松尾 雅嗣 谷 整二
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.30, pp.1-25, 2008

The present paper is a sequel to our previous one entitled "Rivers and Bridges as First Places of Refugee at the Time of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima." Both in the previous and present papers, it is our belief that despite the vast research material and literature accumulated on the human damages and sufferings caused by the Atomic bombing on Hiroshima., there are a few missing pieces in the whole picture of the totality of the damages and sufferings. One such piece is the behavior of the sufferers on the day of the bombing before they arrived at some first aid station, relief station or hospital, or before they died. We know little about how they reached such places.In the previous paper, first we showed that rivers and bridges were first places of refuge for many people. And secondly, we explored how they fled, or failed to flee, to rivers and bridges just after the atomic bomb explosion, and extracted four typical patterns of behavior: failure, exhaustion, sojourn, and success.In the present paper, relying on the same data and method as before, we begin where the previous one ended, and examine how people crossed (or failed to cross) a river or a bridge after they arrived there.The examination shows that the refugees who managed to arrive at a river or a bridge were faced with two major options. They could try either to cross the river, or the bridge. In the former case, they could try to walk or swim across the river, or to cross it by a boat. In addition, they might choose to stay where they were for various reasons, or they might take refugee in the river water, especially from the approaching fire.In all these choices, we find cases both of failure and success. But, we also find cases where refugees dissuaded themselves from trying to cross the river or bridge, presumably at the sight of so many tragic failures.Ours is an attempt at shedding some new light on the hitherto unexplored aspect of the human damages and suffering caused by the atomic bombing on Hiroshima.
川野 徳幸 大瀧 慈 岡田 高旺
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.32, pp.107-128, 2010

The aim of this paper is re-construct a fire field near epicenter of Hiroshima A-bomb in 6 August 1945. For this purpose, we used the official records in Hiroshima Genbaku Sensaishi (Hiroshima A-bomb Damages) and plotted spot (town)-specific fire status on a map in order to visualize easily. Our visualized map showed that fires in 21 spots started just after dropping A-bomb and the fire spread with the passage of time. Finally, the fire started in most of the spots of the area within a radius of 2 km of the hypocenter by approximately 15:00. The fire in ten spots was not putout during August 6. The area was on the east side of the Hiroshima city.
倉地 曉美
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.23, pp.73-93, 2001

In order to realize a just society in the new century, it is crucial for university students to cope with prejudice and their own xenophobia. Through the 19901s, this author has been addressing the importance of the new concept of intercultural learning as a means of realizing a just society. Intercultural learning only takes place when people of various cultural backgrounds interact with each other independently in order to overcome their own cultural prejudice. Students must actively participate in the creative process of producing new cultural values through intercultural dialogue with people from different cultural backgrounds instead of teaching and transmitting static aspects and homogenized images of cultural knowledge. This forces them to acquire mutually respected cultural values and behavioral styles for cultural adaptation. In order to facilitate this reciprocal cultural learning, it is important to educate transcultural mediators who can guide the passive and negative culture learners into intercultural dialogue. Using this concept, the author developed several courses to educate transcultural mediators. In this paper, the author analyzes how a college student copes with her initial xenophobia against overseas students and what the student learned by engaging in ethnographic fieldwork and case conferences required of her in an intercultural education course.
鈴木 佑司
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.18, pp.1-24, 1995

倉地 曉美
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.23, pp.73-93, 2001

In order to realize a just society in the new century, it is crucial for university students to cope with prejudice and their own xenophobia. Through the 19901s, this author has been addressing the importance of the new concept of intercultural learning as a means of realizing a just society. Intercultural learning only takes place when people of various cultural backgrounds interact with each other independently in order to overcome their own cultural prejudice. Students must actively participate in the creative process of producing new cultural values through intercultural dialogue with people from different cultural backgrounds instead of teaching and transmitting static aspects and homogenized images of cultural knowledge. This forces them to acquire mutually respected cultural values and behavioral styles for cultural adaptation. In order to facilitate this reciprocal cultural learning, it is important to educate transcultural mediators who can guide the passive and negative culture learners into intercultural dialogue. Using this concept, the author developed several courses to educate transcultural mediators. In this paper, the author analyzes how a college student copes with her initial xenophobia against overseas students and what the student learned by engaging in ethnographic fieldwork and case conferences required of her in an intercultural education course.
田村 佳子
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
no.16, pp.p109-128, 1993

The New Deal's worker's education program was developed by the EEP of the FERA was supported by them and formed the basis, over the next ten years, of a continuing movement for federal support of worker's education. Rough estimates suggest that close to a million workers were reached by the EEP's worker's education activities between 1933 and 1942 when the New Deal projects were shut down. During each year in the nine-year period, from 500 to 2000 relief instructors taught worker's classes organized in cooperation with unions, public schools, YWCAs, settlement houses, and community organizations in thirty-four states. Seventeen states were involved throughout the entire ten years of the government program. In addition, a network of residential teacher training centers was developed in the summers of 1934 and 1935, and a little known program of educational camps for jobless women, initiated by the workers' educational program, lasted from 1934 to 1937. The model of such workers' education projects under the New Deal was the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers in Industy, which was a residential summer school that had been organized to serve women workers at the Bryn Mawr College campus in 1921. Throughout the 1920's and the 1930's, workers' educational movements were developed by women from colleges, women's movements, settlement houses, YWCAs, and so on, who thought that it was useful to offer young women in industy opportunities to study liberal subjects and train themselves in clear thinking in order that they might widen their influence in the industrial world and that equal rights could be accomplished. With the development of worker's education, women workers began to organize a labor movement for themselves. This study analyzes the situation of women workers, the workers' educational programs of New Deal, and workers' educational movements. And it tries to make clear the meaning of worker's education for women worker's, the relevance between worker's education and abult education, and the place of w
小林 文男 橋本 学 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.12, pp.79-103, 1989

The purpose of this paper is to examine Japanese people's current views of China after the Chinese Government's violent suppression of the democratic movement, so-called 'Tiananmen Incident', on June 4, 1989. The authors used thr following materials. (I) Letters about the Tiananmen Incident to the reader's columns of three major Japanese newspapers and one local paper in Hiroshima;the total is 103. (II) Questionnaires about China after the Tiananmen Incident; the contents (1) the future of the democratic movement (2) the possibilty of realization for modernization by the Chinese Government (3) the future of Sino-Japanese relations. The authors conducted a survey on 261 citizens in Hiroshima and 127 students of Hiroshima University, from the end of September to the end of Novenber, 1989. The findings are as fol1ows:many of Japanese people think (1) the democratic movement will take place again (2) modernization by the Chinese Government won't be able to achieve (3) it is necessary to develop Sino-Japanese relations. In fact, it means that Japanese people is in confusion about current China. Conseqently, the Japanese have a tendency to turn thier eyes away from current China. It can be said that the Tiananmen Incident caused a major change in Japanese views of China. Current confusion about China is, in some ways, quite similar to the views of China which prevailed in Japan before World War II. A feeling that Japan is 'aloof from Asia' is once again gaining strength.