1 0 0 0 OA 釈迦内鉱山

岡本 明夫
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.100, no.1160, pp.913-917, 1984-10-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

(1) 名称釈迦内鉱山株式会社釈迦内鉱山(2) 所在地秋田県大館市釈迦内字二ツ森三八郵便番号017電話0186 (48) 2141(3) 鉱種金, 銀, 銅, 鉛, 亜鉛, 硫化鉄鉱, 重晶石, 石こう(4) 位置・交通釈迦内鉱山は, 秋田県大館市釈迦内字二ツ森38に事務所があり, 奥羽本線大館駅より国道7号線を北に約5kmの地点にある。(第1図)(5) 地形・気候本鉱山は大館盆地北端部に位置し, 局部的に石英安山岩体よりなる丘陵が点在するほか, 概して平担であり, 地表の多くは耕作地となつている。気候的には寒冷であり, 11月末-3月初旬は降雪期であるが, 積雪量は1m前後である。
村上 義雄 山口 寿々男 伊東 賢治 大坪 泰典
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.101, no.1164, pp.67-73, 1985-02-25 (Released:2011-07-13)
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Through analysis of the data obtained from the plant test in the Kamioka-Shikama concentrator, which includes a 2, 700mm dia.×3, 600mm length rod mill and a 3, 900mm dia.×5, 700mm length ball mill in a closed circuit with 2 or 3 hydrocyclones of 600mm in diameter, a comminution mathematical model has been deduced from making use of a selection function under the assumption of plug flow material transport. ln the rod mill, the said selection function “s (x) =Kx” is 1.871×10-4x0.7151 (s-1) and that in the ball mill is 1, 179×10-5x0.9891 (s-1).As a cyclone classification-model, the logarithmic cumulative normal distribution function has been found to give a best fit to the true partition curve. Several regression equations for the prediction of the fraction of water β, separation size D50, and the sharpness of σ separation a have been made up as the functions of the feed to the cyclone. Combining the mill models with those regression classification models, many simulations have been carried out to find out the most accurate cyclone model to be applied for simulating the real operation.Making use of the optimum models, the comminution in the mills and classification in the cyclones have been simulated in a wide range of operating conditions to obtain information on the conditions of the plant. The results of the simulations indicate that it is possible to gain higher throughput in the mill-cyclone circuit without changing the characteristics of the cyclone overflow (i. e. the feed to the flotation circuit).
山田 正幸 馬場 文夫
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.73, no.834, pp.861-865, 1957-12-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

In the most recent we have been interested in keep away from an explosion accident by the misfired detonstors. In this paper we shall report on the electronic metal detection.The metal detector is build around some form of mutual-inductance bridge employing a symmetrical coil arrangement which is bed by a suitable oscillator. The presence of a metallic particle in the A. C. electro-magnetic field which links the coils disturbs the original field pattern for which the bridge was balanced. The resulting bridge unbalance current is amplified and made to operate a warning or rejection device.
真保 良吉 小川 修 清水 秀夫 後藤 佐吉
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.103, no.1191, pp.325-330, 1987-05-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

For the purpose of obtaining fundamental thermodynamic data for the carbothermic reduction of alumina, two types of experiments were carried out. In the first type of experiments, alumina was reduced with graphite powder at 2173K in a graphite crucible in an atmosphere of argon in the presence of iron at 2173K. In the second, a liquid Al-Fe-C ternary alloy was equilibrated with both graphite and Al4C3 in a graphic crucible in an atmosphere of argon at temperatures between 2073 and 2373K.Alumina was reduced fairly fast and the aluminum content in the resultant Al-Fe-C alloy increased with time for at least the first 90min, but the evaporation of aluminum from the alloy and the formation of Al4C3 through the reaction between Al in the alloy and C from the crucible caused the aluminum content to decrease gradually. From the equilibration experiments it has been found that the activity coefficient of Al in the Al-Fe-C alloy and the equilibrium alloy composition can be adequately obtained by applying the regular solution model to the liquid alloy and by using the data of a functions available from literature along with the standard Gibbs energies of formation of the existing chemical species in the system.
崔 亨燮 呉 在賢
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.82, no.941, pp.755-762, 1966-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

To study the correlation between the characteristics of fracture surface and the electrochemical properties of aluminum-silicate minerals, cleavage planes of kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite have been predicted from crystal structures of these minerals, and then the arrangement of atoms exposed to the surfaces along these ckavage planes have been assumed.The electrochemical phenomena of these minerals in the solid-solution interface are discussed with respect to the weighted average charge per metallic atom on the assumed cleavage planes. The weighted average charge has been calculated as a function of oxidation number of the metals and number of oxygen atoms coordinated to these metallic atoms.It is found that the pH of the isoelectric point of kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite decreases as the weighted average charge increases. Together with the above three minerals, corundum and quartz are found to be in good linear relation between the pH of the isoelectric point and the weighted average charge, indicating that the arrangement of metallic atoms on the fracture surface of minerals plays an important role upon their surface properties.The effect of surface oxygen atoms on the pH of the isoelectric point of minerals is also discussed briefly.
大塚 尚寛 小林 良二
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.98, no.1127, pp.1-6, 1982-01-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

In order to determine the fracture toughness of various rocks, the splitting tests under the stiff-load are undertaken on eight kinds of rocks, namely OGINO tuff, KIMACHI sandstone, IZUMI sandstone, EMOCHI andesite, INADA granite, fine grained AKIYOSHI marble, medium grained AKIYOSHI marble and TOHOKU marble.The rock specimens (200mm×150mm×20mm) in which have a slot are prepared in this test. The crack initiation and the process of crack propagation are studied by the measurement of splitting load, crack opening displacement and crack length. The values of fracture toughness KIC of various rock specimens are determined with the compliance method, and the relationships between fracture toughness and mechanical properties are investigated.The main results obtained in this studies are as follows;(1) As a result in this test, it is seen that the fracture behaviours of rock specimens are divided into two groups. That is, the fracture crack of rock specimens of one group initiates after the maximum load point in the splitting load-crack opening displacement curve and propagates in a straight line, as OGINO tuff, KIMACHI sandstone, IZUMI sandstone, EMOCHI andesite and INADA granite. The fracture crack of rock specimens of other group initiates at the boundary of grains in rock before the maximum load point and the fracture crack in rock specimens propagateslowly along the boundary, as medium grained AKIYOSHI marble and TOHOKU marble.(2) From the relationship between fracture toughness and mechanical properties of various rocks, it becomes clear that fracture toughness of rocks increases in proportion to compressive strength, tensile strength and shear strength, and that fracture toughness decreases with the porosity of rocks increas.