二瓶 マリ子
アメリカ太平洋研究 (ISSN:13462989)
vol.8, pp.151-164, 2008-03

This paper examines the social conditions of Mexican American youths of the 1940s, particularly of a group known as the pachucos. Pachuco is a term that refers to working-class Mexican American male youths who wore zoot suits in southwestern cities during the 1940s. Often seen as gangsters by mainstream Los Angeles the pahucos became increasingly marginalized in the city.//Thirty years later during the 1970s many ethnic groups began to undergo a phenomenon known as ethnic revival or an awakening of their own ethnicity. Under this influence, some Mexican American intellectuals and artists such as Luis Valdez and Ruben Salazar recognized the pachuco as the origin of Mexican American consciousness.//Why did some Mexican Americans of the 1970s equate the pachucos with their ethnic origin in spite that they were terribly feared and despised a generation ago? There were several Mexican heroes such as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata who could be used as the origin of ethnic consciousness. But why did the pachucos feature as the roots of this ethnic awakening?//This paper deals with this question by looking at the relationship between pachucos and other ethnic groups in Los Angeles during the 1940s. It does so, by analyzing two historical incidents that involved pachucos: the Sleepy Lagoon murder in 1942 and the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943.


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ジェイムズ・エルロイの『ビッグ・ノーウェア』で言及される「スリーピー・ラグーン事件」とズート・スーツに関して検索したらそのものズバリの論文があった →  1940 年代初期ロサンゼルスにおける メキシコ系米国人若者集団の状況 https://t.co/A5O3bd3G3c
「メキシコ系米国人」はメキシコに 出自を持つ人びと全般を指す。一方「チカノ」は、アングロ系とは異なる対抗的アイデンティティを探求し、村田が言うところの「『一枚岩のわれわれ』という自己イメージ」を持って団結するメキシコ系米国人を指す。 https://t.co/twB6SwVXIc
〈パチューコ(pachuco)と呼ばれた彼らを、 周囲. の人びとは「ギャング集団」とみなし、疎外していたのである〉1940 年代初期ロサンゼルスにおける メキシコ系米国人若者集団の状況 二 瓶 マリ子 https://t.co/twB6SwVXIc

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