竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-38, 2005-06-15

In 18th century classic enlightenment thinkers construct the civil society based on private law. Kant is one of the most representative philosopher who developed the civil society theory. In Metaphysik der Siten(1797), he analized the bourgois family that is the main subject of private property. In family, man and woman are connected under marriage law. But both sexes do not have equal status. ‘He is the party of direct, she to obey’. Man as a householder dominates not only woman but also children, apprentice and employee. Recently feminist philosophers have criticized the conservative position of Kant because he is‘custodian of woman’or‘a narrow minded Bourgeois’. But in my view they overlook the relation between ethics and property right. On the one hand Kant formulates the universal freedom,equality and independence among personalities. On the other hand he recognizes the dependent status of woman, children, apprentice and employee. These are in contradiction. Kant strived to reconcile two but failed. I examine his inconsistent explanation. I come to the conclusion that he is so great because he investigated unintentionally the ultimate ground why universal ethics can not be completed in reality. I suggested that a dilemma will be resolved not in the realm of thought but of history.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.37, no.2, pp.103-120, 2004-02-01

In prewar and war period a few scholars developed their researches to criticize the policy of government. Tadao Yanaihara was one of the most excellent social scientist among them. He was at the position of Tokyo Imperial University from 1923 to 1937. In his class he teaches the plicy of colonialism. But he wanted to keep the transcendental values of Christianity which was inherited from Kanzo Uchimura. Because of his spiritual attitude, he inevitably had to accept the hard task. I analyzed some aspects of his spiritual moments which helped reconstrucuring of his theory. I also appointed that his skilful efforts to use the same word with two meanings of the state. The dominant class, based on the deception, can not stop giving the opportunity for taking advantage of ambivalent wording. As the result, he could keep his critical position as long as he succeeded to escape from political oppression.
軽部 恵子 Keiko Karube 桃山学院大学法学部
vol.44, no.2, pp.353-358, 2011-03-28

This essay considers how the results of the mid-term elections in November 2010 might affect the Obama Administration during the 112th Congress(2011-2012). The Democrats have 53 seats in the Senate, while the Republicans hold 47. This means that the Republicans probably cannot turn over the veto of the president, which requires 67 out of 100, while they can filibuster and reject a cloture motion, which requires 60 votes. The president will face more difficulties to ask the Senate for ratification of treaties, which requires two thirds of the Senators. This essay points out that the House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans may be divided by the Tea Party Movement, which endorsed and supported quite a few new members of the House. In November 1994, the Republicans experienced a landslide victory. In 1995, however, the House Republicans confronted the Clinton Administration many times, resulting in a government shutdown twice. These events upset American people and partly contributed to the re-election of President Clinton in November 1996.
清水 由文 Yoshifumi Shimizu 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.37, no.2, pp.53-90, 2004-02-01

The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis the Irish family had changed from the type of nuclear family to stem family between 19th century and 20th century. I use the data of Census Returns of 1821, 1841, 1851, 1901 and 1911 that is owned by National Archive in Dublin. I examined the prior works of F.J. Carney, K. O'Neill and V. Morgan & W. MaCafee and got some important knowledge from their works. I have analyzed the size of household, the structure of family, the age of the household head, the age of the children and the inheritance system. As the result of above analyzing we have the following conclusion. The type of simple family households with the partible inheritance system was dominated in the early 19th century, but after 1835 the type of household changed to extended family households and multiple family households with establishing the system of dowry and matchmaking and the impartible inheritance system after the Irish Famine.
橋内 武 Takeshi Hashiuchi 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
vol.44, no.2, pp.337-352, 2011-03-28

Tono-Monogatari, The Legends of Tono, is a collection of 119 folk narratives specific to the remote town of Tono and its neighboring villages of Iwate Prefecture. This paper is an attempt to answer the two questions: 1)How did the humble yet influential publication come about? 2)How did it grow to be a modern classic and to make Tono a pilgrimage site for folklore lovers? Tono-Monogatari is the first Japanese challenge to publish the oral tradition in book form. Actually, there were three people closely linked to this publication. Various forms of narratives were told by Kizen Sasaki, a young country man from Tono to Kunio Yanagita in Tokyo in 1908. These two men met for the first time by the introduction of Yoshu Mizuno, a young thriving writer living at the same boarding house with Sasaki. Mizuno was a ghost story lover, Sasaki was a great folk story teller himself, and Yanagita, public servant and writer, was a very attentive listener eager to dictate what Sasaki told. Then Yanagita travelled to Tono in August, 1909, to observe the setting of stories told. The result is the Tono-Monogatari, first printed and published privately for 350 copies. Thus this little book was known only among the restricted group of literary men and scholars until 1935 when there appeared its second, expanded version with enormous success. However, Tono has been a sleepy country town for a long time until 1970s, when the National Sport Games Soccer Venue and the Annual Convention of Japan Folklore Society were held. Since then there has been built such institutions as Tono City Library, Tono Folk Museum, an outdoor museum called Denshooken, and a folktale theater named Mukashi-banashi-mura. In 2010 Tono celebrated a hundred anniversary of Tono-Monogatari, with such exciting local events as the renewal opening of Tono Folk Museum, a centenary performance of folk drama, and 2010 Tono Seminar focused on this modern classic. Today Tono-Monogatari is still well read and provides the city identity to Tono, which remains to be a destination for Japanese folklore lovers.
宮本 孝二 Kouji Miyamoto
vol.24, no.2, pp.57-80, 1990-12-25

We are faced with three problems which are interrelated, when we try to construct the sociology of gender-problems. First, what areas does it cover, and what position does it occupy in the system of sociology? Second, how can it be constructed systematically? Third, how can gender-inequalities be analysed, which is one of central problems in it? This paper discusses these problems and comes to some conclusions as follows while centrally referring to recent works of Anthony Giddens, who is one of the most important sociologists in modern British sociology. First, the sociology of gender-problems deals with making of gender, patriarchy, gender-inequalities, sexuality, AIDS, and prostitution, etc. Second, it covers every area in the system of sociology, and it has the system which is from action and interaction to structure and change in various social areas. Third, when we analyse gender-inequlities, we must focus on how sexuality, gender, and inequality are interrelated.