玉利 正人 池田 まどか 久冨 貴子 青山 佐和子
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 = Science bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University (ISSN:0386443X)
vol.51, pp.75-82, 1994-05-31

We wish to report on the effect of cooking on the properties and amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in fish, Pasific Saury. Change of EPA and DHA contents by cooking was investigated by gas chromatography. The contents of EPA and DHA of pacific saury were reduced by cooking. The most profound decreases in EPA and DHA contents occurred when pacific saury was broiled and boiled. The EPA and DHA were decreased to about 36% and 37% of the initial values by cooking of broil for 2 min., respectively. The EPA and DHA were decreased to about 30% and 36% by cooking of boil for 2 min., respectively. The EPA and DHA were decreased to about 52% and 49% by cooking of steam for 2 min., respectively. The EPA and DHA were decreased to about 81% and 77% by cooking of fry for a min., respectively. The EPA and DHA were decreased to about 72% and 67% by cooking of oven range for a min., respectivily. It has been demonstrated the stability of the EPA and DHA to cooking methods.
荒生 公雄 牧野 保美 永木 嘉寛
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 = Science bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University (ISSN:0386443X)
vol.30, pp.65-74, 1979-02-28

Yellow sand, that is, a heavy dust storm over the Far East is studied from a viewpoint of statistical and synoptic meteorology. Secular variation of annual number of days with yellow sand at Nagasaki is shown for the 62-year period between 1914 and 1975. The mean annual number of days is 5.3 days and 85 percent of them belong to spring. The travelling velocity of dust particles estimated from the surface observations in Japan islands almost corresponds to the westerly wind at an altitude of 4km. The size distribution of yellow sands collected at Nagasaki agrees with the power law distribution with the value of γ=3.0~3.5, where γ is the radius exponent defined by n(r)=Cr-γ.
竹友 一成
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 = Science bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University (ISSN:0386443X)
no.25, pp.69-78, 1974-02-28

竹友 一成
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 (ISSN:0386443X)
no.25, pp.69-78, 1974-03

鎌田 泰彦 近藤 寛
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 (ISSN:0386443X)
no.32, pp.p99-114, 1981-03

The continental shelf of Hyuga-nada, off Miyazaki Prefecture has an average width of about 20 km. The depth at the shelf break are 130-140 m in the northern area and 160-170 m in the southern area. The bottom sediments of the shelf are classified into three sediment types according to the grain size distribution, namely Sand (II), Transition sand (IIIa) and Mud (III). The distribution of these sedimenttypes are shown in Figure 5.The average content of organic carbon, total hydrogen and total nitrogen in the 42 bottom sediment samples of the Hyuga-nada shelf are 0.34, 0.25 and 0.052%,respectovely. The average of total content of C, H and N is 0.625%. The bottom sediment of the inner shelf of the northern area has less than 0.3% of carbon and 0.05% of nitrogen contents. On the other side, the inner shelf sediments of the southern area have more than 0.5% of carbon and 0.07% of nitrogencontents. The C/N ratio ranges from 3.33 to 8.20 with an average of 6.12. This value is slightly less than 7.0 which is taken from the Atlantic continental margin of the United States.
荒生 公雄 中根 重勝 藤吉 康志 武田 喬男
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 (ISSN:0386443X)
no.56, pp.13-24, 1997-03

A heavy rainfall over the Takaki town (Northeastern area of Isahaya City) on 11 July 1995 was invesitgated using rain guage records and radar observations. The main results are as follows. (1) The heavy rainfall attacked the Takaki-Konagai in Nagasaki Prefecture at 10-12th with the maximum one hour precipitation of 100mm and the 2 hours of 177mm. The upper air soundings at Fukuoka showed very unstable condition. (2) The line echoes obtained by an RHI radar evoluted near the Nagasaki Peninsula. These echoes developed rapidly during their movement from SW to NE and had their mature stage over the Takaki Town. (3) These echoes and weather conditions suggest the topographical enhancement of rain cloud formation under two river valleys in Nagasaki City both open to the south.
陣野 信孝
長崎大学教育学部自然科学研究報告 (ISSN:0386443X)
no.47, pp.p23-30, 1992-06

Powerful typhoons No. 17 and 19 struck the almost whole land in Nagasaki prefecture on September 14 and 27, respectively, 1991.The two typhoons had maximum winds spoeeds of 36 m/sec (No. 17) and 54.3 m/sec (No. 19). According to Nagasaki Marine observatory, these typhoons inflicted big damages upon houses, farm products, plant trees, etc. After the typhoon, a phenomenon of unseasonal blooming was observed on several floweriing plants at various parts in Nagasaki prefecture from the middle to the end of October in 1991. The unseasonal blooming was found in the perennial flowering plants planted at parks or gardens. Most of them were species of Rosaceae. Especially, cherry trees, Prunus yedoensis showed the phenomenon at almost all the parks. Geographical conditions of parks or gardens where the unseasonal blooming was observed were investigated to see the effects of winds due to the typhoon. The present observation suggests that the stronger the effect of winds was, the higher the rate of the unseasonal blooming.1.1991年9月14日と27日にそれぞれ台風17号と19号が長崎県下を襲い建物,農,水,林 産物などに尽大な被害をもたらし,長崎市および諌早市では街路樹,公園の樹木,庭の花木は丸裸になる程に葉がもぎとられる障害を受けた。 2.台風が去った同年の10月中旬~下旬にかけて,ソメイヨシノ(以下サクラという)など花木に季節はずれの異常開花が見られた。3.長崎市と諌早市では,調査した公園や神社などではサクラは殆んどの地点で開花していた。それは小高い丘で日当りが良くしかも風当りが強い程高かった。なかでも,桜の名所として名高い立山公園では,花をつけている木の割合,1本の木に着いている木の割合も高かった。8分咲き程度の木も見られた。4.風当り弱かったのであろう葉が着いている木では開花は殆んど見られなかった。5.果実は低地のサクラには見られず標高約200mの立山公園では約50%の木に着いていた。6.ソメイヨシノ以外では,ハクモクレン(Magnolia denudata,モクレン科),ボケ(Chaenomeles lagenaria),アンズ(Prunus Armeniaca),モモ(P.Persica),サトザクラ(P.donarium),セイヨウミザクラ(P. Avium)以上バラ科,ハナズホウ(Cercis chinensis,マメ科),ライラック(Syringa vulgaris,モクセイ科)の8種で異常開花を確認した。いずれも春に開花する花木である。ソメイヨシノを含めて9種で,これらのうち6種がバラ科の花木であった。7.以上の結果から,通常では休眠するはずの花器が台風の影響で休眠からさめて開花したと考えられる。