高橋 伸彦
Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine
日本良導絡自律神経学会雑誌 (ISSN:09130977)
vol.52, no.4, pp.121-135, 2007

The circa dian rhythm of Ryodoraku has previously been reported, but the details are not yet well known. As a result Ryodoraku of three volunteers were examined several times a day w ith resistance and capacitance (R&C) using a multi-frequency body fat analyzer and/or oxida tion reduction potential (ORP), p H and volume of u rine.<BR>Accompanied with several small waves, Ryodo raku currents gradually increased from morning to afternoon and decreased from afternoon to night.<BR>Fluctuations in Ryodoraku were roughly s imilar to changes in urinary volume per hour. As urinary volume is regulated by anti-diuretic hormone, secretion of w hich is c ontrolled by the ce ntral nervous system, Ryodoraku might also be managed by the centrar nervous system.<BR>In most cases the changes in R yodoraku displayed the inverse associations to the large fluctuations of urinary ORP and to the alterations of R & C. It was thought that urinary ORP was affected by f ood intake or bathing etc. and R & C w ere influenced by cellular activities. Therefore Ryo doraku was considered to vary according to the living activities. From these findings, the circadian rhythm o f R yodoraku seems to be composed of a large wave controlled by the central nervous system and several small waves influenced by living activit ies.