中田 真依 服部 ユカリ Mai Nakata Yukari Hattori 北海道文教大学人間科学部看護学科 旭川医科大学医学部看護学科
北海道文教大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13493841)
no.39, pp.39-50, 2015-03

本研究の目的は,急性心筋梗塞で入院中にせん妄を体験した患者の思いを明らかにすることである.闘病記録をnarrative と位置づけ,せん妄に関連のある内容を記録文書データとして収集し,テーマ分析方法を用いて分析した.分析の結果,シークエンス毎に3 つのコアテーマ,テーマ,サブテーマに分類された.コアテーマの《せん妄を発症するまでの思い》からは10 テーマ,《せん妄からの回復過程における思い》からは8 テーマ,《せん妄体験の想起と総括》からは4 テーマが導かれ,表面化されず患者自身しか知り得ない様々な思いが明らかになった.せん妄発症前は束縛恐怖など複数の苦痛や不安が存在し,せん妄発症後は断片的なせん妄の記憶,精神の弱さなどの否定的な思い,長期的なせん妄の余韻,自責の念や葛藤が存在していた.また,患者は家族や医療職者に対する感謝の思いを抱き,時間経過とともに病を克服しながら人生における貴重な体験と意味づけ,narrative を総括していた.これらのことから,患者が抱く様々な思いの存在に着目し,共感的姿勢で関わる重要性および,術前にせん妄の知識を提供するなどの予防的対応,早期に回復できるような個人に適した看護の必要性が示唆された.The objective of this study is to understand patient feelings after experiencing delirium whilehospitalized due to acute myocardial infarction. Using hospital diaries as narratives, we collected descriptions related to delirium as documented data, and analyzed these using thematic analysis. The analysis allowed the data to be classified into three core themes, themes, and sub-themes. From the core themes, we extracted ten themes from "feelings up to the development of delirium", eight from "feelings during the process of recovery from the delirium", and four from "recollections and summary of the delirium experience", which showed a variety of internalized feelings which only the patient could know. It was found that the patient suffered from different fears and anxieties such as the fear of being restrained before developing delirium. After delirium had developed, the patient had only a fragmental memory of the delirium, negative attitudes such as weakness of will, aftereffects after long-term delirium, feelings of remorse, and mental conflicts. The patient showed feelings of gratitude towards the family and medical professionals and overall viewed the experience as a positive life experience in overcoming the illness in the course of time. These findings suggest the importance of providing nursing care withempathy and paying attention to the variety of feelings of patients, as well as the necessity of proactive action, including providing information of delirium before surgery, and personalized nursing care to enable a speedy recover.
間野 康男
北海道文教大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13493841)
no.30, pp.37-44, 2006-03-25