玉井 康之
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.31, no.4, pp.749-775, 2000-03

"The Rate of School Attendance" is different between in a rural area and in an urban area from 1880 to 1905 in Japan. And "the Rate SchoolAttendance in the urban area is reduced to decrease relatively, because poor students are piled in an urban city. We can understandreorganization of the community by observing changing rates of school attendance.
吉尾 清
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.30, no.4, pp.1015-1052, 1999-03

The purpose of this paper is to consider the problem of mendicity in London during 1800-1824. This paper shows that Matthew Martin's reports and the activities of the Society for the Suppression of Mendicity had a great influence on public policies toward the vagrants. First, I took up Martin's enquiry into the state of mendicity from 1800 to 1803. He endeavoured to discover the nature and extent of mendicity and to offer some suggestions for the general suppression of this evil. His report, in the form of a Letter to Lord Pelham on the State of Mendicity in the Metropolis, was published in 1803, and reissued in 1811. The members of Parliament acknowledged the problem of mendicity because of his reports. Secondly, I examined the reports ofthe Society for the Suppression ofMendicity founded in 1818. The managers of the Mendicity Society had already prepared the draft of this bill, when the subject of vagrancy wasbrought before the House of Commons. The views taken by the Mendicity Society were adopted in the vagrancy act of 1824.
片岡 幸雄
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.39, no.4, pp.363-390, 2008-03

Since 1997, China has earnestly taken the basic trends of economic globalization as the object to incorporate them into its world strategy, though China didn't exactly decide the "Reform and Opening up Policy" on the perspective of the economic globalization. China considered it more useful for her economic development and raising its position in the world political economy to set China into the main stream of economic globalization as the basic trend within the world economy. Economic globalization has twin aspects with a national economy ; inflow of foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, technology, labor and services, and outflow of them. This article focuses on the latter problems experienced by China. We can find some reasons in the background of China's strategic orientation, as follows ; China must secure its economic security for smooth economic development , whereas, a few main developed countries strengthen controls over basic resources and market share of the world within global economic competition, China has developed conditions to use comparative advantages in some sectors to set up China's direct investment enterprises abroad, thus increasing foreign currency reserves− an important factor , incurring frequent conflicts in exports, securing foreign technology by M&A. Currently, China's foundation of political economy in "The Age of Peace and Development", "The Age of Economic Globalization," lays special emphasis on "The General Security Strategy" accountable not only to her own country's military security but also to its economic security for said economic development. The main point is to strengthen global economic relations by economic cooperation−the latter aspects of economic globalization mentioned above. This article analyzes steps for the relaxation of controls over China's enterprise activities overseas, the relaxation of foreign exchange controls, and the encouragement for China's enterprises going abroad to study its rapid progress of said strategy . Lastly, it refers to Hong Kong's vanguard position in a China's "Going Abroad." Strategy.筆者は先に,「中国"走出去"戦略のもつ意味」なる論稿において,国家戦略としての中国"走出去"戦略の含意について若干の考察を行った。"走出去"の英訳としては"going abroad","going global"が用いられているが,日本語としては対外経済進出活動とでもいえようか。しかし,それは国家戦略として打ち出されているから,単に中国企業の国際化,あるいは多国籍化という次元の企業戦略行動の範囲内でとらえるだけでは不充分で,今少し深層に踏み込んで検討してみる必要があると考え,その全体的枠組と重層的構造について整理を試みたのである。このようなことから,前稿ではその戦略の遂行のための整備と実態の進行状況については,立ち入って整理することができなかった。本稿では,中国のこの戦略遂行に向けての管理・奨励政策の諸側面について,いささかの整理作業を試みてみたい。現時点での関連する全般的概況を一瞥すると,2005年末までの中国企業の非金融部門の対外直接投資累計投資残高は約572億ドル,対外請負工事,対外労務合作と対外設計コンサルタント業務を含めて一括対外経済合作と呼ばれるものの累計契約金額は2,286億ドル(完成営業額1,728億ドル),各々1,859億ドル(同上1,358億ドル),404億ドル(同上356億ドル),23億ドル(同上14億ドル),累計契約件数は45万5,513件,このうち対外請負工事5万3,074件,対外労務合作39万8,119件対外設計コンサルタント業務4,320件となっている。2006年12月12日号の日本国際貿易促進協会発行の『国際貿易』紙の報ずるところによると,この時点で海外にある中国企業は1万社を超え,非金融業の資産総額は2,000億ドル以上に達した。年間売上高は1,500億ドル,所在国への納税額は35億ドルに達するとされる。2006年の『中国国際収支報告』によると,2006年の中国の対外直接投資額は185億ドル,撤収・清算などの金額7億ドル,純流出額は178億ドルであったと報告されている。2006年の非金融部門の対外直接投資額は161億ドル,累計額では733億ドルに達する。『国際商報』紙によると,2006年末における中国の対外直接投資累計投資残高の世界の対外直接投資累計投資残高に占める比率は0.55%,中国の対外請負工事実施累計金額の世界対外請負工事実施累計金額に占める比率は2.1%,中国の対外労務合作累計金額の世界の労務合作累計金額に占める比率は1.5%で,中国の対外経済進出は初級段階にあると総括している。
八木 紀一郎
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.17, no.3, pp.p653-669, 1986-02
稲葉 振一郎
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.28, no.2, pp.417-160, 1996-08

The aim of this paper is to present a new way of theorizing liberalist political / social doctrines. Formerly, most supporters of liberalism have constructed their political / social theories on the base of "methodologicalindividualism". But here I try to found a discriptive / normative theory of liberal societies on the ground ofa sort of "wholism". A main idea of this paper is to conceptualize "personhood" as one type of institutions. I define "institution" as a expected pattern of actions, or a system of rules of conducts, and see "person" as the special type of institution, the institution enacted by one physical humane individual. And I make a thoretical modell of liberal society as a band of different types of institutions. In this modell, "person" is not a sort of "social atom",but have a very specific functioning.
Shimizu Koichi
岡山大学経済学会雑誌 (ISSN:03863069)
vol.36, no.3, pp.255-279, 2004-12

One of the widely held opinions about Japanese firms' high performance suggests that Japanese employees, organized in teams, are making kaizen (continuous improvements) in their own jobs through quality circles or other initiatives such as a suggestion system. But who are these employees? They would have to be blue−collar workers in the Western perception, but the part of their contribution in improving productivity and price cost does not seem exceed 10% of all improvements obtained. Who then brings about the major part of these improvements? Are the kaizen activities carried out without having relation to the company's profit strategy? If the employees have an objective in their kaizen activities, who provides the objectives? What do these objectives consist of? How are their activities managed? These questions invite us to inquire about a wholemanagement system of kaizen at Toyota Production System, considered as the basic model of "Lean Production". But Toyota reoriented its organized kaizen activities toward the construction of more humanized production system during 1990s. This paper then shows this reorientation and the new direction by showing the case of Tahara No.1 plant. Through these discussions, I want to emphasize the importance of organized kaizen activities that group leaders, chief leaders and engineers are carrying out, and also the fact that their activities are now centered not only upon productivity increase but also upon the humanization of work.