濱島 良吉
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
no.6, pp.1-6, 2003-03

At present, a slow earthquake is continuing in the Tokai area. Then, the energy of approximately magnitude of 7.2 is estimated to have released. However, it doesn't find whether or not this slow earthquake develops into the big earthquake. This slow earthquake is supposed to have occurred because a part of the Philippin sea plate comes off. As the result, the extraordinary crustal movement in the Tokai district has been clarified from the GPS observation result. Moreover, recently, the extraordinary crustal movement has occurred in the wide area including Kanto and the central area. In this research, An analysis to clarify the occurrence mechanism of the earthquake in the Japanese Islands was progressed and the movement of the tectonic line in the Japanese Islands was clarified.
臼井 敬太郎

筆者は,前橋中心商店街協同組合の依頼を受け,地域\n活性化研究事業「中心市街地におけるアートプロジェク\nトによる空き家,空き店舗の利活用研究」として,街な\nかでデッドスペースとなった空き店舗について展示会場\nとして活用する展覧会(「つまずく石の縁 ? 地域に生ま\nれるアートの現場 ? 」 主催:アートによる文化交流推\n進実行委員会,前橋中心商店街協同組合,共催:アーツ\n前橋,2018 年10 月?11 月の土休日計12 日間開催)の\n企画に協力した.街なかを舞台にした展覧会の計画には\n次のような問題意識がある.前橋市の中心市街地におけ\nる通行量は1994 年をピークに減少の一途を辿っている.\n複数の県立高校の郊外への移転や郊外への大型商業施設\nの進出にその要因が求められるが,中心商店街店主の高\n齢化や後継者不足などを背景に,廃業や一時休業に陥る\n店舗が徐々に発生してきている現実もある.前橋中心商\n店街協同組合はアーツ前橋と協同でアートプロジェクト\nとして空き店舗を作品の展示空間として活用し,街なか\nの交流拠点を増やし,にぎわい創出に向けた可能性を見\n出そうとしていた.\nそこで,これまでに筆者が研究室主体となって前橋市\n中心市街地で行ってきた建築見学会や街歩きの経験を生\nかし,中心市街地の魅力を引き出すための周知活動を中\n心とした展覧会の企画に協力した.具体的には,中心市\n街地のリサーチを通して,空き店舗を活用した展示計画\nと運営に協力し,鑑賞者の回遊性をより高めるため街歩\nきを促すマップやサイン制作など展覧会周知ツール(グ\nラフィックデザインは寺澤由樹氏が担当)の提案を行っ\nた.会期中には,筆者が講師を務める街歩きツアーを開\n催するなど,展覧会を切り口にした人々のコミュニケー\nションのきっかけを作ることで地域活性化の端緒を作る\nことを目指した.ちなみに展覧会タイトル「つまずく石\nの縁」は,ことわざ「躓く石も縁の端 = 道でつまずい\nた石さえも,その人といくらかの因縁があるということ.\nどんなにつまらないことや関係でも大事にしなければな\nらないというたとえ」から命名されたもので,展覧会を\n通した小さな気づきから人や街,地域再発見の期待が込\nめられている.
清水 美代 土屋 十圀 孫 士禹
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
vol.10, pp.34-40, 2007-03-30

Many water resources depends on a mountainous district river basin in Japan, especially, snow coverage area play an important role in the water resources, therefore it is necessary to perform development and management of water resources exactly. For that purpose, since it is necessary to grasp a characteristic of runoff correctly, the discharge is calculated using the long-term runoff analysis model of Ando which can conduct analysis from fundamental hydrological data, such as daily rainfall and average daily temperature. The water cycle model has a physical meaning, and can reproduce the changes of a long-term outflow well by comparatively easy calculation. Although this model is already applied even in some mountainous district river basins, there are few research examples in a full-scale snow area. Therefore, it applied to the Sakura river which is a snow area, the conformity of this model was examined in detail, and it aimed at clarifying the water balance in the Sakura river. As a result, when influence of snow and meltingsnow was not taken into consideration, the correlation coefficient of observation runoff and calculation runoff was very low. However, when the influence of snow coverage and melting snow is taken into consideration, high correlation was shown, and an accurate analysis was able to be conducted. Moreover, the water balance in the Sakura River became dear from the result of the runoff analysis for five years from 2001 to 2005.
土屋 十圀 中村 要介
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
vol.9, pp.9-15, 2006-03-31

This study estimated the safety degree of flood control at Yattajima, the Tone river, Japan to verify effects of additional dams. Rainfall events considered are Typhoon Catherine in 1947, Ise Bay Typhoon in 1959, the typhoon No. 15 in 1981, and the typhoon No. 5 in 1998. The storage function method was used for runoff analysis, which showed good agreement between observed and computed discharges. Using the spatiotemporal rainfall pattern of Typhoon Catherine, this study simulated rainfall-runoff at each time stage; 1959 with two dams, 1981 with five dams, and 1998 with six dams (the same as present situation), and evaluated the effect of these added dams on flood control in terms of the decrease of peak discharge at Yattajima. The decreases estimated were 513-1,253m^3/s for the 1959 situation; 2,025-2,765m^3/s for 1981; and 2,233-2,973m^3/s for 1998. It is also verified that the present situation with six dams can cope with 200-year floods, which is significant improvement because the past situation without dams could cope with 100-year floods.
原島 秀人
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
vol.4, pp.107-110, 2001-03-25

There are a number of MOOs (MUD Object Oriented, where MUD stands for Multi-User Dimension) currently developed in Japan. It is questionable, however, if they will ever become popular or educationally successful. This paper will review the current developments of educational MOOs in Japan and describe some of the problems they entail. The problems include such issues as weak incentives for inviting users, lack of enough chatting ability in English among Japanese users, shortage of participation from English native speakers, want of hard-working wizards or moderators, high connection cost, lack of audio-visual stimulus, network restriction against constant telnet connection, and i-mode popularity. SaMOOrai, Costello, Kyoto-MOO, InterZone University, AndroMOO, and isMOO will be examined among others as different applications of MOO-related technology in Japan. Their characteristics, strength, and weakness will be discussed before some ideas for improving Japanese MOO environments are finally proposed.