二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.44, pp.37-57, 2010

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
扇澤 美千子 川野 裕子 川端 博子 Michiko Ougizawa Yuko Kawano Hiroko Kawabata 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 埼玉大学教育学部 埼玉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.41, pp.13-25, 2007

In this study, the questionnaire survey for slimming intention and body size, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and clothing behavior was conducted on 444 young female. We considered how intention towards body slimming was related to self-consciousness and clothing behavior, based on comparison between groups with higher and lower consciousness towards slimming. The results were as follows: (1) 87% female hoped to be slender and their ideal figure was extremely thin. Even in the higher slimming intention group, 90 percent or more belonged to thin or standard level in medical body mass index. They hoped to lose more weight and to be thinner especially in the lower part of their bodies. (2) Higher slimming intention group answered in the negative for self-acceptance, and tendency to lack in independency and confidence could be seen in their Cinderella complex questionnaire results. (3) Analysis on clothing expenses and purchase frequency showed that higher slimming intention group had stronger interest in clothing, were more ingenious in trying to look thinner and that this intention led them to gain more psychological stability. As a result, we conclude that slimming intention is now widely accepted in the modern society for the reasons that being thinner and wearing smartly lead to self-acceptance, self-confidence and mental stability.