足立 祐子 鄭 賢熙
国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.2, pp.27-42, 2006-03

We have examined whether ideas containing gender bias occur in Japanese and Korean language textbooks used throughout Japan. Our analysis show the presence of stereotypes linked to gender differences within these textbooks, mainly occurring in cut-in illustrations and text in the format of conversation dialogues. Among these, ideas which show a pre-established assumption of the gender of a person solely on the basis of the exercising occupation or performing role within a family home were especially common. Language school teachers should be aware of those biased ideas not only related to gender bias, but also associated with cultural differences as well. Moreover, we believe there is a further need for more appropriate teacher's training programs in order to encourage gender bias free thinking and avoid culturally induced misconceptions.
足立 祐子
新潟大学国際センター紀要 = Journal of the International Exchange Support Center (ISSN:13461583)
no.12, pp.1-12, 2016-03

This paper addresses problems in the Japanese language education for foreigners. Traditionally, the Japanese language education had been mainly focused on teaching grammar. However, recently the pedagogic interest began to be shift to "what did the learner come to be able to do", not "what does the learner know". Accordingly, the Japanese language education need to seek a new educational principle. As argued by the Nishiguchi(2013) that the contents of the Japanese language education experiencing a paradigm change, this paper aims to discuss the problems and the solutions for the future Japanese language education based on the arguments of Nishiguchi(2013) and Hosokawa(2007).
鄭 賢熙
国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.1, pp.63-71, 2005-03

The object of this paper is to shed light on the fact that verbal communication conflicts do arise in conversations between Japanese native speakers and people who make use of Japanese as a second language (a JSL speaker). More specifically, it focuses on foreign patterns of speech act behaviors which usually find their way into these conversations and how they give rise to several possibilities of misunderstandings during such conversations. The object of this study are overseas Korean students, fluent in Japanese, and the ways they handle daily life situations "vis a vis" Japanese native speakers have been analyzed from a linguistic perspective. The conversations were taken from role-played situations of conflict between two Japanese native speakers (20 pairs), two Korean native speakers (20 pairs) and one Korean native speaker and one Japanese native speaker (20 pairs); and these were analyzed according to their speech act behavioral characteristics. On account of the results obtained in this study, communication-related misunderstandings between native Japanese speakers and JSL Korean speakers have a great probability of occurring in real-life situations.
池田 英喜
新潟大学国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.3, pp.31-48, 2007-03

日本事情科目については、以前から複数の教員から実施についての疑問の声が上がっていた。その声は、例えば「学生にとって本当に有益な科目の提供ができているか」「あるいは「学生が本当に授業を理解しているか」というものであった。国際センターでは日本事情科目の管理運営を任されているという立場から、こういった科目の具体的な見直しを図るために、授業担当教員からの声を集めることにした。This is a Report of the Survey on the NIHONJIJYO subjects which have been held every year to help undergraduate foreign students to understand what is now going on in Japan and what they should know about very basic social, legal and scientific history of Japan. I did this survey because I heard some complaints about those subjects from some lecturers in charge of them and also because at ISC we agreed that it is time to renew those subjects into more effective ones.
池田 英喜 Ikeda Hideki
新潟大学国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.8, pp.11-19, 2012-03

It seems to be very difficult for Japanese learners to master (or maybe for Japanese instructors to teach) how to use particles "-wa" and "-ga" in Japanese. But is it really that difficult? In this article, I will show you 1) some common problems Japanese text books have and 2) my simple and easy solution to this.
池田 英喜 Ikeda Hideki
新潟大学国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.10, pp.1-9, 2014-03

In this article, I discuss common pronunciation mistakes that Chinese learners of Japanese make when they read Japanese sentences. I organize it into three arguments. 1) Common mistakes in pronunciation when they pronounce [ba][be][bo] as [pa][pe][po] unknowingly. 2) The mechanism of how they often pronounce the voiced labial explosive consonant [b] in Japanese as a voiceless un-aspirated labial explosive consonant [p] and also pronounce the voiceless labial explosive consonant in Japanese [p] as the voiceless aspirated labial explosive [ph] . In this section I also discuss the reasons behind why they make these mispronunciations. 3) How they can acquire correct Japanese pronunciation in labial consonants.
ドレベトニャク イリーナ
国際センター紀要 (ISSN:13461583)
vol.1, pp.45-54, 2005-03

This work is dedicated to the comparative analysis of the Passive Voice in the Russian and Japanese languages. The Passive Voice in the Japanese language was analyzed with the help of classification, given by Choo. It is common to divide passive sentences in the Japanese language into four groups, called in the work A type, B type, C type and D type sentences. A type: Taroo ga Hanako ni nagurareta. B type: Taroo ga Hanako ni asi wo fumareta. C type: Taroo ga suri ni saihu wo surareta. D type: Taroo ga tsuma ni sinareta. In the work we tried to apply this classification to the Russian language. As the result, we pointed out the existence of not only A type passive sentences, which are common for many languages, but also B type sentences. C type and D type do not exist. However, the existence of B type passive sentences in the Russian language, in comparison with Japanese, is limited. In the work we pointed out the differences between B type sentences in the Russian and Japanese languages. As well, we defined circumstances, which influence on the existence of B type sentences and tried to explain them.