松本 和也 マツモト カツヤ
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.201, pp.1-42, 2020-09-25

The aim of this paper is to examine the stage version of The Curtain Rises from multiple perspectives such as plays and performances. In particular, I focused on Oriza Hirata, who was involved in writing the script. In Chapter 1, I introduce his work and organize the comments of the people involved in the workshop that took place prior to the movie and the stage play. In Chapter 2, I examine how the transition from novel to film, and from film to theater, was based on the mixed media of The Curtain Rises. In Chapter 3, I discuss the story, pointing out theatrical features based on particular scenes, and highlight the theme of the growth of the characters. Finally, in Chapter 4, I focus on the episode dealing with the Great East Japan Earthquake and the characters of Nakanishi, which were added in the stage version of The Curtain Rises, and consider its effects on the entire play.
小馬 徹 コンマ トオル
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.207, pp.21-95, 2022-12-26

The present paper is a sequel of this particular author’s former papers titled, ① ‶A mythical monster, Shii promoted the Shibues, top masters of Kappa, the most popular water monster in Japan" (Komma2021a), and ② ‶Rampant emergence of a mythical monster, Shii and the concealed outbreaks of rinderpest ―Ethno-history of massive fatalities of cattle and horses during the early-modern times in Japan" (Komma2022). In the 1st paper concerned, the author clarifi ed the historical process of the formation of the notion, Shii. Several Chinese books had been imported into Japan refer to Shii saying that it can miraculously steal into anybody’s chamber at amy time at will without being noticed, that it often harms anybody’s eyes, face, and limbs, and that it may kill the victims at times. Though those Chinese books never include cattle (nor horses)among Shii’s victims, when the natives of the Nagato and the Suou domains in Westernmost Honshu had been suff ering from massive fatalities of their own cattle in the early 17th century, they named Shii as the incident’s supernatural cause. After several decades, a Shinto priest living in the Suou domain who happened to be at a village in the Chikuzen domain in Northern Kyuhshu, witnessed quite a similar incident to theirs then and there. So he, with the confi dence, eagerly recommended the villagers to fi nd and kill racoon-dog-like creatures. Somehow they successfully hunted some heads, after which peace returned. Some other villages there followed suit and were successful in stopping the mysterious cattle killings, too. Hence Shii leaped into imfamy in nearby villages. An exclusively famous Confusian in the Chikuzen domain at that time, KAIBARA Ekiken wrote the incident vividly in his books titled Chikuzennokuni-nochinohudoki and Yamato-honzo respectively. Hence the high notoriety of Shii in the western half of Honshu and all of Shikoku and Kyushu. ① may be summarized as this. In the second paper ② , the author compares ① with Dr. KISHI Hiroshi’s papers. Kishi is a veterinarian, who identifi ed rinderpest as the aetiological cause of the massive fatalities of native cattle in his homeland,the Nagato and the Suou domains at that time, by referring to many archives well satisfying his fi ve conditions, i.e.(a) only cattle,(b)who are infected with some virus,(c) and died,(d) rapidly,(e) and alsomassively. He is the very fi rst and last person that substantiated the outbreaks of rinderpest during the early-modern times in Japan. His papers assisted the author indeed in that now we can safely say that the myth of Shii in Japan originated mainly due to the two great rinderpest outbreaks. Then, the last question is why did the sudden rise of the very notion of Shii in Western Japan as a whole occur just in the period of massive deth toll during the Kyohou great famine in 1732 which did not fulfi ll Dr. Kishi’s 5 conditions mentioned above, for not only cattle but also horses died in a great number. In ② , the author insists as follows. Through the extremely miserable experiences during the two great outbreaks of rinderpest in the early-and-mid 17th century, the native peasants realized that horses can substitute their dead cattle as ploughing animals. So, they did dreadfully fear the Kyohou great famine, during which their horses died together with their cattle, leaving no ploughing power, other than human beings themselves, behind at all. For the present author, the plenty of historical documents he cited as the hard evidence to corroborate the two great outbreaks of rinderpest, are heuristic and thought-provoking by far beyond expectation. The present paper’s author, encountered a thin document full of apparent miscopies in transcription, titled Kanbun-zakki meanig miscellaneous notes during the Kanbun era. After a careful study of the docu ment, a crucial evidence for the unexpected paradigm shift from Kappa to Shii as the aetiological cause of massive fatalities of cattle and horses loomed large out of historic mist. An offi cial circular of a tentative aetiology of the massive fatalities by Shogunate government offi cials was sent to each feudal lord in Western Japan during the second great outbreak of rinderpest in the mid-Kanbun era. The quite an old-fashioned circular, to which a transcription of the Shibues’ famous charm to avert Kappa’s evil attached, read as follows: the government recommends to press the charm to the head of each one of cattle, for the practice has turnd out very effi cacious to prevent the animal from dying in the Higo domain. Higo is the Shibues’ homeland. This is astounding fact, for, according to the standard academic evaluation, they at that time have been taken as persons of somewhat low social standing, up to now. The government’s pronouncement should have changed the attitudes of the common people toward them, especially in the Higo domain,avobe all. When the Kyohou great famine started, the above-mentioned paradigm shift from Kappa to Shii took place, for Higoites had been infl uenced by the aetiology in the Chikugo domain which was located in close vicinity to the Higo domain in the south. Chikugoites were known for having originated another diff erent concept of Shii independent from that of the Nagato and the Suou domains. According to it, Shii harms horses only, but not cattle, which is more profi table to the lesson gotten after the two great rinderpest outbreaks. So, it seems that the residents in the Higo domain successfully persuaded now prestigeful the Sibues to accept the Chikugo-like concept. All in all, the Shibues seem to come to be known as top masters of uprising Shii, other than those of Kappa. As a result, Kappa seems to have constantly reduced group consciousness day by day.
伊坂 青司 イサカ セイシ
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.204, pp.111-152, 2021-12-25

Japanese mythology in the text of "Kojiki" contains Himuka Myth after Izumo Myth. Himuka is the birthplace of Amaterasu (goddess of sun) and further the descending place of Amaterasuʼs grandson, Ninigi. Hence, Himuka became the holy place for the imperial family. Ninigi married the daughter of the mountain god and Ninigiʼs descendants married daughters of the sea god. Therefore, the imperial family obtained the natural force of the mountain and the sea by blood relations. The first Emperor Jinmu migrated from Himuka toward the east and conquered the area of Yamato with several influential clans. Emperor Jinmu married the daughter of Miwayamaʼs god Omononushi. The regal power of Yamato was originally realized by the unity between Emperor Jinmu and Miwa clan. Therefore, the imperial family did not consist of a singular descendant line, but comprised of plural blood relations. Thus, it can be said that the Japanese myth is composed of plural genealogies. State Shinto controlled Japanese people by the totalitarianized Emperor system from Meiji era to World War Ⅱ. Shintoism distorted the Japanese myth as a singular unbroken line of Emperor and concealed plural blood relations in the imperial family. However, Shintoism must be refuted by the plural structure of the Japanese myth "Kojiki."
伊坂 青司 イサカ セイジ
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.203, pp.1-35, 2021-09-30

The myth of a nation is engraved by plural tribal myths. The Japanese myth found in "Kojiki" is constructed not only by a singular myth of the Imperial Family but also by a composition of plural tribal myths. Therefore, we can characterize the Japanese myth as having a plural structure. Furthermore, this theory is proven in Japanese ancient history and archaeology. Before World War II, the Japanese myth was exploited by national totalitarianism, which insisted on a singular unbroken line of Japanese emperors. However, the Japanese myth was originally constructed not only by the heavenly world (Takamanohara) but also by the terrestrial world(Ashihara no Nakatsukuni), which contains two main regions, Izumo and Himuka. In "Kojiki" the gods of Izumo(Susanoo and Okuninushi) precedes the grandsons of the sun goddess (Amaterasu) in Himuka. Izumo Myth expresses the mighty domination of the Izumo-tribe that existed before the line of Japanese emperors in Yamato. To this end, I aim to understand the Japanese myth in "Kojiki" as a plural structure of both Izumo Myth and Himuka Myth.
松本 和也 マツモト カツヤ
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.206, pp.1-35, 2022-09-30

This paper focuses on Hatakazu Kayano (Torahiko Koori), who has been positioned as a minor poet in the history of Japanese literature. At the end of the Meiji Era, the theater was taking a new turn, and Hatakazu Kayano was an active playwright during this period. In this paper, I revisit the plays written by Hatakazu Kayano from the perspective of his contemporaries, focusing on plays published in Mita Bungaku and Subaru. The paper is organized as follows. Chapter I presents the gaps in our knowledge and other problems based on a review of previous studies. Chapter 2 analyzes the evaluation of the works Kayano published before he began writing plays. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss how the plays Kayano wrote were evaluated. With these plays, Hatakazu Kayano had come to be regarded as the standard-bearer of the Neo-Romantic movement by 1907. For Chapter 5, I survey and analyze the criticism of Dojoji and discuss its possibilities and limitations, and then summarize this paper.
松本 和也 マツモト カツヤ
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.204, pp.1-33, 2021-12-25

In this paper, I have attempted to research and analyze the discourse of cultural propaganda during the Pacific War. As there is little previous research on these discourses, I worked on unearthing wartime material. In Chapter Two, I analyzed the discourse on Southern cultural propaganda. As a case study for further analysis, I specifically focused on discourse on the Dutch East Indies before the start of the Pacific War. From the aforementioned examination, I have precipitated the basic structure of cultural propaganda discourse. In Chapter Three, I analyzed the discourse around cultural work starting from after the beginning of the Pacific War and paying particular attention to the keywords of ethnic groups. In the discussion of this section, I followed the trends that this discourse on cultural propaganda will reflect in the ideology of the Pacific War. Finally, I analyzed the discourse surrounding the relationship between literary figures and cultural propaganda at that time. In conclusion, I pointed out that through these discourses, literary figures have contributed to uplifting the war and gained sociality.
深澤 徹 フカザワ トオル
人文研究 = Studies in humanities (ISSN:02877074)
no.204, pp.35-62, 2021-12-25

This paper is an "introduction" to a series of five or six articles that I plan to write from now on, in which the purpose is to clarify the "identification of problems" from an overall prospective. Consequently, I would like to mention in advance that it is a special sentence that has been written in an introductory style. In the series of articles to follow, I plan to cover specific literary texts on the theme of building oneʼs own "house" in the spatial expanse of the ancient city of Heian-kyo. To establish a methodological framework, this study first examine the contents of Martin Heideggerʼs "Building, Inhabiting, and Thinking." In "Building, Inhabiting, and Thinking", Heidegger discusses (with an emphasis on "inhabit") the state of the bodies (existence) of those who live in this world and constantly live a fleeting life alongside a shadow of death. This study traces the relationship between our "body"― which we tend to forget in the information society that spreads as a virtual space ― and the spread of rooms, houses, streets, and cities as containers for our "body," along with the relationship with this world as a whole in some cases. To begin with, the significance of the university as an institution of higher education today and the "body" that act as reflected in the dialogue of Shakespeareʼs plays are examined. In response to that flow, I discuss the thought of "emptiness" found in Mahayana Buddhist scriptures and the cases of the "Tale of Genji" and the sutra of "Oguri" over the "body" as a container for the soul.本論考は、五回もしくは六回にわたり連載を予定している一連の文章の「序章」に当たるもので、これから連載を進めていく上での「問題の所在」を、全体的な見通しの下、明らかにすることを目的に書かれている。したがって、導入的な書き方に終始した、特殊な文章となっていることを、あらかじめお断りしておく。 今後に続く連載においては、古代都市平安京の空間的なひろがりの中で、自分の「家」を建てることを主題とした具体的な文学テキストを、順次あつかう予定でいる。その際の方法的な枠組みを、あらかじめ設定するため、本論考においては、マルティン・ハイデッガーの『建てること、住むこと、考えること』の文章の内容を、まずはその検討対象としている。 『建てること、住むこと、考えること』においてハイデッガーは、この世界の内に身を置いて、死の影に絶えず付きまとわれながら、つかのまの人生を送る私たちの「からだ(=実存)」のありようを、「住まう」ことに焦点を当てて考えている。その問題意識を踏まえつつ、バーチャルな仮想空間としてひろがる情報社会にあって忘れられがちな私たちの「からだ」と、その「からだ」を収納する容れ物としての居室や家屋、街路や都市のひろがり、さらにいえばこの世界全体との関係を、本論考では、いくつかの事例を通して跡づける。 まずは、高等教育機関としての大学の今日的な存在意義について、さらにはシェークスピア劇の台詞に見える、演技する「からだ」について検討する。その流れを受け、大乗仏典に見える「空」の思想や、たましいの容れ物としての「からだ」をめぐる『源氏物語』や説経『おぐり』の事例にも言及する。