山口 恭平 田口 賢太郎 松本 郁恵 関根 宏朗
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.21-39, 2012-03-10

In recent years, difficulties in living together with disparate others are discussed in the educational theory. Among such difficulties, we take up what originates in desire, especially sexuality. First of all, desire itself is examined refering to theory of A. Kojève and that of G.Bataille. Next, based on the analysis of desire, we examine three subjects. First, we take up 'queer pedagogy', whose purpose is to undo identities of subjects through reading. Second, we consider the possibility for sexual minorities themselves to undo others'identities through writing, taking up some works of O.Wilde. Third, unavoidable risk of sexuality in public sphere is examined through rethinking about thought of E.Fromm.


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