小野 智佐子
現代社会研究 (ISSN:1348740X)
no.15, pp.177-183, 2017

<目的>ワーキングマザーが体験する、就学前および就学後の「小1の壁」を明らかにすることである。<結果>小学生1~3年生までの子をもつ核家族世帯の共働き家庭であるワーキングマザーを対象にインタビュー調査を行った。共働き家庭にあるワーキングマザーは、就学前と就学後にそれぞれ異なる「小1の壁」体験をしていた。就学前には【就学後の生活がイメージ困難】、【納得のゆく放課後保育を探せない】、就学後には、【学童保育は保育園の延長線ではない戸惑い】、【わが子の放課後が心配】、【雇用形態の変更に迫られる】、【夏休みに入り新たな問題に遭遇】、【PTA活動に貢献できないジレンマ】、【サポートが得られないことによるストレス】であった。 BackgroundThe purpose of this study is to clarify the "first grade barrier" that is experienced by working mothersbefore and after children start elementary school.MethodI conducted interviews with working mothers of dual-income nuclear families who have children in thefirst- to third-year at elementary school.ResultsThe mothers faced different types of "first grade barriers" in the period of before and after their childrenstarted elementary school; the barriers before starting school were that they could not prepare for theirroutine, and they could not find after school care that they were satisfied with; barriers after starting schoolwere that they felt confused about the fact that after school care was different from daycare, they wereworried about their children after school, they had to change their employment status, they faced newissues during summer holidays, there was a dilemma that they could not contribute to PTA activities, andthey suffered stress because they could not get any support.