赤岡 功
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.5, pp.15-20, 1987-11-01

The open Socio-Technical System idea that was developed by Tavistock Institute in U.K. was trasmitted to and practiced in the Scandinavian countries since 1960's.In these countries, theoreticians and practicians have developed many variations of Tavistock's Socio-Technical System Theory.But, among them, influential and important approaches to humanization of working life are followings;(a)Norwegian Industrial Democracy Approach, (b)URAF(Development Council for Collaboration Question in Sweden)Approach, (c)SAF(Swedish Employers'Confederation)Approach, (d)Trade Union Oriented Approach by LO(Swedish Trade Union Confrederation)and ALC(Swedish Center for Working Life), and AI's(Work Research Institutes in Norwey)new Approach.In this paper, I will compare these approaches, and explain why experiments of humanization of working life by approach(a), (b)and (d)are few and in contrast with these, expriments based on approach (c) and (e) are many.Afeter these consideration, I will show under what conditions further developed humanization will be attained in many shops.
奥田 栄
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.29, pp.85-91, 2008-10-11

In this paper we discuss about the social character of technological system based on the Niklas Luhmann's theory of the social system. According to him, the social system consists of communications, moreover, of all communications, and divided into subsystems by symbolically generalized media. We define here technological system as a set of communications characterized by possible/impossible binary code. When we define technological system as above mentioned way, technological system includes not only science-based technologies but also everything that enables us to accomplish something. For instance, any technique that persuades a person may be a technology in this meaning. To what extent, however, are we allowed to call both of them as 'technology' in the same meaning? This problem can be analyzed by introducing various levels of possible/impossible criteria. Another problem may occur in the case of science-based technology. Are there any media mix of the truth/false code that characterizes the science and the possible/impossible code that characterizes the technology? Recently a concept of "social technology" has attracted the attention of many people. It is said that the social technology is not only planned to exceed science-based technology but also to unify various fields of science. We point out here that the tendency to the media mix worried about in the science-based technology might be strengthen in this case. We also discuss a relation between know-how and technological system. We have know-how that enables us to accomplish a variety of things. So we ourselves are bundles of know-how. However, we should distinguish know-how of this sense from technologies that appear in the technological system.
赤堀 三郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.31, pp.109-114, 2010-10-30

The concept of self-description plays an important role in Niklas Luhmann's sociological systems theory. In the systems theoretical sense, self-description does not mean description of self but description of society by society itself. The implication of self-description (of society) lies in that we cannot describe society from outside of society. From the systems theoretical viewpoint, we can see society as a system that contains various self-descriptions and therefore we should not ask what society is but how society is described. Systems theoretical description is the meta-level description (i.e. second-order observation). It can especially be characterized as the description of differences. Meta-level observers try to indicate what kind of distinctions or borderlines are drawn in a certain observation or description. Such a viewpoint enables us to see the hidden side (blind spot) of description of society and that is indeed the advantage and the true charm of the systems theoretical description.
佐野 匡男
vol.11, pp.114-121, 1992

After its first foundation in 1987 cable TV facilities in Japan are increasing rapidly.Recently in three months, its total number has almost doubled from 134 at the end of march 1992 to 251.In spite of such a rapid development, it seems, there exist, even among facility-undertakers, some misunderstanding and some cinfusion as to the significance of cable TV, which prevent the full realization of its potentiality.points at issue are, (1)cable TV is often confused with CATV(Community Antenna Television), and' (2)cable TV is often misunderstood as another television.Owing to its iteractive and multichannel charactors cable TV can provide new services other than broadcasting, such as security service, telemetering, data transmittion, regional telephone and facsimile servce, home shopping, etc., and , in this paper, examples of these new services actually pffered in Japan are presented.What the author emphasizes are, (a)these new sevices qualify cable TV as new integrative regional communication infrastructure, and (b) full understanding of this fact is indispensable for its actualization.
山田 保
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.2, pp.67-70, 1984-11-01

This paper reexamines the change of the institution of the beneficial assessments for sewerage systems in Japan considers, and the inter-relations between this institution, the method of the allocation of the construction cost of sewerage systems between public sector and private one, and the equalization of the share among users on the base of the reexamination above-mentioned. As the results of the considerations, this paper emphasizes it is better to introduce the new method of the evaluation of the benefits obtained by sewerage systems, based on the volume of waste-water discharged instead of the land area owned by users in the case of the sanitary sewerage system.
国友 美千留 井庭 崇
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.28, pp.69-77, 2007-10-13

In this paper, we analyze the social function of the recovery process from hazards of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred at Jan. 17, 1995, based on "Social System Theory" proposed by Niklas Luhmann. What we discuss is the types of communication which were generated at the affected area in the recovery process and the way people join in these communications. And we propose a new standpoint that the recovery process from disaster has two types of social systems (communication systems): One is a "Disaster Reduction as a Social System" and another is a "Recovery from Hardship as a Social System". The disaster-reduction system is generated by the nexus of communication about disaster prevention and reduction. This type of communication is based on "anxieties". These anxious feelings come from a flood of information about the catastrophe provided by a press. When people witness a fearful image about the catastrophe through a mass media, they think if this catastrophic accident happens to us. Then the social anxiety has risen up. On the other hand, the recovery system is generated by the nexus of communication about past experiences of the disaster. This type of communication is based on "sympathies". These sympathetic feelings are born of sharing fear and sad experiences about the disaster. The victims of the disaster and participants share loss experiences, hardship and heartaches. This sharing is a source that helps the communication about the past experiences about the disaster. We take some examples of the communication media that helps communication to chain in the recovery system in the recovery process of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake: a mourning event named " 1.17 Meetings for remembering the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake", a song named "Song Brings Happiness" which was written on the morrow of the earthquakes, and some earthquake disaster memorial monuments. These media help the nexus of communication in the recovering system and the nexus of consciousness about the recovery from the catastrophe in the psychic system.