海老根 理絵
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.50, pp.149-158, 2011-03-10

The purpose of this study is to assess qualitatively the structure of the positive attitude toward life in adolescence and to develop, based on the results, a scale that measures the positive attitude toward life. In Study 1, I conducted the open-ended format survey of 54 university students on the attitude toward life and classify the obtained data with the KJ method. As a result, it was made clear by the findings of previous works that the psychological structure model obtained in Study 1 was valid as a structure model on the positive psychology characteristic in adolescence. In Study 2, based on the results of Study 1, I made a 46-item scale on the positive attitude toward life, and applied it to 252 adolescents. The factor analysis with the promax rotation indicated 5 subscales, 25 items. The alpha coefficient ranged from .76 to .91, and the retest reliability after a two-week interval ranged from .82 to .94. Its construct validity was confirmed in the relationship with the fulfillment scale (Ohno, 1984) and SWLS (Kakuno, 1994).


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“UTokyo Repository: 青年期における人生に対する積極的態度に関する研究 : KJ法による検討と尺度の構成を中心として” https://t.co/qlh2i6MfPa #学生 #論文

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