加藤 潤
名古屋女子大学紀要 人文・社会編 (ISSN:09152261)
no.36, pp.p63-72, 1990-03

The conception of youth or adolescence can not be defined by only biological or even psychological process (Dornbusch, 1989). But it is rather social or cultural phenomenon (Mead, 1928, Aries, 1960). Especially the period of YOUTH can not be explained without putting it in the context of social change or industrialization process during the ninteenth cnetury in the Western world. Such a sociological research has not been done for the Japanese modernization period. Only the work of KINMONTH (1981) is an outstanding exception. This paper argues that social conception of YOUTH was formed in Meiji Japanese (1868-1912). We specify the time in late Meiji era when intellectuals (Journalists or scholors) found that educated young people were going away from the former value or nation. Educated young people were separated from work place and no longer in the period of childhood. Instead they were in school and oriented to literature, philosophy and themselves. The older generation looked their behaviors as ununderstandable and alarmed that the crisis of national integration was stemming from those young people. But some intellecturals found them from quite different aspect. They discovered the conception of YOUTH in the corupted youth culture and their diffused psychological state and insisted on the importance of schooling as socialization institution. Since then, two incompatible thought on YOUTH has been on the argument among intellecturals until Japan went into militarism. One is to place educated youth in the authorized social moratorium period. The other thought sees young people negative even dangerous and want schools to be total institution in order to keep social integration as it was in early Meiji era.
加藤 潤
名古屋女子大学紀要 人文・社会編 (ISSN:09152261)
no.35, pp.p41-51, 1989-03

"This paper firstly presents a methodological survey over the series of studies on the youth as the concept historically discovered in the course of Japanese modernization. The concept of Youth or Adolescence, formaly recognized only as one of the stages of epigenetic development, recently has been re-examined in the context of historical event or social control. The analysis here is also based on such a methodological revision. Secondly for the specification of our analysis, we focus on the Modern Japanese Youth which was percieved as an ""Alien Generation"" to the preceding one. Using the data such as descriptive poll or publication dealing with the disparity between two generations, we find clear turningpoint of value structure of youg men in pararell with the change of Japanese social structure around the 1905, the year of the Japanese-Russian War was over. Our findings here are as follows. l)The society found the concept of selfness in the psychological status of youg men around the twentieth cetury. But instead of sharing the concept of identity crisis among young men, people labeled them as morally corrupted generation. 2)Such a situation can be accounted by the transition of the social goal from the nation oriented one to the private life oriented one. 3)This social situation gave rise to two types of young men, one was enthusiastic for own success and consumatory life style, and the other was gloomy in the identity diffusion and vacancy of any goal or value to commit themselves. But more detailed first hand data should be collected and examined before we come to conclusion. At the same time, we should examin how the social fact of market revolution and the extension of shooling affect the life cycle of young men and their internal status."
道家 春代
名古屋女子大学紀要. 人文・社会編 (ISSN:09152261)
vol.35, pp.262-254, 1989-03-10