stergioulas N Sternberger R Sterzel M Stinzing F Stodulski M Straumann U Strazzeri E Stringhetti L Suarez A Suchenek M Sugawara R Sulanke KH Sun S Supanitsky AD Suric T Sutcliffe P Sykes J Szanecki M Szepieniec T Szostek A Tagliaferri G Tajima H Takahashi H Takahashi K Takalo L Takami H Talbot C Tammi J Tanaka M Tanaka S Tasan J Tavani M Tavernet JP Tejedor LA Telezhinsky I Temnikov P Tenzer C Terada Y Terrier R Teshima M Testa V Tezier D Thuermann D Tibaldo L Tibolla O Tiengo A Tluczykont M Peixoto CJT Tokanai F Tokarz M Toma K Torii K Tornikoski M Torres DF Torres M Tosti G Totani T Toussenel C Tovmassian G Travnicek P Trifoglio M Troyano I Tsinganos K Ueno H Umehara K Upadhya SS Usher T Uslenghi M Valdes-Galicia JF Vallania P Vallejo G van Driel W van Eldik C Vandenbrouke J Vanderwalt J Vankov H Vasileiadis G Vassiliev V Veberic D Vegas I Vercellone S Vergani S Veyssiere C Vialle JP Viana A Videla M Vincent P Vincent S Vink J Vlahakis N Vlahos L Vogler P Vollhardt A von Gunten HP Vorobiov S Vuerli C Waegebaert V Wagner R Wagner RG Wagner S Wakely SP Walter R Walther T Warda K Warwick R Wawer P Wawrzaszek R Webb N Wegner P Weinstein A Weitzel Q Welsing R Werner M Wetteskind H White R Wierzcholska A Wiesand S Wilkinson M Williams DA Willingale R Winiarski K Wischnewski R Wisniewski L Wood M Wornlein A Xiong Q Yadav KK Yamamoto H Yamamoto T Yamazaki R Yanagita S Yebras JM Yelos D Yoshida A Yoshida T Yoshikoshi T Zabalza V Zacharias M Zajczyk A Zanin R Zdziarski A Zech A Zhao A Zhou X Zietara K Ziolkowski J Ziolkowski P Zitelli V Zurbach C Zychowski P
vol.43, pp.3-18, 2013
Sekimoto S. Watanabe C. Minami H. Yamamoto T. Kashiwagi T. Klemm Richard A. Kadowaki K.
American Institute of Physics
Applied physics letters (ISSN:00036951)
vol.103, no.18, pp.182601, 2013-10
67 5

Using a modified mesa structure of high-Tc superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ with a thin underlaying base superconductor (∼3 μm), the effective working temperature of the continuous and monochromatic terahertz emitter is extended up to 70 K, and the maximum power of ∼30 μW at 0.44 THz is achieved at the relatively high temperature of T b = 55 K in a low bias current retrapping region. The diverging behavior of the intensity occurring at 55 K in the low current regime without hot spot formation may provide us an important clue for the stronger THz radiation from intrinsic Josephson junction devices.
Benseman T. M. Gray K. E. Koshelev A. E. Kwok W.-K. Welp U. Minami H. Kadowaki K. Yamamoto T.
American Institute of Physics
Applied physics letters (ISSN:00036951)
vol.103, no.02, pp.022602, 2013-07
107 8

Stacks of intrinsic Josephson junctions in high-temperature superconductors enable the fabrication of compact sources of coherent terahertz radiation. Here, we demonstrate that multiple stacks patterned on the same Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystal can—under optimized conditions—be synchronized to emit high-power THz-radiation. For three synchronized stacks, we achieved 610 μW of continuous-wave coherent radiation power at 0.51 THz. We suggest that synchronization is promoted by THz-waves in the base crystal. We note that synchronization cannot be achieved in all samples. However even in these cases, powers on the 100-μW scale can be generated.
Turkoglu F Koseoglu H Demirhan Y Ozyuzer L Preu S Malzer S Simsek Y Müller P Yamamoto T Kadowaki K
IOP Publishing
Superconductor science & technology (ISSN:09532048)
vol.25, no.12, pp.125004, 2012-10
39 16

We fabricated rectangular mesa structures of superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Bi2212) using e-beam lithography and Ar ion beam etching techniques for terahertz (THz) emission. c-axis resistance versus temperature (R–T), current–voltage (I–V) characteristics and bolometric THz power measurements were performed to characterize Bi2212 mesas. The emission frequency of mesas was determined using a Michelson interferometer setup which also demonstrates polarized emission. Interference patterns of THz radiation from Bi2212 mesas were detected by various detectors such as a liquid helium cooled silicon composite bolometer, a Golay cell and a pyroelectric detector. An emitted power as high as 0.06 mW was detected from Bi2212 mesas. For the first time, most of the pumped power was extracted as THz emission from a Bi2212 mesa. The radiation at 0.54 THz was detected using the Michelson interferometric setup.
Koshelev A. E. Buzdin A. I. Kakeya I. Yamamoto T. Kadowaki K.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.83, no.22, pp.224515, 2011-06

In strongly anisotropic layered superconductors in tilted magnetic fields, the Josephson vortex lattice coexists with the lattice of pancake vortices. Due to the interaction between them, the dissipation of the Josephson vortex lattice is very sensitive to the presence of the pancake vortices. If the c-axis magnetic field is smaller than the corresponding lower critical field, the pancake stacks are not formed but the individual pancakes may exist in the fluctuational regime either near the surface in large-size samples or in the central region for small-size mesas. We calculate the contribution of such fluctuating pancake vortices to the c-axis conductivity of the Josephson vortex lattice and compare the theoretical results with measurements on small mesas fabricated out of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystals. A fingerprint of fluctuating pancakes is a characteristic exponential dependence of the c-axis conductivity observed experimentally. Our results provide strong evidence of the existence of the fluctuating pancakes and their influence on the Josephson vortex lattice dissipation.