阿部 清司
千葉大学経済研究 (ISSN:09127216)
vol.23, no.3, pp.399-418, 2008-12

Argentina suffered from severe economic crisis in 2001, which was triggered by the dollar peg, excessive issues of national bonds and the IMF policy package. More fundamentally, the crisis was caused by the bad governance, the widespread corruption, the lack of industrialization, the lack of modern market mechanism, the lack of democracy, the lack of response to the globalization, etc. Argentina has attained independence since 1816, but there still exist political rivalry between local and central governments. The disunity has inhibited any modern social reform, with the old social system still dominating the country. Argentina now lives on the century-old heritages with any social modernization neglected from generation to generation. The lacks that caused the crisis were also pointed out by the socalled Okita Report which was produced by the joint Argentina-Japanese research team headed by Dr. Saburo Okita. The Okita Report 1 of 1986 makes an in-depth analysis of macro economy, agriculture, industry, transportation and foreign trade of Argentina with valuable policy recommendations. The Okita Report 2 of 1996 focused on foreign trade, especially trade with Asian countries, and foreign direct investment from Asia, pointing out strongly the lack of willingness to export, develop and modernize. The Okita Reports mean a culmination of good relations between Argentina and Japan. A revaluation of the Okita Report was done at a conference in Buenos Aires in 2006, twenty years after the Okita Report 1. Many participants admitted that the value of the Okita Report for Argentina Economy remains intact. Its practical proposal the essence of which contains the need of industrialization will retain its precious value for the future for Argentina. It will be referred to by farsighted policy makers of Argentina in coping with the tide of globalization. Otherwise, Argentina would remain underdeveloped while other Latin American countries make further progress.
石戸 光 イシド ヒカリ ISHIDO Hikari
経済研究 (ISSN:09127216)
vol.24, no.1, pp.43-95, 2009-06

This paper addresses the diversity and scope for catalyzing further cooperation in the Asia Pacific region, as the title indicates. With the complexity of Asia-Pacific region's trade pattern and financial interdependence evolving further in this new century, the Pacific Rim region has a significant implication for formulating outward-looking economic policy. The paper provides factual information on and analytical insight into the region's diversity; and then provides practical policy recommendations. 2010 is the year in which Japan will chair all the government-level meetings under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). APEC is a unique international forum in that it (1) propounds an "open regionalism" of free trade and investment, originally (albeit arguably) on a non-reciprocal basis; (2)operates in a uniquely diverse economic milieu; and (3) includes as its members the world's big economies (including the US, Russia, China and Japan). In the arena of international economic policy making, the popularity of the APEC forum had "hit the bottom" soon after the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, at which APEC could not, at least as a general perception, prescribe any viable policy frameworks. A heart-felt cooperative spirit shared by all the member economies of APEC (including its citizens), therefore, is indispensable for achieving economic stabilityand prosperity in this region.欧文抄録: pp.99-100
安孫子 誠男
千葉大学経済研究 (ISSN:09127216)
vol.8, no.4, pp.109-144, 1994-03-02

The macro modelling of a'fordian' growth regime proposed by R. Boyer has combined two lines of empirical and theoretical studies : on one hand the 'regulation' approach which focuses on the succession of different accumulation regimes, on the other hand the statistical researches which try to explain the slow-down of productivity and employment in Europe since the Seventies. The article aims at clarifying critically, along Boyer's path to macro formalizing, how the 'regulation' approach deales with technological change, wage labour nexus ('rapport salarial'), and investment determinants in the medium and long run. In this first part, it is argued that Boyer has investigated, based upon the evidence of various historical stylized facts, the originalities of wage formation and price trend after the World War II.
工藤 秀明
千葉大学経済研究 (ISSN:09127216)
vol.11, no.3, pp.329-373, 1996-12-04

The third part of 'Okonomisch-philosophische Manuscripte' includes one meaningfull and mysterious paragraph, in which the most important idea of young Marx seems to be represented. It is as follows. 'Wir sehn hier, wie der durchgefuhlte Naturalismus oder Humanismus sich sowohl von dem Idealismus, als der Materialismus unterscheidet und zugleich ihre beide vereinigende Wahrheit ist. Wir sehn zugleich, wie nur der Naturalismis fahig ist, den Akt der Weltgeschichte zu begreiten'. We try to decode the paragraph through elucidating the total context of 'Kritik der Hegelschen Dialetik und Philosophie uberhaupt'.
工藤 秀明
千葉大学経済研究 (ISSN:09127216)
vol.11, no.4, pp.507-533, 1997-03-05

In the last paper, we tried to decode one meaningfull and mysterious paragraph in the third part of OKONOMISCH-PHILOSOPHISCHE MANUSCRIPTE through elucidating the total context of 'Kritik der Hegelschen Dialektik und philosophie uberhaupt'. In this paper, we try to make clear the whole context of the third part mentioned above, focusing on the key sentence saying that 'die Gesellschaft ist die vollendete Wesenseinheit des Menschen mit der Natur, die wahre Resurrektion der Natur, der durchgefuhrte Naturalismus des Menschen und der durchgefuhrte Humanismus der Natur'. Though this work, we will be able to understand the importance of 'Nature' in the first 'Kritik der politischen Okonomie'.