相原 朋枝 酒向 治子
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.38, no.2, pp.103-116, 2016 (Released:2017-04-10)

A dance unit called “Eiko&Koma” by Eiko Otake and Takashi Otake has been an extremely highly-admired artist in American dance community for more than 40 years. Eiko&Koma has been creating their own workshop style called “Delicious Movement Workshop” (DMW). By using the qualitative research approach (GTA), this paper aims to grasp the basic characteristics of Eiko’s instructional words toward the students in the two basic programs (called “scores”) of DMW, “Sleeping” and “Sleeping Together”, which will intensify and deepen the understanding of DMW structures, and also provides the knowledge related to the instructional words which the physical expression educators can refer to. In the result, through the case studies, we extracted 4 core categories such as [Time(successive)], [Relationship between Oneself and Others], [Image of Nature ], [Consciousness toward Body] and 8 concepts and we linked them into a theoretical mode (Eiko’s words’structure model). From these results, it became apparent that Eiko’s “instructional words” functions as an important tool to induce the creative and expressive movements from the students. The words dissolves the students’ daily senses toward the body and lead them to the unusual, non-daily life world.
坂本 拓弥
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.33, no.2, pp.63-73, 2011 (Released:2012-12-17)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of body in school athletic club by focusing on handing down of corporal punishment. For this purpose, the relationship of body to “imitation” and “habitus” is to be considered. The previous studies reveal that those who experienced corporal punishment regard it positively, although they recognise that it is unjust act. This contradiction shows the difference between understanding in verbal level and in body level. However, the latter has been missed so far. This is why this paper focuses on the viewpoint of body.To conclude, as we learn unconsciously tradition and custom in body level (“habitus”) and body itself has no relation to moral judgement, corporal punishment is also handed down from teacher to student with unconscious learning (“imitation”). It suggests the importance of effect of teacher's body on student's sensitivity, i.e. their way of thought and behaviour. Therefore, teacher's body is to be the next subject matter.
滝沢 文雄
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.24, no.2, pp.17-25, 2002 (Released:2010-04-30)
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The purpose of this study is to show the new domain of a human body culture which physical education should take on. The culture has seldom or never been conscious in physical education up to the present. This study focuses on everyday behavior. Though the research method taken in the study is based upon the related texts, this paper employs a phenomenological consideration focusing on practice.The author, first of all, examines how the body is thought today, which leads to the consideration about the body that makes the body culture as well as re-examination of the views on the body. And then behavioral action is examined. The difference of behavioral action from such as upbringing and military training is touched on during the process. The refined behavioral action is discussed in relation to the body that makes communication possible. Finally it is concluded that physical education should take on the new domain of the human body culture besides what it covers now.Physical education has hardly ever been conscious about the domain of the body culture called behavioral action up until now. The domain contains the field of habitus and these behaviors have been mastered in day-to-day life. This includes a phase of discipline on behavior in society. The way of action required in society is collapsing rapidly in today's life, and behavior of children has been falling into disorder. The teachers therefore have to educate them behavior that is required in the present society while re-asking the old culture of upbringing and training. It implies the changes of the objectives and correcting the contents of the subject. This also implies the education of communication capability for living in society. A form of behavior consists of accumulation of the promising thing to exchange with others in each situation, and it is not the skill completed individually but the skill of cooperation with others; then it can be called a body capacity which deals with relationship to others.It is therefore necessary that physical educators are aware of a domain of the body culture, being aware of selecting the contents carefully, and have to educate them intentionally. The time allocation has to be provided in a lesson in order for children to master the culture, and it must be guaranteed that they can acquire it steadily.