Etmy Herawati 石崎 文彬
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.42, no.3, pp.449-461, 1998-03

Pediococcus sp. ISK-1, isolated in our laboratory, has been found to inhabit in well-aged Nukadoko which is believed to have lasted for 360 years. We compared the influence of ethanol between Lactobacillus homohiochii JCM 1199' and strain ISK-l and found that the growth of strain ISK-1 was seriously inhibited by ethanol. However, fermentation of ISK-1 was strongly stimulated by Yamahai-moto Sake and Sakekasu (Sake Filter Cake). Yamahai-moto Sake is obtained from traditional brewing, therefore, it was possible that Sakekasu would have been used for the first Nukadoko preparation at that time. Addition of 8.0% NaCI and 2.0% Sakekasu in MRS broth resulted in substantially improving the cell population and lactate formation. Based on those facts, it is presumed that the first Nukadoko may have been prepared by the supplementation of Sakekasu, Soy souce, and Salt with selective pressure resulting in enrichment of strain ISK-1 of the bacteriocin producer.
Shiraishi Shinichi Watanabe Yuka
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.36, no.1, pp.63-67, 1991-10

The anthocyanin pigments of red grapes Vi& vinifera cultivars, 'Kaiji', 'Sekirei', 'MorgenshBn', 'Mario' and 'Unicorn' were examined by thin-layer chromatography and reflection densitometry. Seven spots were separated, and they were identified to pigments by Rf values, molybdate shift and color reactions, except for one unidentified spot. In 'Kaiji', the pigments in decreasing order of concentration, were cyanidin-3-monoglucoside (92%), delphinidin-3-monoglucoside (8%), and traces of peonidin-3-monoglucoside and an unidentified pigment. 'Ruby Okuyama', 'Morgenshon and 'Sekirei' had constitutions similar 'to 'Kaiji'. Pigments of 'Rizamat', 'Mario' and 'Unicorn', in decreasing order of concentration, were malvidin-, cyaniden, petunidin-, delphinidin- and peonidin3mmonoglucosides, 'Mario' lacking peonidin-3mmonoglucoside. In 'Kaiji', the aglycones were cyanidin (92%) and delphinidin (8%). In 'Ruby Okuyama' and 'Morgenshijn', the aglycones were in about the same order, and plus petunidin in 'Sekirei'. 'Rizamat' and 'Unicorn' contained five aglycones, in decreasing order of concentration, malvidin, cyanidin, petunidin, delphinidin and peonidin, and peonidin was absent in 'Mario'.
Chinachoti Noppawan 遠藤 直之 園元 謙二 石崎 文彬
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.42, no.3, pp.421-436, 1998-03

Continuous fermentation was introduced to improve the nisin Z productivity of Lactococcus lactis IO-1. Free cells showed a good productivity at the dilution rate of 0.1 h^<-1>. However, nisin Z production was affected by cell wash-out at the dilution rate of 0.2h^<-1>. Continuous fermentation with the cells adsorbed on ENTG-3800 gel beads displayed an improvement in productivity at higher dilution rates. No enhancement of nisin Z production was observed during continuous fermentation at a high cell density employing a hydrophobic hollow fiber membrane. The polyolefm membrane adsorbed the produced nisin Z too much. Continuous fermentation at a high cell density employing a ceramic membrane displayed a good nisin Z productivity at high dilution rates. Nisin Z productivity could be increased if a ceramic membrane with an adequate and effective filtration area is employed. Nisin Z was separated from the fermentation broth using various kinds of adsorbents including Amberlite IR-120B, CM Sephadex C-25, Celite, and Sep-Pak cartridges. The Sep-Pak (tC_18, C_18, C_8, and tC_2) cartridges showed a substantial capacity for nisin Z adsorption. A moderate reversed-phase column, a Sep-Pak C, cartridge, was applied to integrate nisin Z fermentation with a ceramic membrane and product separation system. Nisin Z productivity was enhanced by the integration of the nisin Z adsorption cartridge. This result indicates the possibility of continuous fermentation with the integrated bioreactor system followed by high nisin Z productivity.
Funakoshi Kimitake Uchida Teruaki
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.23, no.1, pp.95-115, 1978-10

A study on annual activity cycle of P. abramus was carried out in Fukuoka City. The bats formed a colony and remained in one house all year, without seasonal migration. From May to September emergence time of the first bat averaged 12 minutes after sunset, though it was earlier in cloudy weather than in clear. As for nocturnal activity, there was both a major peak soon after sunset and a minor peak just before sunrise from May to August, but in October only the former occurred. When air temperatures dropped to 15℃ and less, bats seldom emerged. The principal foraging period was within 2 or 3 hours after emergence in summer; and was synchronized with the emergence of most small Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, which constitute the major portion of the diet. In early spring and autumn Diptera became the main food. The size (body length) of available insects was 15mm and less. The increase ratios of body weight in late autumn to that in summer were 30.6 and 29.2 % in adult females and males, respectively. Hibernation lasted from early November until mid-March. During deep hibernation, arousal occurred once in 16 days, and the rate of weight loss (ca. 1 mg/g body weight/day) was about half of that during the shallow hibernation. Winter activities of genus Pipistrehs are various in different species. It may be attributed not only to variations in climate and food, but also to the degree of coldresistance and of torpidity.
Wang Zi-Xuan Iwata Nobuo Sukekiyo Yasunori Yoshimura Atsushi
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.36, no.1, pp.99-108, 1991-10

Rice stocks carrying one or more recessive marker genes were fertilized with pollen of a stock carrying normal alleles at the corresponding loci, that had been preirradiated with gamma rays. Plants derived from such hybridization were investigated for their marker genes, morphological features and seed fertility. Fifty-two pseudo-dominant plants for 9 marker genes were detected from 13,063 plants of 10 cross combinations, and a number of other plants that did not show pseudo-dominant for any marker genes but had variations in morphological features and/or seed fertility, were also obtained. The chromosome number of those plants were counted in the root tip cells, and plants with 2n= 12, 2n=23, 2n=23+1Fr (fragment chromosome), 2n=23+2Fr, 2n=23+3Fr, 2n=25, and chromosome interchange heterozygous, were observed. This study suggests that the use of irradiated pollen is an effective method for inducing chromosome aberration, such as chromosome deficiency, monosomics and chromosome interchange in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Ishikawa Hiroya Yoshihara Miyuki Baba Ai
九州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:00236152)
vol.51, no.1, pp.93-97, 2006-02

The formation of zinc protoporphyrin ⅠⅩ (ZPP) with pork loin extract was determined by visible absorption and fluorecsent spectral analyses. After the aaerobic incubation ( in the dark at pH 5.5 and 30℃) of the extract with metmyoglobrin and ZnCl2, characteristic peaks in absorption and spectra were observed at 417,546, and 584 nm. In fluorescent spectrs, a peak was observed at 589nm. Formed amounts of ZPP estimated from the fluorescent intensity at 589 nm was 15.5 nmol/mL-pork extract. The difference in the formations was significantly facilitated by the use of ATP. Zin chelatase activity of loin extract was assayed with protoporphyrin ⅠⅩ and it was estimated as 42mU/mL-extract. The Fe-Zn substituting activity of the extract was assayed with myoglobrin as a substrate. Under the asasy conditions at pH5.5 and 40℃, ZPP was maekedly increased with increasing time by using oxymyoglobrin reduced with ascorbate, white little increase was observed with metmyoglobrin. The activity was estimated as 4.1mU/mL-extract with oxymyoglobrin. At pH5.5-7.0, higher activities were observed as lower pH.