河合 真由美 土屋 十圀
公益社団法人 土木学会
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
no.51, pp.1331-1336, 2007

It is an important subject tomanage sedimentation of dams appropriately so that the continuity of rivers maybe maintained and the influence of the ecosystem on the downstream site may be made to reduce in lateyears. And it is necessary to examine measures of turbid water. In this study, changes of a pollutant load which sediment affects are cleared quantitatively on Siromaru Dam. Relation between turbidity and the diversity of benthic animals are clarified using a stochastic method. <BR>The correlating equation of between turbidityand SS was obtained reliably bycalculation of a pollutant load. And an annual discharge-duration curve on the turbidity has been created. A significant relation is accepted, that is between the non-exceeding probability of 355-day turbidity and the Simpson index using stochastic methods of turbidity and benthic animals. This relation is suiting a convex quadratic curve and having the maximum of diversity. Therefore, it became clear that the suitable non-exceeding probability, namely, moderate disturbance frequency exists.
中村 要介 土屋 十圀
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.50, pp.361-366, 2006 (Released:2010-11-30)

This study estimated the safety degree of flood control at Yattajima, the Tone River, Japan to verify effects of additional dams. Rainfall events considered are Catherine Typhoon in 1947, Ise Bay Typhoon in 1959, the Typhoon No. 15 in 1981, and the Typhoon No. 5 in 1998. The storage function method was used for runoff analysis, which showed good agreement between observed and computed discharges. Using the spatiotemporal rainfall pattern of Catherine Typhoon, this study simulated rainfall-runoff at each time stage; 1959 with two dams, 1981 with five dams, and 1998 with six dams (the same as present situation), and evaluated the effect of these added dams on flood control in terms of the decrease of peak discharge at Yattajima. The decreases estimated were 513-1, 253 m3/s for the 1959 situation; 2, 025-2, 765 m3/s for 1981; and 2, 233-2, 973 m3/s for 1998. It is also verified that the present situation with six dams can cope with 200-year floods, which is significant improvement because the past situation without dams could cope with 100-year floods.
土屋 十圀 池田 駿介
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.42, pp.403-408, 1998-02-20 (Released:2010-08-25)
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The present paper deals with hydraulics in compound open channels with vegetation, the purpose of which is the application of the experimental results to planning and design of actual rivers. The experimental study was performed by measuring the resistance to flow in channel with artificial reeds and lateral velocity distribution at various design discharges. The laboratory tests indicate that the resistance coefficient is increased considerably (by 53%) even if the vegetation locates only at low banks. As an experimental technique, it was found that fine nylon-filament was the best to simulate flexible vegetation.
土屋 十圀
Ecology and Civil Engineering Society
応用生態工学 (ISSN:13443755)
vol.2, no.1, pp.21-27, 1999-05-31 (Released:2009-05-22)
3 1

土屋 十圀 中村 良夫
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.56, no.5, pp.229-234, 1993-03-24
3 3

砂口 真澄 土屋 十圀
vol.19, pp.82-82, 2006

近年の都市域における氾濫は,河川からの外水氾濫による地表面氾濫や,都市域に網羅された下水道管路からの噴き出しからの内水氾濫が多発している.東京都の神田川流域では,2005年9月の台風第14号による豪雨で内水氾濫,護岸の決壊による水害が発生した.河川計画の上では治水水準が達成されつつも,内水氾濫に対しては下水道の排水・貯留能力を高めることが課題となっている.一方,ソフト面の対応策として,ハザードマップが作成されているが,町・丁目まで精度の高い浸水区域を想定する必要が高まっている.よって本論では事例研究として神田川流域の小排水区(190ha)を対象に詳細な河川・下水道の浸水メカニズムを数値モデル(NILIM)によって明らかにすることを目的とした. 2004年10月の台風第22号の降雨イベントをNILIMに適応させた結果,対象区の上流側で内水氾濫現象が確認された.このときの最大水深は101cm,浸水面積は0.16haとなった.
清水 美代 土屋 十圀 孫 士禹
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
vol.10, pp.34-40, 2007-03-30

Many water resources depends on a mountainous district river basin in Japan, especially, snow coverage area play an important role in the water resources, therefore it is necessary to perform development and management of water resources exactly. For that purpose, since it is necessary to grasp a characteristic of runoff correctly, the discharge is calculated using the long-term runoff analysis model of Ando which can conduct analysis from fundamental hydrological data, such as daily rainfall and average daily temperature. The water cycle model has a physical meaning, and can reproduce the changes of a long-term outflow well by comparatively easy calculation. Although this model is already applied even in some mountainous district river basins, there are few research examples in a full-scale snow area. Therefore, it applied to the Sakura river which is a snow area, the conformity of this model was examined in detail, and it aimed at clarifying the water balance in the Sakura river. As a result, when influence of snow and meltingsnow was not taken into consideration, the correlation coefficient of observation runoff and calculation runoff was very low. However, when the influence of snow coverage and melting snow is taken into consideration, high correlation was shown, and an accurate analysis was able to be conducted. Moreover, the water balance in the Sakura River became dear from the result of the runoff analysis for five years from 2001 to 2005.
土屋 十圀 中村 要介
前橋工科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13438867)
vol.9, pp.9-15, 2006-03-31

This study estimated the safety degree of flood control at Yattajima, the Tone river, Japan to verify effects of additional dams. Rainfall events considered are Typhoon Catherine in 1947, Ise Bay Typhoon in 1959, the typhoon No. 15 in 1981, and the typhoon No. 5 in 1998. The storage function method was used for runoff analysis, which showed good agreement between observed and computed discharges. Using the spatiotemporal rainfall pattern of Typhoon Catherine, this study simulated rainfall-runoff at each time stage; 1959 with two dams, 1981 with five dams, and 1998 with six dams (the same as present situation), and evaluated the effect of these added dams on flood control in terms of the decrease of peak discharge at Yattajima. The decreases estimated were 513-1,253m^3/s for the 1959 situation; 2,025-2,765m^3/s for 1981; and 2,233-2,973m^3/s for 1998. It is also verified that the present situation with six dams can cope with 200-year floods, which is significant improvement because the past situation without dams could cope with 100-year floods.