青地 伯水
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.386, pp.66-79, 2010

This paper aims at clarifying Grillparzer's political view in King Ottkars Lucky and End.Grillparzer is generally regarded as a liberalistic constitutional monarchist under the influence of the Enlightenment. However, he is neither liberalistic nor constitutional in this work. In the 13th Century, the king of Bohemia Ottokar II is defeated in the war against the Emperor Rudolf I and dies. The hero Rudolf, who worships the Roman Catholic Church and is a Feudalist based on the Lehn system, becomes the founder of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Grillparzer, who finds similarity in the lives of Ottkar and Napoleon I, describes Napoleon's life in this drama. After the death of the modern individualist Napoleon, who trusted solely in his talents and endeavors in the continual pursuit of victory, the Hapsburg Monarchy remained firmly in Austria. In 1823, after the century of the Enlightenment, it is the medieval order ORDO that Grillparzer praises. In the view of Grillparzer, who describes Rudolf as an ideal emperor, the Hapsburg Monarchy should rely on medieval faith and domination. Because he finds his Utopia in a world before the Renaissance and Reformation, he is considered a Conservative Revolutionist such asHugo von Hofmannsthal who lives in the fin de siecle and hopes for the eternal domination of the Hapsburg Monarchy.
和田 俊二
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.146, pp.24-51, 1970-11
渡辺 良二
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.175, pp.p113-131, 1975-11
酒井 泰弘
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.398, pp.50-69, 2013-12

The main purpose of this paper is to criticallydiscuss and lucidly compare J. M. Keynes (1883-1946) and F. H. Knight (1886-1972), two towering figures in the history of economic thought. It is in 1921 that they both published apparently similar books on risk, probability and uncertainty. While Knight' contribution on the economics of risk and uncertainty has been well-known and very influential in the economics profession, Keynes'accomplishments on probability and uncertainty have been more or less underestimated in the dark shadow of his most famous book (1936) The General Theory of Unemployment, Interest and Money.The present paper aims to focus on an earlieryet equally important book (1921) A Treatise onProbability, hopefully shedding a new light onhis outstanding ideas and everlasting influenceson his later works including The General Theory.According to Keynes, many probabilities, which are incapable of numerical measurement, can be placed nevertheless between numerical upper and lower limits. Keynes has demonstrated whether and to what extent animal spirits contributes to the working and performance of the market economy. Remarkably, Keynes' concept of probability and uncertainty can be well-compared to Knight's distinction between a measurable risk and a non-measurable uncertainty. I believe that it is high time for us to unify Keynes and Knight into a new,comprehensive approach to very complex human behavior.