小笠原 真
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.38, no.1, pp.33-50, 1989-11-25

This paper studies Charles H.Cooley (1864-1929), who is known in the history of American sociology as one of the "Next Four", as distinct from the "First Big Four". In considering the gist of his sociology, I shall focus on his trilogy, Human Nature and the Social Order(1902), Social Organization : a study of the larger mind (1909) and Social Process(1918), which are the works in which he established his sociology, or psychological sociology. I shall also refer to Life and the Student: roadside notes on human nature, society, and letters(1927), a collection of his essays, to sociological Theory and Social Research (1930) edited by Cooley's nephew Robert C. Angell(1899-), a postumous work containing twelve papers and a bibliography. My particular concerns are : "sympathetic introspection" or "sympathetic participation," a concept emphasized in Cooley's ideas on the objects of sociology and on the methodology of sociology in particular ; his ideas on the relationships between individuals and society, and his"organic view of history," which underlies those ideas ; the meaning of the "looking-glass self" and the "primary group", the two concepts Cooley invented, making his name remembered forever. As a conclusion I shall point out some problems and difficulties with his sociology.


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