耳塚 寛明 苅谷 剛彦 樋田 大二郎
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.21, pp.29-52, 1982-03-10

The aim of this study is to find the relations of school organizational structure and non-organizational treatment to students career formation. We studied the relation of "Student Subculture and School Organization in Japanese High school" in 1979, which was reported in this bulletin in 1981. In that study, we showed the importance of school organization and teachers' perspecctives as intervening variables. In this study, we focused on student career formation as an output variable. And we researched how student career formation is influenced by organizational and non-organizational features of the individual school. We tried three case studies. Each case contains two schools which have the same background. By this method, we could clarify school organizational and non-organizational effect on student career formation with any other variables controlled. The data we used are sub-samples of the former study in 1979. The number of the survey objects include 6 high schools, 6 staffs a school, 750 students and 68 teachers.


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ITOモデルに関してメモ。 「学校組織の存立メカニズムに関する研究-高等学校の階層構造と学校組織-」 https://t.co/OWAa0pk9s7 「高等学校における学習活動の組織と生徒の進路意識 : 高校生の生徒文化と学校経営(2)」 https://t.co/1mLnBi7Lz5

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