"肥後 伸夫"
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.15, pp.56-67, (Released:2016-10-28)

"In the fishing operated with the use of the towing nets of the same construction, the yielded catch-differentials may, reasonably, be attributed to the difference in the towing-forse of the trawlers. Basing on the materials obtained by the subsidiary trawlers belonging to the Fish-meal fleets operating on the Bering Sea in 1963 and in 1965, the possible relationship between the catches of the eastern net and the towing-force of the trawler which is to be denoted by the resultant of the Gross tonnage and the Horse Power of the main engine was put under investigation, with the following results obtained : 1) The increase of the Horse Power of the main engine of the trawler seemed to have been coincided with the responsive increase of the catch per one unit of the towing net, which was to be observed most remarkably at the good-catching period. 2) Each increase in the total tonnage seemed to have been accompanied by the increase in the catch per one unit of the towing net, though this was not so remarkable as in the above mentioned case. 3) The towing speed might be regarded as one of the chief factors in the formation of this relationship between the catch and the Horse Power of the main engine, but the versatility of the towing speed, easily influenced by the net-size, sea-condition and the catches make necessary the execution of the spot investigations."
中村 薫
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.29, pp.p225-238, 1980-12

It has been commonly known that the feeding habits of decapods are affected by inevitablemoltings for their developments. In this report, the quantitative methods were applied tofeeding experiments of individual crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, for the purpose to clarify therelation of feeds to the molting cycle. Some kinds of pellets were prepared, especially suchpellets as containing much cellulose (90%) or oil (14.1%) were used for the examinations of nutritional consideration. Such item as the body weights at different stages on the moltingcycle, the diurnal amount of consumed pellets, and in some cases the amount of feces were weighed. After that, the feed conversion factor of each molting cycle, the amount of consumed pellets during one cycle/ (the body wt. of postmolt-the body wt. of intermolt), wascalculated. Further, the values of the molting power were introduced here as the indicativesof the degrees of water absorption at the molting time, which were calculated as (the body wt. ofpostmolt-the body wt. of premolt)×100/ the body wt. of premolt.As results, the diurnal amount of consumed pellets showed a distinct variation following thelapse of molting stages. Its pattern had the 1st maximum, which is also the greatest value,at the short postmolt period and the 2nd maxima were recognized in some cases before thenext molting. Such greatest values correspond to the 2-3% of their body weights, and thesummed feeds of the diurnal amounts during one molting cycle occupy about 23% of the bodyweight of intermolt. Considering with the experimental results of cellulose feeding, it suggestedthat the internal factor(s) of a feed-control mechanism if existed in the crayfish might participateprimarily with the hemolymph concentration(s)of absorbed nutritive(s) rather than the physical factor as the capacity of the digestive tract, that is the stomach and intestinal volume. Inaddition, as the pellets of much contained oil gave comparatively a high efficiency to the molting power and the feed conversion factor, it seems that lipid may propose a physiological interestfor the nutritional approach to the molting development.1. 個別飼育法でペレット飼料を給餌し,アメリカザリガニの日間摂餌量を求め摂食と脱皮成長との関係を調べた。2. 日間摂餌量は脱皮周期上の位置により著しい変動を示した。そのパターンは脱皮後期に最大値をもつ極大点を示すこと,第2極大期を次回脱皮の前に経る場合もあること,等が明らかにされた。3. 最大日間摂餌量はその体重の2-3%程に当たること,脱皮の1周期上の積算摂餌量は個体の大きさに関らず脱皮間期体重の約23%を占めることが算出された。4. セルロース給餌との比較実験の結果,摂食の制御機序には胃の容積と云った機械的要因よりも血リンパの栄養分が第一義的に関与する可能性の高いことが示唆された。5. 脂質高含有飼料の栄養試験により当該飼料は脱皮周期へは促進的効果を示さないが,脱皮時の吸水作用を高め且つ飼料係数を小さくする働きを窺わせ,脱皮成長に対して効率の良い飼料になり得る可能性を示した。
盛田 友弌 モリタ トモカズ MORITA Tomokazu
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.8, pp.121-129, 1960-02-20

In the Tokara Sea, the skipjack fishing water-temperature is about 20°~30°C throughout a year.And during the term when the water-temperature shows comparativelyhigh and low degrees within the limits of 20°~30°C no temperature variation is to beabserved through the sea conditions, with good catches of the skipjack. At the termwhen the sudden ascent and descent of water-temperature occurrs in the fishing groundsome remarkable time variation in the sea condition becomes to be noted, with poorskipjack catches. As to the horizontal distribution of water-temperature, when the fishingground shows a higher and more constant temperature than the other ones, the goodskipjack catching is to be expected on the ground.From the above mentioned results it is assumed that the catching condition overthe Tokara Sea may be expected to be good, provided that the water-temperatureestimated both from the terminal and spatial view points is kept comparatively constant,and moreover that it is confronted by the opposite inconstancy.トカラ海域におけるカツオの漁獲水温(表面)はほぼ20°~30°C位の範囲であるが,その最高,最低を示す時季においてカツオ漁が好況を呈しており,その水温の顕著な昇降過程にある時季には概して漁況不振となっている。なお,カツオの漁場附近における水温の鉛直分布の年間変動をみると,その恒温季には比較的深層まで等水温状態となり,その状態が持続されている。かかる海況においてカツオ漁の好況が期待されている。しかし,春の昇温季の後半には表面水温の急昇により表層における成層状態が極めて顕著となり,カツオの沈降が想像され,このためその漁況は総体的に不振となる。又,秋の降温季は比較的深層までの総体的な降温が時間的に顕著になるので,カツオ群は適温水帯を求めて南下移行するようになる。故に,この降温現象の遅速による等水温帯の時間的出現状況が秋季のカツオ漁況とその漁期の長短に相当影響しているものと考えられるのである。しかして,トカラ海域では水温の水平的な分布状況においてもカツオ群は概して等温な水帯を撰択し,その漁場を構成している。ただ,この場合水温による比較的顕著な潮境で包囲される非開放的な等水温帯がカツオの好漁場の構成要件となっているものと考える。トカラ海域におけるカツオの漁獲水温を温度別,期別にみると,春季にはその水温範囲が概して大きくなっているが,これは漁場水温の上昇に伴い高温水帯から移行した魚群と残存低温水帯における残留魚群との混獲によって記録されるようになったものと考える。又,同海域におけるカツオの等漁獲水温期間は夏冬の恒温季には当然比較的長期にわたるが,春秋の昇降温季においても魚群の往来が想定されている沖繩海域を通じてみると,相当長期に及んでいるのである。以上更に要約すれば,トカラ海域におけるカツオ漁況は,その漁場が時間的に空間的に比較的等温な状態を示し,しかも,それが常に顕著な相対的状態にある場合においてその好漁が期待されるものと考察される。

2 0 0 0 IR 甑島の捕鯨

不破 茂 花田 芳裕 フワ シゲル ハナダ ヨシヒロ FUWA Shigeru HANADA Yoshihiro
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.60, pp.13-23, 2011

日本近海の捕鯨記録から太平洋戦争終期の昭和19年から昭和23年にかけて,甑島ではマッコウクジラ(Physeter macrocephalus)やイワシクジラ(Balaenoptera borealis),ナガスクジラ(Balaenoptera physalus),シロナガスクジラ(Balaenoptera musculus)が捕獲されたことが明らかとなった。本研究の目的は九州本土に近い甑島で行われた捕鯨の概要を明らかにし,近海捕鯨における甑島での捕鯨がどの様な位置づけであるかを検討することにある。
坂田 泰造 吉川 毅 前田 和孝 カスティーヨ カルメロ・S ドレザ ラウデス・A
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.54, pp.35-43, 2005-12-27

Four microalgal strains, NN-G, TB-G, CC-B, and SC-B isolated from green water of tilapia culture ponds in the Philippines were cultivated in 10ml of ESS liquid medium at 23℃ with a 12h light-12h dark cycle. The cell forms of NN-G and TB-G were green small round and green large oval, respectively, while both CC-B and SC-B had brown cubic or quadrangular cells. Predominant bacteria isolated from the four microalgal cultures were commonly restricted to Moraxella-Acinetobacter group, Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium. Strains NN-G and TB-G contained chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a, violaxanthin and zeaxanthin, while strains CC-B and SC-B possessed chlorophyll c, chlorophyll a, and fucoxanthin as major pigments. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rDNA sequences demonstrated that strains NN-G, TB-G, CC-B and SC-B have close taxonomic relationships with Chlorella spp., Tetraselmis spp., Chaetoceros spp., and Chaetocertos spp., respectively.
片岡 千賀之
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.31, pp.p57-80, 1982

Due to progress in fisheries capitalization, boat fisheries had been realized through motorization in order to expand their fishing towards offshore, while in the coastal fishings, set net fisheries hadimproved with changes in the shape given to these art and the materials used.In case of yellowtail set net fisheries, such changes have evolved through four steps as follows:1) The traditional yellowtail catching methods were fixed gill net and triangular set net madeof rice straw. But a unique type so-called "yellowtail drift gill net" was used in MiyazakiPrefecture. This was invented by Kiemon Hidaka and his son Kameichi Hidaka in 1875.2) In 1892, the triangular set net made of hemp was invented by Kameichi Hidaka and his son Eizaburo Hidaka. This has been found effective and has been adopted in big-scale catch consequently contributing much to high productivity.3) In 1910, the same persons introduced for the first time the square set net made of hemp. Traditionally, it was made of rice straw used only for capture of tuna. With this new modification, it was possible to catch not only yellowtail but also tuna and was made popular throughout Japan.4) In 1919, Terushige Horinouchi in Kochi Prefecture introduced the trap set net. Thismethod, although effective, expanded slowly because the trap caught not only yellowtail, a prefered specie, but the miscellaneous fish caught in a big quantity. However, during the gainedpopularity especially with low-income fishermen due to its low cost and more stable capture compared to square set net method (3).The innovations have progressively contributed to high production on the national level.However in Miyazaki Prefecture as well as in the other places, fluctuations in catch had been experienced every now and then with peaks observed more or less every ten years.Such fluctuations in catch depend upon enviromental conditions such as natural cycles in water current andother man-made factors such as overfishing brought about by new innovation in fishing gears. Before these new innovations were introduced, no problem existed regarding utilization offishing grounds especially in undevelopment areas. This was due to the fact that only moving fishing gears were commonly utilized. When a shift from moving fishing gears to fixed gill net and eventually to set net occurred, several problems arose mainly; a) Claims on fishing groundareas which was of common use for all. b) Manpower, the set net methods require a number of people in the community for the operation.Due to the existence of such problems, it was necessary to create regulations for proper utilization of fishing grounds. In 1901, the "Meiji" Fisheries Law was established for the first time defining fishing rights were necessary to use the fishing ground. In 1910 and in 1933 at the hight of the "Showa" economic crisis, the law was revised in order to motivate establishment of fisheriesco-operative for the benefit of all. As a result, the set net fishing right were given more to theseco-operatives allowing them to engage in bisiness, nevertheless the fisheries law didn't discribe any precedence of its ownership and management.
"肥後 伸夫 上水樽 豊己"
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.28, pp.119-129,

"Using, as the experimental apparatus, a trawl net the full body of which was made to be lifted at a certain distance from the sea bottom, some experiments were carried out on its limit of catchability.In this experiment the apparatus was made of the following gears: firstly, a lot of long chains were attached vertically to the floats, and secondly, these were made to be set to the ground rope and to the lower belly of the trawl net.The results obtained are as in the following:1) The size of the trawl net is as follows; namely, the length of the head rope is 29.8 m, the full length of the net is 26.0 m. To this is attached a beam which is as long as 18.0 m. This trawl net was hauled at the speed from 0.5 knot to 3.0 knot. 2) The catchable towing speed was ascertained to be within the range from 1.5 knot to 2.0 knot. The vertical distance of the off bottom trawl net from the sea bottom was counted to be 40~70 cm.3) The main kinds of the caught fish were as follows: - Taius tumifrons; Nephrops thomsoni: Octopus thomsoni; Navodon modestus; while Seurus undosquamis; Chelidonichthys kumu, and Muraenesox cinereus were uncatchable; on the other hand stones, shells, starfish were left untouched, too.4) The vertical distances of the net detached from the water bottom wereascertained to be almost equal both in case of the measuring on the spot and in that of the experimental model measuring.""底曳網全体を海底から僅かに離底させて曳網する実験を試みた。底曳網は浮子綱長 29.8m, 網の全長 26.0m の規模のもので, 18m のビームに装着し, 0.5 ノットから 3.0 ノットまで曳網した。離底の装置は浮子に長いチェンを垂下したものを数多く沈子綱と底曳網の下網に取りつけたものである。結果は次の通りである。1) 漁獲可能の曳網速力は 1.5 ノットから 2.0 ノットまでである。その時の離底の高さは, 40~70cm である。2) 入網魚の主なものはキダイ,エビ,タコ,ウマズラハギでエソ,ホウボウ,ハモ,アナゴは入網しない。3) 同時に曳網実験をおこなったトロール網,小型底曳網に比較して,石,貝,ヒトデ等の混獲物はほとんどみられない。4) 計器による実測と模型実験による網の離底の高さは略一致する。また網口高さは,低速側で模型実験値が若干高くなるが, 25 ノット以上になると略一致する。"
"ITONO Hiroshi"
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.217-237,

"Some filamentous, minute red algae of the Callithamnieae and Compsothamnieae (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) are described here. The species described are as follows : Callithamnion pedicellatum spec, nov., C. aglaothamnioides spec. nov. Aglaothamnion oosumiense spec, nov., A. cordatum, A. neglectum, Seirospora occidentalis, Pleonosporium japonicum spec, nov., P. polymorpha spec, nov., P. pusillum and Mesothamnion caribaeum."
伊牟田 直輝 中村 薫 平田 八郎
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.p61-67, 1994-12

To examine artificial pellets as a substitute for feed of the larval firefly Luciola picticollis, feeding experiments were conducted with commercial prawn pellets for 190 days. About 100 larvae just after hatching were accommodated into a 5l polyurethane stock tank provided with pebbles, aeration and filtration apparatus, and fed with living snails Semisulcospira libertina. Before beginning of feeding experiments, 20 individuals as the control and 10 individuals as the first experiment were sampled from the stock and transferred into each 1l tank provided with aeration and only a stone as a shelter. They were fed with the snail meat or pellets. After 60 days, two groups of 10 individuals were added to the feeding experiment as the second and third. Mean plus S.D. of the control body length was 17.7±6.5mm in 190 days. That of the first experiment was 4.6±0.7mm in 80 days. That of the second or third experiment was 10.3±3.4mm or 7.4±1.8mm each in 130 days. Means plus S.D. of the body weight at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 instars of the control were 3.1±0.1mg, 6.9±0.1mg, 11.6±1.0mg, 44.7±1.4mg, 74.3±17.8mg, and 196.8±74.7mg. Those at 2, 3, 4, and 5 instars of the experimental group were 2.1±0.3mg, 4.2±0.8mg, 6.5±0.5mg, and 19.8±6.2mg. The pellets were able to maintain growth of firefly larvae, though they were not nutritionally excellent. From the binocular observation of larval feeding on pellets, maxillae were found to elongate and function in like manner of a drill.1)カワニナの代替にクルマエビ用の配合餌料を用い,ゲンジボタル幼虫の餌料飼育試験を行なった。 2)カワニナ餌区(対照区)を1つ,配合餌料区(実験区)を3つ設定し,190日間飼育実験した。実験期間中水温は,12°Cから27°Cの範囲で変化した。 3)平均体長±標準偏差は,対照区において190日目で17.7±6.5mm,実験1区は80日目で4.6±0.7mm,実験2区と実験3区は,各130日目で10.3±3.4mmと7.4±1.8mmであり,カワニナの方が配合餌料より早い伸びを示した。しかし生存率は逆に後者の方が良かった。 4)平均体重±標準偏差は各齢毎の測定で,対照区;2齢3.1±0.1mg,3齢6.9±0.1mg,4齢11.6±1.0mg,5齢44.7±1.4mg,6齢74.3±17.8mg,7齢196.8±74.7mg,実験区;2齢2.1±0.3mg,3齢4.2±0.8mg,4齢6.5±0.5mg,5齢19.8±6.2mg,となり齢数が加わるにつれて増加した。同時に体重の個体差も増加が示された。 5)配合餌料はカワニナ餌より成長効果が劣った。しかし,配合餌料でも摂餌は持続し成長も少なからず示されたこと,また生存率はカワニナ餌よりも良かったこと,等から本配合餌料は代用餌としての可能性を残す。 6)ゲンジボタル幼虫の摂餌行動上,従来不明であった小腮の役割に関して新知見を得た。
小澤 貴和
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.52, pp.19-22, 2004-02-27

This paper discussed the spawning season, spawning area, and metamorphosing area of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica based on the collection records of leptocephali until 1999. The spawning season was considered to be May and June. The spawning area was supposed to be located within 131-141°E, 12-18°N, and to specify it, collection of fertilized eggs or the smallest leptocephali was proposed. To determine the metamorphosing area, further collection of metamorphosing leptocephali would be necessary at outside of Kuroshio east of Bashi Channel and inside of Kuroshio.
皆元 国
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.4, 1956-01

(1) It is possible for us to get good results by this method in the following cases. (a) The relation between latitude and beclination is inappropriate for the ex-meridian observation. (b) The zenith distance of the sun's meridian passage lies within 10 degrees. (c) Special cases such as the tuna fishery by Long-Line in the southern sea. (2) In the above mentioned cases noon position may be fixed by merely observing the sun's meridian passage. (3) Error of the possition between above mentioned method and the ordinary one is not of a great difference.
今井 貞彦
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
no.5, pp.91-102,

The author has obtained numerous specimens of the flying-fishes involving the adult and juveniles of twenty species mainly from Kyfishil and its adjacent waters. The keys and main characteristics for the determination of the species of these Japanese flying-fishes are provided here. As the characteristics of flying-fishes greatly transform according to their growth, the keys to the species ought to be given for each stage of their life-history. In the present paper, Part I deals with the adult, and Part II with the young of these Japanese flying-fishes. Keys for the larva and immature fishes of them will be provided on the next parts III and IV.
高橋 淳雄
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.7, pp.133-140,

The origins of chlorine contained in the waters emitted from the hot springs nearthe sea coast in Kagoshima Prefecture are discussed, on the bases of the amounts ofchlorine, the deviations from the relative amounts of five major constituents of the seawater, and the hydrostatic pressure equilibrium. They are attributed to the present seawater, the sea water enclosed underground in the geological age, and the volcanicprocesses.鹿児島県海岸温泉を,海水混入の如何を主として調査した。Cl量の多少,泉温との関係,成分比の偏度,静水圧平衡を根拠として以下の如き結果が導かれた。(表9省略)海岸に近い温泉はすべて海水混入があり,Cl量が甚だ多く,且つ成分比は海水に類似して居り,その偏度は小さい。但し海水混入の様式は各温泉群によって相異している。海潟温泉,古里温泉は現海水の混入で説明されるが,阿久根温泉,鹿児島市温泉,指宿温泉は,地質時代の封入海水の混入或は火山性源も考えられる。海岸から離れた湯之元温泉,霧島温泉にも海水混入の疑がある。尚すべて以上の温泉は海水比以上のKを含有していることも注目される。以上の考察は海岸に近い温泉にCl量が多いという事実に着目し,主としてこれを海水源と見こしたのであるが,もし海岸からの遠近を論ぜず,すべてCl源は火山性であると考えれば如何になるか。海岸に近い温泉にCl量が多いという事実は,この考え方のみによれば海岸に近い火山の活動が強くて火山性のClを多く出したことに基くと見こすべきことになる。一方海岸から遠い場合は,火山性源のCl量多い温泉水が深所にあって,水圧弱くて地上に湧出し得ず,水蒸気のみが高地に迄上昇し得る状況にあると相像できる。Kの多いと云う事実は,かかる考え方に対する一つの支持を与えるが,しかし海岸に近い火山の活動が強いということは必ずしも当を得ない。従ってCl源は海水と火山性の両方にあると見こすことが出来る。
松野 保久 後野 剛一
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.53, pp.7-13, 2004-12-24

小枝 圭太 興 克樹 米沢 俊彦 久米 元
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 = Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.65, pp.21-26, 2016

The fresh water species Green Swordtail Xiphophorus heller Heckel, 1848, endemic to central and northern America, was introduced to Japanese waters in the 1960's, established populations being recorded on Kume-jima island and Okinawa-jima island (Okinawa Prefecture), and in Yamanashi Prefecture. A single specimen (39.9 mm SL) of Green Swordtail, collected from the Handa River in May 2011, was the first record of the species from Amami-oshima island (one of the Satsunan Islands). Although the population increased hugely over the following years, it decreased significantly in winter 2015/2016, during which record low temperature levels occurred, only to recover within six months. The morphology of specimens from Amami-oshima island are described in detail, and distributional records of the species and recent population status on Amami-oshima island are discussed.
藤枝 繁
鹿兒島大學水産學部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.56, pp.69-74, 2007-12

川村 軍蔵 不破 茂
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.23, pp.p9-18, 1974-12

"Even when the fishing is carried out under the constant fishing effort, catch fluctuates largely. Its fluctuation depends on two main factors, i.e. phychophysiological phase of fish and the fish population size in the fishing ground. To clarify these factors, the analysis of the catch fluctuation is needed. By use of Auto-correlation Coefficient, the authors carried out the analysis of periodic fluctuation of the catch of spotted mackerel in the fishing ground off the Yaku Island in Kagoshima Prefecture. In this study, it was clarified that when the number of the catch per one operation is less than 25 fish, the catch depends mainly on the chance, and when it is over 25 fish, the catch depends on the fishing ability of the crew, which is fixed by the experience and the strength of the crew. Then, in this analysis, the authors used the catch-data obtained in 1971 and 1972, and of the crew who showed an average catch irrespective of the catch per one operation, and who was looked upon as the one with much experience and full strength. Moreover as the catch was supposed to be affected by the winds and waves because of the smallness of the fishing boat, the fluctuation of the scale of wind waves in the fishing ground was analyzed. The following results were obtained. (1). In the wind waves fluctuation, significant cycles consisting of 3.4 days, 5.2 days and 32.7 days were observed in 1972. (2).In the catch fluctuation, significant cycles consisting of 3.8 days and 8.8 days were observed in 1971; and those of 5.1 days and 9.6 days in 1972; and the former in 1972 was considered to be the cycle affected by the wind waves. (3). No cycle agree with that of the moon-age was observed in the catch fluctuation. (4). It was assumed that the periodic fluctuation of catch is to be caused chiefly by both emigration and the immigration of the spotted mackerel in the fishing ground round the Yaku Island."
日高 富男 河口 貴史 崎田 勲 ヒダカ トミオ カワグチ タカフミ サキタ イサオ HIDAKA Tomio KAWAGUCHI Takafumi SAKITA Isao
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.31, pp.219-233, 1982-12-25

The authors dealt with the distribution and identification of luminous bacteria in seawater around the Ryukyu Island Arc. We sampled in every autumn, 1978-'80: in '78, 33 samples were collected from 50m, 100m, and 300m depth layers at 14 stations around the Miyako Island; in '79, 38 samples from 15 stations around the Amami-o-shima; and in '80, 52 samples from 24 stations in the west region of the northern Ryukyu Island Arc; all told 123 samples from 53 stations.The luminous bacteria were detected in 32 samples (5 samples in '78, 6 in '79, and 21 in '80).The number of samples containing luminous bacteria were more in 50-100m layers than in 300m layers. Luminescent bacteria were recovered at concentrations of 1 to 4 cells per ml, and 50 strains in all were isolated. On the 50 luminous bacterial isolates, 23 (46%) were Vibrio fischeri, 1(2%) were Photobacterium phosphoreum, 13 (26%) were P.mandapamensis, 13 (25%) were Lucibacterium harveyi. In sampes of '78, L.harveyi was a major component. It was different from the composition of luminescent bacterial species in samples of '79 and '80. The species composition of'79 was almost same as that of '80, that is, V.fischeri 59%, P.phosphoreum 3%, P.mandapamensis 25%, and L.harveyi 13%. Thus, the species composition of the luminous bacterial commucities may serve as the indicators of different condition in marine water masses.著者らは,琉球島弧周辺海域の海水から発光細菌を計数,分離し,それらを同定して,菌種別分布を調べた。我々は,試料を1978年から'80年の各年秋季に採集した。すなわち,それは,'78年には宮古島近海の14定点の深度50m,100m,300m層から33の試料,'79年には奄美大島近海の15定点から38試料,'80年には北琉球島弧西方海域の24定点から52試料,合計53定点から123試料であった。発光細菌は,32試料('78年の5試料,'79年の6,そして'80年の21)から検出された。発光細菌が検出された試料の数は,300m層よりも50~100m層で多かった。それらの1ml当たり発光細菌細胞は,1~3個の濃度で見出され,50株が分離された。分離発光細菌50株の菌種組成は : Vibrio fischeriが23株(46%); Photobacterium phosphoreum,1(2%); P.mandapamensis,13(26%); Lucibacterium harveyi,13(26%)であった。'78年の試料では,L.harveyiが優占種であって,'79年と'80年の試料中の菌種組成とは異なっていた。後2者の菌種組成はほとんど同じで,それは,V.fischeri 59%,P.phosphoreum 3%,P.mandapamensis 25%,そしてL.harveyi 13%であった。これらの結果から発光細菌群の菌種組成は,その海域の海況や生物生産性の違いを表す指標として役に立つものと考えられる。
今田 清二 コンダ セイジ KONDA Seiji
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.3, no.1, pp.254-260, 1953-11


1 0 0 0 OA 甑島の捕鯨

不破 茂 花田 芳裕
vol.60, pp.13-23, 2011 (Released:2013-10-08)