安部(小貫) 有紀子 川嶋 太津夫 山口 和也 妹尾 純子 安部(小貫) 有紀子 Abe(Onuki) Yukiko Kawashima Tastuo Yamaguchi Kazuya Minamioka Hiroki Seno Junko アベ(オヌキ) ユキコ カワシマ タツオ ヤマグチ カズヤ ミナミオカ ヒロキ セノ ジュンコ
大阪大学高等教育研究 = Osaka University higher education studies (ISSN:21876002)
no.4, pp.35-42, 2016

The purpose of this paper is to share information about context trends of student learning outcomes A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a "Rubric" together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a "Rubric" is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves. and education reform in U.S. higher education. 5 members who are faculty and staffs at Osaka University conducted a field survey at 3 U.S. colleges and an association (Association of AmericanCollege & Universities) in March 9-13 2015. Surveyed 3 colleges (Carnegie Melon University (CMU),James Madison University (JMU), University of Maryland) are selected by variety backgrounds. Thispaper is constituted with focus on interviews with key persons at an association and colleges.The learner-centered philosophy since the mid-1980s leaded education reform powerfully in U.S. higher education. It is trends in provision of subject about "a scholarship in practice" in a general education curriculum. 3 colleges work on a student learning outcomes assessment in curriculums. Central management offices in colleges like an institutional research and development of teaching and learning, support assessment activities in each department and programs. It is called "a liaison model" and "a client model." A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a "Rubric" together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a "Rubric" is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves.
安部(小貫) 有紀子 川嶋 太津夫 山口 和也 南岡 宏樹 妹尾 純子 アベ(オヌキ) ユキコ カワシマ タツオ ヤマグチ カズヤ ミナミオカ ヒロキ セノ ジュンコ Abe(Onuki) Yukiko Kawashima Tastuo Yamaguchi Kazuya Minamioka Hiroki Seno Junko
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.4, pp.35-42, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to share information about context trends of student learning outcomes A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a “Rubric” together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a “Rubric” is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves. and education reform in U.S. higher education. 5 members who are faculty and staffs at Osaka University conducted a field survey at 3 U.S. colleges and an association (Association of AmericanCollege & Universities) in March 9-13 2015. Surveyed 3 colleges (Carnegie Melon University (CMU),James Madison University (JMU), University of Maryland) are selected by variety backgrounds. Thispaper is constituted with focus on interviews with key persons at an association and colleges.The learner-centered philosophy since the mid-1980s leaded education reform powerfully in U.S. higher education. It is trends in provision of subject about “a scholarship in practice” in a general education curriculum. 3 colleges work on a student learning outcomes assessment in curriculums. Central management offices in colleges like an institutional research and development of teaching and learning, support assessment activities in each department and programs. It is called “a liaison model” and “a client model.” A general education assessment is focus on student learning outcomes. It is affected by demand from the federal government and an area accreditation association. An assessment process is a good opportunity for faculty development itself as discussing student learning and an educational philosophy for faculty members each other. The new trend is making a “Rubric” together as part of an assessment process in recent years. Because a “Rubric” is an one of good tools for creating a visualization of an internal assessment criterion in faculty themselves.
相 正人 山口 武人 尾高 健夫 三橋 佳苗 宍戸 忠幸 山口 和也 税所 宏光
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.62, no.2, pp.45-49, 2003-05-31 (Released:2014-04-03)
3 2

【目的】大腸内視鏡検査における芍薬甘草湯(TJ-68)の腸管収縮抑制効果を明らかにする。【対象/方法】対象は前投薬未施行で大腸内視鏡検査を行った26例。肛門から約25cmのS状結腸まで内視鏡を挿入し,全体像の把握が可能な収縮輪を規定,内視鏡との距離を保ちビデオ記録を行った。記録はTJ-68散布前3分間と,TJ-68(0.5gを微温湯50mlに溶解)を注射器で緩徐に散布した後の3分間行った。記録開始から30秒毎の計12回の画像から収縮輪内腔面積を画像解析ソフトによりpixel数として計測し,TJ-68散布前後の面積変化をグラフ化した。得られたグラフから散布前後のarea under the curve(AUC)を算出し比較検討した。【結果】TJ-68散布前のAUCは平均で41,057pixels・min,散布後は98,348 pixels・minであり,散布後有意な増大を認めた。【結論】TJ-68の大腸粘膜直接散布により明らかな腸管収縮抑制を認めた。TJ-68が大腸内視鏡検査時の収縮抑制剤となり得ることが示唆された。
山口 和也

光合成細菌にニッケル含有酵素ウレアーゼが存在することは、これまでほとんど知られていない。本研究において、紅色無硫黄細菌であるRhodobacter capsulatusがウレアーゼを生合成することを見いだし、さらにこの細菌のウレアーゼを単離精製することに初めて成功した。この光合成細菌は、通常の生育条件下ではウレアーゼを生合成することなく生育する。ところが、窒素源をアンモニウムイオンから尿素・アルギニン等に変え、窒素代謝系を制御することにより、この菌体におけるウレアーゼ生合成を誘導することができた。また、窒素飢餓条件下にすることで生合成されるウレアーゼの量が増加することも明らかになった。さらに、ウレアーゼ生合成過程においてニッケルイオンを添加するとウレアーゼ活性が著しく促進されることより、この細菌のウレアーゼも他の菌体のものと同様にニッケルを含む酵素であることも示唆された。光合成細菌中の色素や複合タンパク質の生成をおさえ、より多くのウレアーゼの単離精製を行なうために、暗所好気的条件下で培養した細菌からウレアーゼの精製を行なった。ウリアーゼ精製の際に用いるバッファーに2-メルカプトエタノールを添加することにより、精製効率は飛躍的に向上することが明らかになった。この添加剤は酵素の活性中心である複核ニッケルに架橋することにより酵素を安定化させる働きをしているものと考えられる。さらにイオン交換・疎水クロマト法により、従来単離されなかった光合成細菌のウレアーゼの精製に成功し、酵素比活性は38μmol(Urea)/min.mgまで向上した。SDSゲル電気泳動により、サブユニットの分子量は67KDであることも判明した。本研究により、高度に精製された新規の光合成細菌ウレアーゼが得られ、ウレアーゼの構造と機能の関連性を解明し生体中におけるニッケルイオン役割を明らかにするための礎が得られた。
大山 牧子 根岸 千悠 山口 和也 オオヤマ マキコ ネギシ チハル ヤマグチ カズヤ Oyama Makiko Negishi Chiharu Yamaguchi Kazuya
大阪大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:21876002)
vol.4, pp.15-24, 2016-03-31

This study aimed to suggest an opinion for the design of a flipped classroom through examining acase study in which the practicality of a flipped classroom in chemistry lessons was studied. In recent years, deep learning for students has become a matter of strong interest for higher education. Flipped learning has become widespread in higher education. This new instructional strategy is different from the ones used in a conventional classroom in which students carry out desk work. In a flipped classroom, instructional content is delivered online and outside the classroom. On the other hand, group work is conducted inside the classroom. This study focused on the use of a flipped classroom in a “Basic Inorganic Chemistry” class for sophomores in Osaka University. It was found that most students were satisfied with this method. Students established their own strategy of self-learning through watching videos and deeply understood the instructional content through mutual teaching and learning in group work. The findings demonstrated that the factors that promote a flipped classroom include designing students’ activities, learning objectives, and learning environment inside and outside of class (both before and after class).