Yuki Masaki Maddux William W. Masuda Takahiko
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (ISSN:00221031)
vol.43, no.2, pp.303-311, 2007-03
212 4

The current research investigated the hypothesis that, depending on an individual’s cultural background, facial cues in different parts of the face are weighted differently when interpreting emotions. Given that the eyes are more difficult to control than the mouth when people express emotions, we predicted that individuals in cultures where emotional subduction is the norm (such as Japan) would focus more strongly on the eyes than the mouth when interpreting others’ emotions. By contrast, we predicted that people in cultures where overt emotional expression is the norm (such as the US) would tend to interpret emotions based on the position of the mouth, because it is the most expressive part of the face. This hypothesis was confirmed in two studies, one using illustrated faces, and one using edited facial expressions from real people, in which emotional expressions in the eyes and mouth were independently manipulated. Implications for our understanding of cross-cultural psychology, as well of the psychology of emotional interpretation, are discussed.


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[america] 日本とアメリカでの笑顔の味方が違う論文

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Emoticon can express cultural difference…? (顔文字にも文化が表れる・・・?) Have you ever seen this kind of emoticons? (^_^) or (;_;) These are Japanese style emoticons that can be understood without tilting your ...

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Yuki et al. (2007). Are the windows to the soul the same in the East and West? Cultural differences in using the eyes and mouth as cues to recognize emotions in Japan and the United States. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. https://t.co/I94eWkn90O https://t.co/MLJr57OctJ https://t.co/02StF67QL7
言われてみたらそうですね。面白いインサイト。調査としては、北海道大学が過去に研究してるみたい(下記) https://t.co/PnA6EM5j2m 僕は、単に2バイトアスキーで表現の幅が広がったのだろうと思ってました。中国も日本に似た顔文字あるし。 https://t.co/YxOkPXoqSi
@rx149thomas if you are going to spit in the eye of science do it to my face https://t.co/bSnEKVsq7l https://t.co/JSPjc89HAO
与太話としては私も面白いと思うんだ。ネットでバズッてもまあいいと思う。でも学者が主張する学説としてはどうかなー?という(北大の先生が主張している)(論文出てるのか。査読通ったのかな?査読がある文化圏なのかな?)。 リンク(まだ読んでない):https://t.co/9jPxC8Q3y4
https://t.co/EdNFiKihpW COMM
表情認識の日欧比較、これが出典っぽい?10年で250以上引用されてて結構有名なんだろうか。似たようなことを何回か耳にしたことあるけど全部ここ由来かな。 https://t.co/XlF7bAEtvo J Exper Soc Psychol, 2007
10年以上前のコレもそうかな? https://t.co/YE6VyjcKh0 https://t.co/xqKZkyNU5L
@malony_0 これかにゃ Cultural differences in using the eyes and mouth as cues to recognize emotions in Japan and the United States https://t.co/3bqyOAsjUt
日本の顔文字は目の形をもって感情を表現し、アメリカでは口の形をもって感情表現をする。 日米で行った実験では、実際の対人でも同じルールで表情知覚をしていることを実証している。 https://t.co/jWS9M61Boo http://t.co/ZCENTqIJ9n
Cultural differences in using the eyes & mouth as cues to recognize emotions in JP & the US http://t.co/0ufGT90v via @sspoede
Cultural differences in using the eyes and mouth as cues to recognize emotions in Japan and the US @anxiaostudio @1rick http://t.co/0TH4rpq6

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