牧野 英三
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.32, no.1, pp.107-127, 1983-11-25

During the term of the Shunie of the Todaiji Temple, from the first to the fifteenth of March, the Kakocho, list of the departed remarkable for meritorious services to the temple, is read in a chanting tone after the Karichozu, which means a brief recess for urination, on two days of the term, the fifth and the twelfth. The priest in charge of chanting the Kakocho is the Kitashu-no ichi, chief of the four common priests sitting in the north seat in the hall together with two superiors, for the twelfth, and one of the three common priests also seated with another two superiors in the south seat, or a common priest who has taken part in his fifth year's cult, for the fifth. The original of the Kakocho in existence, put in good repair in the eighth year of Kambun (1668 A.D.), is a scroll about thirty meters in lenght with eighty sheets of paper pasted together. After that time on the names of the departed have been written down in a separate scroll, and those put on record so far in the two scrolls exceed 3700 in the aggregate. The first part of the Kakocho is read off rather in a slow repressed tone, the second being chanted in a higher tone and pitch. The third part is read almost straight on, and the chanting of the last is finished off in a slow stream. The time required for this is about forty minutes.


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ついに、これはUnicodeに載ってないのか?スキャンが不鮮明だけど。 學の上の部分に孜ではないか?(學は学の旧字 ) 東大寺修二会の過去帳 https://t.co/V72dZNlu3R ここに載っている174番目 元『學孜』法師(がんごう ほっし)。 https://t.co/GyXSIs2jKu
車偏に夸 (袴の旁)って漢字、Unicodeに無いっぽいなあ ついに出たか… 東大寺修二会の過去帳 https://t.co/V72dZNlu3R ここに載っている146番目 造寺司当『車夸』弁 (ぞうじつかさ まさもとの べん)。
思う処あって、東大寺の過去帳のデータを見る。 https://t.co/gGKIMIuplz
二月堂修二会過去帳冒頭部のリストなど(声明の音楽的解析の論文|東大寺二月堂声明(XII-a)過去帳|奈良教育大学学術リポジトリ https://t.co/IYtGQtPbzc
東大寺二月堂声明 過去長 (東大寺創建以来の有縁の人名207万余名を記載。読み上げるのは約460名。5日と12日のみ。聖武天皇から始まり309番目に頼朝、328番目に青衣の女人) https://t.co/wvGAWDgwRa

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