永松 哲郎 重廣 律男 堀田 好洋 池田 勉
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.52, pp.1-12, 2004-02-27

The third generation「Nansei-Maru」is a fishery training vessel of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University. This ship was built in November, 2002 to carry out the training for navigation and operation of fishing vessel, training of fishery, observation of ocean environment and investigation of marine creatures. The present paper describes about development of the hull form based on the tank tests. The resistance measurement tests, self-propulsion tests and wake measurements at propeller plane were conducted by use of a ship model of 3.5m long in a towing tank. These tests show the designed hull form is entirely satisfactory for her propulsive performance. Next, rolling measurements were made for three kinds of bilge keels both in calm sea and in waves in order to grasp their rolling characteristics. A ship model of 2.0m long was used in the measurements. From the results, the biggest one shows to be the most effective for anti-rolling and then it was selected as the bilge keels of「Nansei-Maru」. Flow visualization tests around ship bow and stern were also carried out by using the 2.0m ship model in a circulating water channel. It is found that there is no problem for entrainment of air bubbles into the sonar dome and severe turbulence at stern. Finally, sea trial tests by the full scale ship were conducted and it is confirmed that ship speed, turning performance and so on are satisfied for their requirements.
内山 正樹 日高 正康 東川 勢二
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.p41-50, 1994-12

In January, 1985, the mooring buoy for Kagoshima-Maru was newly installed in Yamagawa Harbor, Kagoshima Prefecture. The typhoons that approached or landed at Kagoshima Prefecture in the past were investigated, and Makurazaki Typhoon which is regarded as the typhoon of largest class in the postwar period was supposed, and as for the buoy, it was considered fundamentally that in the wind of maximum velocity 35m/s (on average for 10min), the ship can be moored safely by using only the chain (40mm) of the ship. Since then up to today, the mooring for harborage has been carried out at the time of 27 typhoons. Among them, the typhoon No. 13 on September 3, 1993 was the largest typhoon that the ship encountered at Yamagawa Harbor, and the maximum instantaneous wind velocity of 47.0m/s and the barometric pressure of 936.2 hPa were recorded, but the ship was able to be moored and shelter safely. It is considered that the structure and strength of the buoy were as planned and designed, and it was able to be proved.昭和60年1月鹿児島県山川港にかごしま丸係船浮標を新設した。浮標(ブイ)は過去に鹿児島県に接近上陸した台風を調べ,戦後最大級の台風とされる枕崎台風を想定し,最大風速35m/s(10分間平均)の風の中で,ブイに本船チェーン(40mm)だけで安全に係留出来ることを基本に考えた。以来今日まで,27個の台風時に係留避泊した。この中で平成5年9月3日の台風13号は本船が山川港で受けた最も大きな台風であり,最大瞬間風速47.0m/s,最低気圧936.2hPa.を記録したが安全に係留,避泊することが出来,ブイの構造,強度が計画設計通りであったことが証明出来たと考えられる。
HIGASHI Masataka ヒガシ マサタカ 東 政能
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.53-62, 1989-12-25

The CTD observations were carried out along 131°E from 30°N to 15°N in the NorthwesternPacific from the 10th to 14th of June, 1989.Vertical sections of water temperature, salinity and dynamic height along 131°E were described,and some representative temperature-salinity relations were drawn from CTD records. Thecondition of temperature distribution section was related to the existence of the zonal currents.These currents along section from the north to the south were the Kuroshio, the KuroshioCountercurrent, the Subtropical Countercurrent, the northern part of the North Equatorial Currentand the easterly current near 18°N. Numerous small step-like and inversion features were existedin the temperature-salinity relations above 15°C, which showed the existence of surface watermixing.
今井 健彦
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.p1-9, 1994-12

This paper deals with flow-profiles around an enlarged solid model of netting which was set into an experimental flume tank on every half angle of Θ, (range from 0 to 3Θ of setting angles), to clarify flow distribution around the model. In this case Θ means the angle of attack when mesh-hall faded out from the projective plane. A thin film flow-meter with corn shaped probe was used in the experiment. Measurements were carried out on 110 fixed points, 24 points around mesh, and 5 points inside mesh-halls at every attack angles on a horizontal plane. The flow-speed was maintained at 10 cm/s, and Reynolds number at 1.9×10^3. From the resultant profiles, the fluid-dynamical force acting on each leg was similar with the case larger than 3Θ of attack angles.
西 徹
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.39, pp.p81-98, 1990-12

The thirteenth fishing operation with a long-line having five branch lines was carriedout in the Eastern Indian Ocean by "The T.S. KAGOSHIMA-MARU (G.T.1,293 Tons)", ofthe Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, from May 19 to 31, 1987.The hourly variations of the depth of hooks in the tuna long-line and the hooking depthof tunas and marlins were investigated.The numbering method of hooks was adopted to name the first hooks lifted in each basket as No.1 and sequently as No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5. The results of the analysis are asfollows:1. The recorded depths of hooks ranged from 69 m to 103 m (89 m in average) for No.1 andNo.5 hooks, 111 m to 154 m (134 m in average) for No.2 and No.4 hooks and 122 m to 178 m(154 m in average) for No.3 hooks.2. The patterns of hourly variations of the depth recordings were classified into threecategories of A, B and C. In the case of the high current velocity obtained from thedrift of the long-line, all the data were classified into B or C category.3. The maximum differences between measured and calculated depths of the hooks were,in average, 16 m for No.1 and No.5 hooks, 20 m in same for No.2, No.4 and No.3 hooks.4. The hooked ratio of yellowfin tuna in each branch line was high in No.3 and No.4 hooks showing same value of 27.4%, followed by No.2, No.1 and No.5 hooks in order. Fromthese results, the main hooking stratum was estimated to be at the depths of 120 m to150 m.5. The hooked ratio of bigeye tuna was 33% for No.3 hooks, accounting for 30% of totalcatches, with 73.3% of total bigeye tuna catch attained No.2, No.3 and No.4 hooks.From these results, the main hooking stratum of bigeye tuna was estimated to be at the depths of 140 m to 170 m.1987年5月19日から31日の期間,インド洋東部海域において,鹿児島大学水産学部練習船かごしま丸(総トン数1293屯)を使用して5本付延縄による13回の釣獲試験操業を実施した。鮪延縄の釣針の経時変化とマグロ,カジキ類の釣獲深度について検討を試みた。枝縄別の釣針深度は1,2,3番の枝縄に装着した3台の自記式深度計の記録から求め,マグロ,カジキ類の釣獲深度については釣獲野帖から各枝縄別釣獲データを深度別に集計して釣獲層を推定した。釣針の番号の命名方法は各鉢ごとに最初に揚げられた釣針を1番とし,以後順番に2,3,4,5番釣針と呼ぶことにした。今回の解析の結果は次の通りである。1. 1,5番釣針の実測深度は69~103m(平均89m),2,4番釣針で111~154m(平均134m),3番釣針では122~178m(平均154m)であった。2. 投縄後,釣針が安定するまでの所要時間は1,5番釣針では平均すると約12分,2,4番釣針では平均20分,3番釣針では18分を要している。3. 深度記録の経時変化のパターンをA型,B型,C型の3種類に分類して各々の記録を図示した。A型は流速0.3ノット以下であり釣針の計算深度と実測深度の差が極めて小さい。釣針の振幅は小さくてその周期も緩やかに変動している。B型とC型は釣針の計算深度と実測深度の差が20m以上あり,幹縄はカテナリー曲線を描いていないと推測される。B型は釣針の上下動の振幅が10~20mで,周期が15~60分ぐらいで変動しておりC型は振幅は10~30m,周期が1~5時間と大きなウネリを伴って上下動している。縄の漂移から求めた流速が大きい時はすべてB型かC型に分類された。4. 水中での釣針の最大振幅は枝縄別の平均値をとると,1,5番釣針では16m,2,4番釣針と3番釣針では20mと同じ値であった。5. 深度計を取り付けた鉢の釣針にキハダが釣獲された記録から20m以上も上方に枝縄を持ち上げている例を図示した。6. キハダの枝縄別釣獲割合は3番と4番で高く,27.4%と同じ値を示し,以下2,1,5番釣針の順となっている。これらの結果からキハダの主釣獲層は120~150m深と推定した。7. メバチの枝縄別釣獲割合は3番釣針で33%と全体の3割を占め,2,3,4番釣針でメバチ全釣獲の73.3%に達している。これらの結果からメバチの主釣獲層は140~170m深と推定した。8. 各枝縄間の釣獲差について,t検定を行った。キハダについては4番と5番釣針間には釣獲差について5%水準で有意差が認められたが,その他の枝縄間ではキハダ,メバチ共に枝縄間には5%水準以下で釣獲差に有意差は認められなかった。9. 水温鉛直分布によるキハダやメバチの釣獲深度は水温躍層内に存在していた。
松野 保久 古川 慎太郎
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.51, pp.1-4, 2002-12-24
