栄 セツコ Setsuko Sakae 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.127-148, 2006-02

The present study examined the association between professional behaviors in assessment process and professional activities for discovery of strengths of mentally ill individuals in the psychiatric social workers' practice. As a result, I found that `facilitation of client's self-determination' and `data collection concerning crisis intervention' in assessment practice were strongly associated with `improving client's strengths in an individual level,' `developing a sense of citizen rights in a community level,' `creating network in a community level,' and `developing appropriate environments among a client' in discovery activities. In addition, `observation of group work dynamics' `performing for creating trust with a clients' in assessment practice were associated with `forming mutual support among clients in a group level' in discovery activities.
松永 俊男 Toshio Matsunaga 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.40, pp.1-29, 2004-02-20

In the Church of Scotland of the 1830s, there was the dissension between the Moderates and the Evangelicals. The Moderates accepted the right of wealthy landowners to appoint ministers to local churches. The Evangelicals were strict Calvinists and insisted on the right of congregations to elect their own ministers. Finally in 1843, the Evangelicals, led by Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), left the established church and formed the Free Church of Scotland. Chalmers was also famous for his knowledge of science. Some prominent scientists were the Evangelicals as well. David Brewster (1781-1868) was famous for his optical research. John Fleming (1785-1857) was the representative naturalist of Scotland. Hugh Miller (1802-1856) was the most popular writer on geology. In this article, we examine their scientific writings and conclude that their scientific studies were based on their evangelical faith.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-38, 2005-06-15

In 18th century classic enlightenment thinkers construct the civil society based on private law. Kant is one of the most representative philosopher who developed the civil society theory. In Metaphysik der Siten(1797), he analized the bourgois family that is the main subject of private property. In family, man and woman are connected under marriage law. But both sexes do not have equal status. ‘He is the party of direct, she to obey’. Man as a householder dominates not only woman but also children, apprentice and employee. Recently feminist philosophers have criticized the conservative position of Kant because he is‘custodian of woman’or‘a narrow minded Bourgeois’. But in my view they overlook the relation between ethics and property right. On the one hand Kant formulates the universal freedom,equality and independence among personalities. On the other hand he recognizes the dependent status of woman, children, apprentice and employee. These are in contradiction. Kant strived to reconcile two but failed. I examine his inconsistent explanation. I come to the conclusion that he is so great because he investigated unintentionally the ultimate ground why universal ethics can not be completed in reality. I suggested that a dilemma will be resolved not in the realm of thought but of history.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.28, no.3, pp.223-245, 2003-03-20

In this paper I examine T. Parsons’s theory of family. Especially I analyze his idea about sex role. He wrote it in his book titled ‘Family’ in 1956. This idea has been criticised by many feminist sociologists from the perspective of gender since 1980s. But in my opinion the criticism is not enogh because feminist sociologists do not explain the reason why sex role is built. According to Shinohara Saburou’s idea I use the theory of capitalism with the connection of the theory of surplus population. From his view women are inclind to be excluded from the labour market as housewife. This is the main reason why sex role is made in capitalist society. I make it clear that Parsons and his feminist critics did not theorize the basis of sex role because they neglect the reality of surplus population out of market or family. Then I emphasize the usefuleness of Parsons’s thory of micro-macro link. On the basis of the theory of surplus population of modern capitalism we can expand the possibility of Parsons’s sociology to the direction of transformation of nuclear family in societal level of society
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.37, no.2, pp.103-120, 2004-02-01

In prewar and war period a few scholars developed their researches to criticize the policy of government. Tadao Yanaihara was one of the most excellent social scientist among them. He was at the position of Tokyo Imperial University from 1923 to 1937. In his class he teaches the plicy of colonialism. But he wanted to keep the transcendental values of Christianity which was inherited from Kanzo Uchimura. Because of his spiritual attitude, he inevitably had to accept the hard task. I analyzed some aspects of his spiritual moments which helped reconstrucuring of his theory. I also appointed that his skilful efforts to use the same word with two meanings of the state. The dominant class, based on the deception, can not stop giving the opportunity for taking advantage of ambivalent wording. As the result, he could keep his critical position as long as he succeeded to escape from political oppression.
松本 眞一 Shinichi Matsumoto 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-74, 2006-02

This study aims to research on child welfare in Canada in two aspects: 1)child welfare in general including the administrative system, as well as child welfare programs and services: 2)the definition of abuse, and the current situation of child abuse and protection in Canada. The study finds that child welfare in Canadian history has been slowly but ceaselessly improved to some extent. The department of social services, or its equivalent, in each province/territory is responsible for the design and delivery of child welfare services under the administrative system of decentralizing the services to communities. The departments are situated within the provincial ministry that deals with social services or health, or in some jurisdictions, children and families. The decentralization of child welfare services has led some jurisdictions to establish community based, non-profit agencies as the primary delivery mode for child welfare and adoption services. These agencies operate under boards of directors according to the administrative statutes and regulations in provincial legislation that pertain to child welfare, public administration or adoption. In each jurisdiction, a wide variety of child and family programs and services are provided. Child welfare programs and services in Canada are divided roughly into four fields: 1)Programs related to family formation, 2)Alternative child care programs, 3)Youth programs, and 4)Family support and child protection programs. Furthermore, 1)Programs related to family formation include (1) adoption services and (2) family mediation services. 2)Alternative child care programs contain (1) home child care, (2) centre-based child care, (3) care by a non-relative in the child's home, and (4) non-market care. 3)Youth programs consist of (1) national stay-in-school initiative, (2) national youth in care network, (3) big brothers/big sisters, and (4) programs for young offenders. And finally, 4)Family support and child protection programs imply (1) strengthening families program, (2) parental support program,(3) parenting skills program, (4) prevention programs, (5) assessment, (6) counseling, (7) day programs, (8) voluntary services, (9) foster care, and so on.
清水 由文 Yoshifumi Shimizu 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.37, no.2, pp.53-90, 2004-02-01

The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis the Irish family had changed from the type of nuclear family to stem family between 19th century and 20th century. I use the data of Census Returns of 1821, 1841, 1851, 1901 and 1911 that is owned by National Archive in Dublin. I examined the prior works of F.J. Carney, K. O'Neill and V. Morgan & W. MaCafee and got some important knowledge from their works. I have analyzed the size of household, the structure of family, the age of the household head, the age of the children and the inheritance system. As the result of above analyzing we have the following conclusion. The type of simple family households with the partible inheritance system was dominated in the early 19th century, but after 1835 the type of household changed to extended family households and multiple family households with establishing the system of dowry and matchmaking and the impartible inheritance system after the Irish Famine.