大山 牧子 根岸 千悠 山口 和也 オオヤマ マキコ ネギシ チハル ヤマグチ カズヤ Oyama Makiko Negishi Chiharu Yamaguchi Kazuya
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.4, pp.15-24, 2016-03-31

This study aimed to suggest an opinion for the design of a flipped classroom through examining acase study in which the practicality of a flipped classroom in chemistry lessons was studied. In recent years, deep learning for students has become a matter of strong interest for higher education. Flipped learning has become widespread in higher education. This new instructional strategy is different from the ones used in a conventional classroom in which students carry out desk work. In a flipped classroom, instructional content is delivered online and outside the classroom. On the other hand, group work is conducted inside the classroom. This study focused on the use of a flipped classroom in a “Basic Inorganic Chemistry” class for sophomores in Osaka University. It was found that most students were satisfied with this method. Students established their own strategy of self-learning through watching videos and deeply understood the instructional content through mutual teaching and learning in group work. The findings demonstrated that the factors that promote a flipped classroom include designing students’ activities, learning objectives, and learning environment inside and outside of class (both before and after class).


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大山牧子・根岸千悠・山口和也(2016)「学生の理解を深める反転授業の授業デザインの特徴 : 大学における化学の授業を事例に」『大阪大学高等教育研究』 https://t.co/YKbrg1dVxO

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