渡辺 偉夫
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.50, no.1, pp.29-36, 1997-05-28 (Released:2010-03-11)

A method for judging tsunami earthquake is proposed. The method uses a simple formula for calculating the judging factor α from JMA seismic intensity and epicentral distance. α corresponds to the difference between the tsunami magnitude by WATANABE (1995) Mto and JMA earthquake magnitude MJ. [WATANABE (1994)]We apply this method to some recent and some historical tsunamigenic earthquakes around the Japan Islands. The results are as follows.1) Among 19 tsunami earthquakes, eight earthquakes have α values of 0.6 or more and one has α value of 0.5.2) The criterion α≥0.6 is suitable for identifying tsunami earthquake, because number of tsunami earthquakes of α≥0.6 is almost the same as the number of earthquakes of Mto-MJ≥0.6.3) Historical earthquakes of 1605, 1611 and 1677 were tsunami earthquakes. However, the earthquake of 1793 had a normal tsunami.4) Tsunami earthquakes around the Japan Islands are distributed along the Japan trench, off the southeast coast of Hokkaido and along the Nankai trough. It must be noticed that two tsunami earthquakes of 1611 and 1896 occurred off the Sanriku coast, and the two tsunami earthquakes occurred simultaneously in 1605 off the Kii peninsula and the Tokai coast.
出射 隆文 堀家 正則 岩田 知孝
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.38, no.2, pp.217-232, 1985-06-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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We have investigated the characteristics of S coda waves on a sedimentary basin for examining if they may be applicable to estimate the stable amplification factor. The results are as follows: (1) R. M. S. amplitude ratios of coda waves observed on the basin to coda waves on the nearest rock site were inconsistednt with the ratios of S waves between the above two sites for frequecies lower than 3Hz. The ratios of coda waves scattered as much as those of S waves. (2) The phase velocities determined for coda waves on the basin were consistent with those of Rayleigh waves estimated by another study. (3) Comparing coda waves observed on the basin with those synthesized through convolving the SH wave response for the basin and the seismogram on the rock site, the former was much smaller than the latter. From the above three results, coda waves on the basin seem to consist of not only single-scattering S waves but also surface waves generated locally. It is therefore difficult to estimate reliable amplification factor from coda waves observed on the sedimentary basin.
津村 建四朗
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.20, no.1, pp.30-40, 1967-06-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Empirical formulas for the determination of the earthquake magnitude M from the duration of oscillation F-P have been derived from the observational data obtained by the Wakayama Micro-earthquake Observatory, Earthquake Research Institute.The instruments used by the Observatory and its substations are the short period vertical seismographs of the same characteristics (T1=1.0sec, T2=0.025sec, velocity sensibility=40-120uμ kine/mm at 1 to 10c/s).The formula obtained from the comparison of the F-P (sec) observed by the network with the M determined by the Japan Meteorological Agency is:M=-2.53+2.85log(F-P)+0.0014Δwhere Δ is the epicentral distance in km. This formula is applicable to the earthquakes with Δ<1000km and focal depth ≤60km.Since the coethclent for Δ is very small, the correction term of Δ can be neglected for the earthquakes with Δ<200km, and in this case the following simpler formula is more conveniently applied:M=-2.36+2.85log(F-P).The magnitudes obtained by the former and the latter formulas are designated, in the figures and table, MF-P and M′F-P respectively.The largest merits of this method are:1) Wide range of magnitude can be covered with a single seismograph, since there is no difficulty in reading F-P such as ‘saturation’ or ‘under exposure’ in the case of maximum amplitude.2) The treatment is very simple, especially for the earthquakes of short epicentral distances.
羽鳥 徳太郎
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.37, no.1, pp.23-29, 1984-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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By applying the Greens's law, the sea-level disturbance at the source area of the Nihonkai-Chubu tsunami (May 26, 1983) is calculated from the coastal inundation heights. By means of the same method, the volumes of the displaced water at the source area, V0, for 18 tsunamis are calculated, where the tsunami source area and the shoaling and refraction factors of the coastal heights are analyzed on the inverse and refraction diagrams, respectively. It is found that V0 is closely related to seismic moment, M0.1) For the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu tsunami, the height of the sea-level disturbance averaged over the tsunami source area is estimated to be 123cm, and the peak of 202cm seems to have disturbed in the southern part of the source area. The volume of the displaced water V0 is 12.3×1015cm3.2) The relation between V0 and tsunami magnitude (Imamura-Iida scale, m) is expressed aslogV0=0.6m+14.7, where the unit of V0 is ×1015cm3. Combining V0 and the seismic moment M0 (dyne-cm), which is empirically expressed aslogV0=0.78logM0-6.23.However, the V0 values for the 1896 Sanriku and 1946 Aleutian tsunamis such as “tsunami earthquake” and the Japan Sea tsunamis (the 1940 Shakotan, 1964 Niigata and the present tsunamis) generated by the high angle fault are three times larger then those of the obtained from the above equation.
加藤 護 日岡 惇
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.68, no.6, pp.151-161, 2016-03-10 (Released:2016-05-19)

Stone lanterns in temples and shrines often collapse and suffer damages when these sites are hit by a strong seismic ground motion. There have been several reports in Japan that large numbers of stone lanterns collapse in the direction of strong shaking at large earthquakes. Descriptions that stone lanterns were damaged by strong earthquakes frequently appear in historic Japanese documents. In this report, we examine whether it is possible to retrieve characteristics of historic ground motions from the ages and damages of stone lanterns at Kitano-Tenmangu Shrine and Iwashimizu-Hachimangu Shrine, Kyoto. We assume that if ground motions cause severe damages to stone lanterns, they would be removed from the site and be newly rebuilt thereafter, and occurrence of such events would be imprinted on the age distribution of stone lanterns. If the damages are minor, the damaged parts would be reused when stone lanterns are rebuilt at the site, and the damages of stone lanterns we find today could be used as records of occurrence of historical strong seismic ground motions and the direction of collapses. Scarcity of stone lanterns which were built before 17th century at Iwashimizu-Hachimangu Shrine as well as their increase at Kitano-Tenmangu Shrine in mid 19th century are likely results of strong earthquake and resultant damages at these sites. Ratios between numbers of damaged and undamaged stone lanterns at two sites vary with respect to their ages but they do not correlate with records of historic earthquakes in Kyoto. Damages of stone lanterns we observe today appear to distribute evenly with respect to the cardinal directions, whereas these damages are more often found in the rear of the stone lanterns. While the damages we find today could include those due to the historic earthquakes, stone lanterns at these sites are likely to be so maintained that damaged parts are rotated into the direction which makes the major damages less visible. We conclude that it is very difficult to estimate direction of historic strong motion at these sites from the statistics of damages of stone lanterns which we observe today.
堀 貞喜
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.39, no.3, pp.457-468, 1986-09-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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The upper mantle earthquake of MJMA=6.1 which occurred beneath the Kanto district on October 4, 1985 was investigated in detail for analyzing its difference from other earthquakes around this event. Most of the upper mantle earthquakes at depths of 60-80km beneath this region has been explained that they are the interplate earthquakes with the thrust type focal mechanisms caused by the subducting motion of the Pacific plate relative to the overriding plate. But the present event was not categorized into such a type of earthquakes; the focal mechanisms of the main- and the aftershocks were the strike slip types rather than the dip slip ones. Redetermination of the hypocenters of the main- and aftershocks by using selected stations and station corrections revealed that the focal are a of the present earthquake was not smoothly connected with other groups of the upper mantle earthquakes. The present event obviously occurred below the upper surface of the Pacific plate. Namely, it is concluded to be an intraplate earthquake. The Pacific plate seems to be Λ-shape structure in the vicinity of the focal area of the M 6.1 event, where the plate is considered to be strongly coupled with the overriding plate. It is likely that the local difference in the subducting rate of the Pacific plate between the northern and southern limbs of the plate caused the intraplate fructure along the hinge plane of the plate. It is suggested that the temporal variation of the pattern of seismic activity around the focal region of the present event is related to an occurrence of the M 6.1 event.
佐藤 泰夫
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.6, no.1, pp.13-35, 1953-08-30 (Released:2010-03-11)
羽鳥 徳太郎
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-6, 1987-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

Based on tide-gauge records, the Hyuganada tsunami of Aug. 7, 1984 is investigated. Adding the present data, the pattern of tsunami activity off the east coast of Kyushu since 1899 is discussed on a space-time diagram. The magnitude (Imamura-Iida scale) of the 1984 tsunami is estimated to be m=-1. This grade is small for an earthquake having magnitude of M=7.1. The source area of tsunami estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram agrees with the aftershock area, and the source length is 25km in the N-S direction. The initial motion of the tsunami was in an upward direction at Hyuga-Shirahama, but at Tosa-Shimizu and Muroto, the initial disturbance began with a down motion. It suggests the west side of the sea-bottom uplifted and the east side subsided.According to the geographic distribution of the source area of the Hyuganada tsunamis generated during the last 86 years (1899-1984), the tsunami sources are parallel to the bathymetric line and their region is divided by three groups: A) is located near the Kyushu coast, B) about 50km east from the Kyushu coast and C) off the Shikoku coast. A tsunami of each group was generated on extension of the major axis of the former source. Tsunami magnitudes (Imamura-Iida scale, m=0-1.5) of the A and C groups are larger than that of the B group. From the pattern of generating cycle, the northern part of the A group is considered a region of relatively high tsunami risk as a type of the 1941 earthquake.
羽鳥 徳太郎
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.48, no.1, pp.91-97, 1995-05-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

Accompanied with the Guam earthquake on Aug. 8, 1993 (epicenter: 13.0°N, 144.7°E, d=61km, Ms=8.0, USGS), a tsunami was observed at many tidal stations in Japan. Tsunami magnitude and the behavior of propagation are investigated, comparing with those of the 1990 Saipan tsunami (m=2). The travel times in West Japan were about 3.5 hours. The maximum double amplitude at Muroto and Tosa-Shimizu near the tip of peninsula reached 84cm with the wave-period of 8 minutes, and those in the Ryukyu Islands were relatively small. The distribution pattan of wave-heights is similar to that of the 1990 Saipan tsunami. By judging from the diagram of the attenuation of wave-height with distance, the tsunami magnitude on the Imamura-Iida scale was determined to be m=2.5. Although wave-heights of the present tsunami are about 1.5 times higher than those of the 1990 Saipan tsunami, the magnitude value is normal compared to earthquake with similar size in other regions.
瀬野 徹三
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, pp.357-364, 2009

History of studies of intraslab seismicity and its generation mechanisms, since the work by Wadati, is reviewed. Through the initial stage of studies of morphology of the intraslab seismicity, there followed the stage of discussion of focal mechanisms and terminal depths by mechanics and temperature of the slab. In 1970s, double seismic zones were discovered and their generation mechanisms were discussed in terms of bending or thermal stresses. In recent years, to overcome a difficulty that very high pressure prevents intraslab seismicity, dehydration embrittlement and phase transformation have been invoked for the mechanisms of intermediate and deep earthquakes, respectively. If the intermediate seismicity represents dehydration, it may give us a key to understand the distribution of fluids to the upper plate and to the seismogenic interplate thrusts, and finally to understand tectonics and volcanism in subduction zones.
湯村 哲男 広野 卓蔵 和達 清夫
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.23, no.2, pp.99-121, 1970

Spatial distribution of earthquake foci for the period from 1926 to 1968 in and near Japan were expressed in 16 maps each for a layer of 20-40km in thickness lying between 0 to 600km in depth. The maps show definitely the boundary lines and centers of local activities distinguishable in seismicity from each other. We named them seismic blocks. The centers of the shallow seismic blocks which crowd in a zone along the west side of the Japan trench can be traced down to 600km in depth. At first such centers move with increasing depth toward two junction areas of the island arcs of Kuril, NE-Japan and Izu-Bonin, that is, the Hokkaido and the Kwanto districts. From there they continue sinking to north for Hokkaido and to west for Kwanto making a dipping angle of 30&deg;. Then their directions change abruptly by 90&deg; at a depth of about 300km. From North Hokkaido one branch of the locus of the center goes into the Okhotsk Sea and the other into the Japan Sea along the coast of Primorye. On the other hand, the locus of the block center moving toward the west Kwanto turns to the south at that depth under Gifu Pref. for the Shikoku Basin, although a shorter branch goes northward into the Japan Sea. It is notable that few deep shocks occur in the middle of the Japan Sea. Considering the other geophysical and geological phenomena such as (1) the negative zone of isostatic anomaly of gravity lying along the Japan trench branches out to the junction areas in land, (2) the movement of the triangulation stations for the last 60 years or so amounts to about 3m to the north at Aomori Pref. in comparison with the Kui Peninsula, showing that two forces are acting in the respective areas in opposite directions, (3) the axis of mountain ranges made of metamorphic rocks which encounter the locus of the block center in Hokkaido and Central Honshu underwent severer bending, we conclude that the locus of the seismic block center expresses the location of the mantle current coming from the Pacific. itself.
和達 清夫 高橋 末雄
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.27, no.1, pp.42-56, 1974

In the present paper the underground structure peculiar to Japan and its neighborhood is dealt with, based on the seismic activity in Japan and neighborhood, especially taking account of the fact that each of the seismic activity area and the seismic inactivity area shows in the subterranean space its respective space, and adding the authors' investigational result to the fruits of researches hitherto.<br>Main results of the present paper are:<br>(1) The seismic activity area was divided into 3 zones: the shallow earthquake zone (particularly the existence of &ldquo;a thick shallow earthquake zone&rdquo;), the joint earthquake zone and the deep earthquake zone.<br>(2) A concept that the seismic activity zone can be regarded as &ldquo;the crust&rdquo; has been proposed.<br>(3) From the discussion of the travel time residual and the area of abnormal distribution of seismic intensities, the values of Low <i>V</i> and Low <i>Q</i> of the seismic inactivity area were obtained, and in particular the stronger point of that property was found at a comparatively small depth in the underground on the continental side along the volcanic front.<br>(4) The mantle flow in Japan and neighborhood is assumed to be composed of its main flow (along the deep earthquake zone) which flows descending from the Pacific side to the continental side and from east to west, of a weak flow northward in the offing of Tosa and in Enshu-nada, and of flows eastward and southward from the direction of the Sea of Japan.<br>(5) In general, where the mantle flow ascends, there exist Low <i>V</i> and Low <i>Q</i> and the area is related to volcanic activities, and where the flow descends, the area is related to the seismic activity area.<br>(6) The joint earthquake zone is an area of the strongest seismic activity, and is closely related with large-scale earthquakes.