奥村 文男
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.53-70, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Ex-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited Yasukuni Shrine in accordance with his promise in August 2001 and thereafter. A few suits for the damages against his visiting Yasukuni Shrine were brought into the courts. All suits against these cases were dismissed by all of the courts including the Supreme Court. However, several courts approved the plaintiffs' claims in the 'obiter dictum' as Koizumi's visits to Yasukuni Shrine were unconstitutional. In my paper, I pointed out such ways of decisions, which the lower courts ruled on, were beyond the titles granted to the courts and deprived defendants of their rights of appeals to the higher courts.
東 裕
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.71-90, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

The constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands (1997), the third constitution of Fiji since its independence in 1970, introduced multi-party cabinet system. The section 99(5) of the constitution prescribes that "In establishing the Cabinet, the Prime Minister must invite all parties whose membership in the House of Representatives comprises at least 10% of the total membership of the House to be represented in the Cabinet in proportion to their numbers in the House." To achieve a national unity, the first step and only solution in Fiji's constitutional problems is to form a power-sharing government among all ethnic communities, and the constitution should arrange to encourage the emergence of multi-ethnic government. This is the intention of the Fiji Constitution Review Commission (FCRC) which made the draft of multi-party cabinet clause. In this essay, firstly, I'll take up Ratu Mara's 'government of national unity' and FCRC's 'multi-ethnic government' as the ideal precedents in Fiji's history and the constitution of South Africa as the institutional precedent to search the origin of multi-party cabinet system, and secondly, the four multi-ethnic parties formed in Fiji since 1999 to consider the actual function of the system.
長尾 英彦
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.91-106, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

YAMATO(Spediteur) behaupt, dass die neue System der Postpaketgebuhren wird einer unberechtig Ausverkauf und Kartellgesetz-ubertretung. YAMATO fordert das Verbot. Das Gericht weist die Behauptung ab. Wahrscheinlich ist es angemessen. Denn, Ich denke, dass das Unternehmensausfuhrung des YAMATO sei unbewegt und so das Postpaket macht es schwierig nicht. Aber, angesichts anderes Falls, vermute Ich, es besteht eine Tendenz des Gerichtes, der Anerkennung des "unberechtig Ausverkauf" eng Schranken zu setzen.
岸本 正司
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.95-122, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In this paper, I discuss grounds for the necessity of establishing a new guideline for teaching the Japanese Constitution to Japanese high-school students, and then, present my teaching plan based on the guideline. The aim of the teaching plan is to let students understand the process to enactment of the Japanese Constitution from truly objective and fair perspective which is different from the viewpoint of traditionally used textbooks.
小林 幸夫
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.123-142, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In the Western Occupied Germany after the 2nd World War the occupation army government provided the German administrative agencies for occupation control, which meant also the trial of the later German political machines. And to discover the Western Democratic Federal system suitable for Germany was attempted between the Occupation army government and the Germam authorities, or among the German authorities. My monograph dealt with the German "Bundesrat" in such attempt, until the Herrenchiemsee convention just before opening the assembly to enact German Fundamental Law.
下條 芳明
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.143-166, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In Thailand, the constitutional monarchy was first introduced on 24 June 1932 when Thai Military officers and civil servant of the People's Party staged a coup. Since 1932, Thailand has been governed by a series sixteen constitutions. Such a remarkable change caused the dominant ruling of Thai Military. The basic structures of Thai Constitutions are divided into two groups. The first is the provisional model, in which members of the unicameral Parliament is all appointed by the government, and no political parties can be formed and no elections are to be held. The second is the regular model, in which the elected legislature and political parties play a main role in the political process. After the Cold War, because of the bloodsheds in May 1992, the time was ripe for reform aiming at the constitutinal democratization. As a result of the democratic reform process, the 16th Constitution of Thailand was promulgated on 11 October 1997. The 1997 Constitution will set about drastic political reform and root out the systematic corruption blamed for stunting the growth of democracy. However, I pay attention to preserve the traditional principles of the constitutional monarchy in this constitution. Especially, "the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State" (Section 2) is adopted as representing the ethnic identity of Thailand.
金 炯盛
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.1-17, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Unlike the past, modern society has been changed greatly on many sides. Especially, it is extremely revolutionary concerning about marriage and family. We are going to go over the normative meaning of marriage and family in constitution and analyze precedents that recently concerned. Article 36 of Korean constitution is as follows; Article 36 (1) Marriage and family life shall be entered into and sustained on the basis of individual dignity and equality of the sexes, and the State shall do everything in its power to achieve that goal. This emphasizes on individual dignity and equality of the sex. There are a lot of theories which are the general rule, the guarantee of system, natural liberties and the right to live for the legal character of the article. Precedents accepts these three things-the general rule, the guarantee of system, natural liberties-and it is seemingly right. Precedents protected a monogamy family system by making a application of adultery case (the criminal law Article 241), the unconstitutional petition of the income tax law Article 61, the unconstitutional recommendation of the civil law Article 809 (1) etc. At the same time, it firmly says equality between husband and wife and the freedom of marriage with declaring unconstitutionahty of the Article of civil law which rules the patriarchal family registry system (Hojuje), Moreover, the decision of Hojuje from the constitutional court is very important in the meaning of the harmony between tradition and the principle of equality. In the mean time, by the judgement above, traditional family and marriage system has been disappearing. These systems are suddenly reorganizing based on the dignity and equality of the individual. At this point, we had better find the alternatives about the system how to settle in the new structure.
鄭 相鉉
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.39-56, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

In Korean Civil Law, "Family" ("GA" in Korea) is formed with the Householder and its family members. The "Householder" ("Hoju" in Korea) is a head of a family, as the central figure of it. The "Householder System" in Korea is a unique legal system that grants many rights and dignities over family members to householder and compiles a register with the householder as the central figure the status of family members for a public announcement. These Householder System has been recognized since the enforcement of the Korean Civil Code in January 1st 1960. However, it has been criticized by many scholars, for the unconstitutionality of itself. Namely, most of people indicate, inter alia, that it had been made on the basis of Korean traditional customs with male or father as the central figure in family; but a great number of people note that it is against the constitutional ideology, the dignity and value of human, the right to pursue the happiness, equalities of both sexes, etc. Even at the time of the legislation of the Korean Civil Law, there were many arguments whether it prescribed the Householder System or not. In addition, whenever the revision of Korean Civil Law was discussed, a question on the maintenance or abolition of that system was always raised. In spite of those criticism and several attempts of revision, the regulations affecting the Householder System have not been changed for thirty years. However, the Householder System of the Korean Civil Law, especially Family Law was largely changed by the 7th revision in January 13th 1990. That is to say, many rights of householder were mostly eliminated except formal and symbolic things. But even after then, there were still arguments on the abolition of that system. Furthermore, in February 3rd 2005, the Constitutional Court of Korea upheld that the Householder System is against the Korean Constitutional Law. In the mean time, the revised bills of the Korean Civil Law were proposed by the National Assembly and the Ministry of Justice, the final modified bill was conformed in March 2nd 2005 and will be enforced from January 1st 2008. Through the incessant arguments and the decision of the Constitutional Court concerned with the Householder System, and its complete abolition, the Korean Civil Law has experienced very important change. In view of these facts, the Family of Korea can be rearranged equally without distinction between male and female, father and mother, husband and wife, senior and elder, etc. And these results are the fruits that the Koreans endeavored with blooded-and-tears to comply with the democratic ideology of the Korean Constitutional Law. However, it is necessary to consider the conventional interpretations on the family law. Because the Householder System, mixed with the thoughts that male or husband is the central figure of family, is firmly rooted in Korean society, and the Korean family law itself is grounded on traditional and customary, ethic and conservative characters of Korean society. Furthermore, law feelings or consciousness is considered with regards that the family law system reflects social norms corresponded with contemporary people. Thus, we must pay attention to the fact that many Korean people still put a high value on the Householder System as a frame to bind affirmatively family relations.
朴 光〓
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.73-86, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

The dazzling development of life science technology shines the light of hope, but it casts dark shadow to us at the same time. Although, with respect to the life span and incurable diseases, human embryonic cloning works in the positive manner, it also effects in negative way as to the infringement of human dignity, misuses for commercial purpose, and the incompleteness of technology. In this situation, as implementing the Statute of Bioethics and Safety enforced in January 1st 2005, Korea established legislative and institutional mechanism which regulates ethical and legal problems caused by the development of life science technology. This paper, therefore, briefly investigated discussions about main contents and legal issues of Bioethics law concerning with human embryonic in Korea. To do this, as premises for discussions, it also briefly examined the concept of human embryonic cloning and the legal status of human embryo and finally, it suggested alternative plans in the policy level. A basic attitude of the law is to completely prohibit somatic cell nuclear cloning for producing human individual cloning, and restrictively allows researches about remaining embryo expired from certain period for conservation after sterilization and materials generated by somatic cell nuclear transfer. This approach is quite desirable, but it still has something to supplement in regards to legal policies. The Bioethics law, as it is, reveals a loophole, inter alie, in the administrative system. Due to the self regulation system, the Committee of Bioethics plays only examination roles and it is not sufficient to protect human embryo. Thus, clarifying the human embryo as life more in detail and supplementing rules to protect human embryo, we should make efforts to minimize interventions from criminal law.
渡邊 亙
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.11, pp.23-46, 2004-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

Anlasslich der Unterzeichnung der "Europaischen Verfassung" im Jahr 2004 beschaftigt der Verfasser sich mit der Frage der Moglichkeit bzw. der Bedingungen, die staatsgemeinschaftliche Integration aus dem Gesichtspunkt der Verfassungsgeschichte zu betrachten. Dabei wahlt er die deutsche Integration zwischen 1815 und 1871 zum Untersuchungsgegenstand. Nach der Erlauterung der staatsrechtlichen Entwicklung vom Deutschen Bund zum Deutschen Reich stellt er fest, dass trotz seiner Qualifizierung als Bundesstaat das Deutsche Reich starke Ahnlichkeiten mit der Europaischen Union in seinem Staatsstruktur aufweist, der aus staatenbundischen and bundesstaatlichen Elementen besteht. Aufgrund dieser Analyse vertritt er die folgende Auffassung : Dem in Deutschland herrschende Verstandnis der Europaischen Union als "Staatenverbund" liegt die staatsrechtliche Unterscheidung von Staatenbund und Bundesstaat zugrunde. Diese Unterscheidung ist aber erst vor dem oben hingewiesenen historischen Hintergrund in Deutschland von Bedeutung. Heute kann man daher ohne Problem auf die strukturelle Paralleitat zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und der Europaischen Union staatsrechtlich hinweisen. In diesem Sinne ist die europaische Integration mit der deutschen vergleichbar und ihre Betrachtung vom Gesichtspunkt der Verfassungsgeschichte aus durchaus moglich.
野畑 健太郎
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.1-28, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

Medical technology has been developed over the years to alleviate or avoid some of the causes of infertility, and these technologies continue to advance, collectively these technologies are known as assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In this April, The National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) in Japan, which is an independent policy research body established on the initiative of leading figures from Japan's industrial, academic and labor communities, and it was founded in 1974 under the National Institute for Research Advancement Act and is funded through an endowment made up of capital contributions and donations from both the public and private sectors, proposed the new tentative plan denominated "Bill of Bioethics" including legal protections and regulations of assisted reproductive technologies. At present there is no act to protect and regulate assisted reproductive technologies in Japan. The new tentative plan concerning legal protections and regulations about assisted reproductive technologies by NIRA is an epoch-making plan in the realm of bioethics. I'll consider in this paper, first of all, the content and meaning of legal protections and regulations about assisted reproductive technologies in the "Bill of Bioethics" in terms of the Constitution. In this connection, I'll consider some provisions in the Constitution of Japan related to legal protections and regulations of assisted reproductive technologies, next.
齋藤 隆広
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.29-49, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

Act on the Protection of Personal Information was enacted in December 2003. This study aims to analise the backgrounds of the Act and how to deal with the issue in relation to personal information based on the guidelines and precedents which are applied to medical institutions.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.51-71, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

The Tenno system is Japanese monarchy. The construction of this essay is as follows. (1) concept of the Tenno system, (2) concept of monarchy, (3) characteristic of modern constitutional monarchy, (4) the first characteristic of the Tenno system - the Imperial eternal line, (5) the second characteristic of the Tenno system - religious service, (6) the third characteristic of the Tenno system - Imperial rescript.
長尾 英彦
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.1-16, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

Wenn ein name oder ein potrat eines Prominantes wird im Verlag, TV-CM usw. gebraucht, ohne seine Zustimmung, er hat den Anspruch auf das schadenersatz oder das Gebrauchverbot. Es wird das Recht des Publicity genannt. Das Wesen des Rechts ist der wirtschaftlich Gewinn, trotzdem das Recht des Publicity mit dem Personlichkeitsrecht zusammenhangt, so Beides kann nicht streng unterscheiden werden. Im Japan, das Vorstellung des Publicity ist nicht noch ausgebreitet und so es besteht eine Tendenz, dass eine Verletzung zum Publicity wird zu schwer im Prozess anerkannt, aber denke ich das ist fraglich.
土居 靖美
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.39-51, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

The theory was appeared in the Note of the Harvard Law Review (Vol115, No.4) on the bombing of the World Trade Center of Sept 11, 2001. President Bush used the armed forces of US to prevent future acts of terrorism. Sept 11 attack seems somehow different from the other event. This logic offers two explanations for the change in policy based in economic analysis and based in shifts in favored rationales for criminal punishment.
石田 信義
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.53-72, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

This study aims to analyze the mobility of the foreign workers in Japan with the viewpoint of a socio-cultural context, and to have perspectives on the social changing process of a transnational society. For this purpose, in this paper I focus on descriptive analysis of the facts of changing process of Nikkei-Brazilians (Japanese descendants from Brazil) in Japan. Accompanying the increase and growing long-term resident of foreign workers as Nikkei-Brazilians, new social issues have risen in the Japanese communities : the problem of cultural conflicts between foreign workers and Japanese, the social deviation of foreigners from the communities and the increase of crimes because of their uncertain conditions. So, through this case study, considering the factors which condition the life of foreigners, I will discuss the basic problem and have implications for the necessity of realizing the social cohesion between Japanese and foreign workers in our community.
岸本 正司
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.73-92, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

This paper first discussed the necessity and propriety of establishing a new guideline for teaching the Japanese Constitution to Japanese high-school students, and then presented a teaching plan based on the guideline. The aim of the teaching plan was twofold : (1) To remind students of the great achievements of their ancestors through learning about two constitutions wrote in this country : Juhichijou Kenpou (the 17-article Constitution, 7C. AD) and the Imperial Constitution (19C. AD), thus leading students to take pride in their country's culture and tradition. (2) To let students think about the right direction in revising the Japanese Constitution based on the perspective developed in the above process.
眞次 宏典
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.10, pp.93-120, 2003-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

Whenever we discuss about modern constitutions and political order, the notion of 'an absolute', namely divine or despotic power appears in our discourse. Such notions as natural law, natural rights, the basic norm, sovereignty and constituent power show the existence of 'an absolute' in our theories of the modern constitution and political order. If seems that 'an absolute' has been indispensable to the theories of the modern state and the constitution. But is it true? Examining the notion of 'an absolute' in our theories of the modern state and the constitution, this paper makes a critical analysis of the reason as to why 'an absolute' appeared in the modern age.
奥村 文男
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.11, pp.1-21, 2004-12-20 (Released:2018-01-10)

The law which citizens join in the criminal trial was enacted in 2004 and this is scheduled to carry into effect within 5years after its promulgation. This law, however, contains not only administrative problems but also important matters regarding principles of the Constitution. I suppose this issue should be considered more carefully. In this paper, I will point out some interrogations on these matters for further discussions.