林 鳴宇 Mingwu Lin
東洋文化研究 = Journal of Asian cultures (ISSN:13449850)
no.7, pp.321-347, 2005-03-31

The offering of the body for burning is a kind of a Buddhistic self-immolation. Based on the Buddhism of Mahayana, the body is burned, and it is supposed to be the highest form of selfless giving. However, it is difficult to accept that a situation that causes such evident pain and an act that can occasionally be interpreted as recommending people to commit suicide are healthy religious acts. Conventionally, many of the Chinese emperors strictly forbade this offering. However, it was continuously practiced by Buddhists because they yearned to attain the Pure Land, by discarding the body and yearned to fulfill an important vow。 In the Chinese Tiantai school of Buddhism, which believes in the“Lotus Sutra,”some priests not only theoretically interpreted this practice, but many also practiced it. There exists a great difference in opinion regarding offering the body for burning, and it has been widely debated. The following three problems are discussed in this paper: (1) The origin of the practice of offering the body for burning. (2) Diverse views on offering the body for burning in Chinese Buddhism. (3) The offering of the body for burning in the Chinese Tiantai school of Buddhism.


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布施行として焼身供養(捨身供養)が有り、実際中国仏教では国家によって規制されてもやる人がいたわけで。実際には「与える」よりも「肉体を含む全ての自己所有物への執着を捨てる」事の方が重視されたのだろう。そういう意味でも現代的カルトと伝統的宗教の境界は難しい。 https://t.co/LQI1u8pzfh https://t.co/r1zhxbh2Fd
焼身して肉体の全てや一部を餓鬼道や畜生道の衆生に布施します。また、諸尊への供養の為にそう言う事を行います。 『法華経』や『梵網経』などにも記されています。 肉体に執着する事から逃れる為にも行われます。 南伝仏典にも幾つもそういった記述が見受けられます。 https://t.co/xEzUefukJ1

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