谷口 中
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1955, no.96, pp.17-24, 1955 (Released:2007-05-28)

The 1st Mitsubishi Experimental Tank was built in 1908 at Akunoura, Nagasaki by Denny Brothers Co., England, This tank was closed in 1943 and a new one was built at Urakami, Nagasaki. The new tank started its work from Jan., 1944. But this was severely destructed by the Atomic Bomb on 9. Aug., 1945, just before its completion. After the war, we continued enthusiastic endeavours for the restoration of the tank. And last autumn, this new experimental tank was completed. The tank is 285m long, on which 7m paraffin modelship and 500mm dia. model propeller are used as standard size ones, At one end of the tank, 30HP-wave maker is installed which can produce regular waves, max. 8m long 40cm high. The towing carriage is moved by four 25HP-motors and regulated by electronic automatic speed regulator, The speed is preset before start and after acceleration, preset constant speed is automatically kept within ± 0.2% variation, max. towing speed is 9m/s.All facilities including carriages, dynamometers, model shaping machine, etc. are designed and manufactured by us. On 15.-16. Oct. last year, the Japanese towing tank conference was held at this tank commemorating its completion. Hereunder, the author wishes to give some details of this new tank.
乾 崇夫 菊池 義男 岩田 達三
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1956, no.100, pp.35-45, 1956 (Released:2009-09-16)

Since 1944, when one of the present Authors (INUI) and his collaborator calculated mathematically the wave-making resistance of ships in a shallow sea, necessity has long been recognized for making further quantitative investigations regarding to the practical adaptability of the theory. The following notes are aimed for clarifying the still remained question to what extent such a linearized wave-making theory can be safely applied in cases of a restricted water (b=h=finite) as well as a shallow water (h=finite, b=infinitive), where h denotes the depth of a water, b the width.A 1.750 m mathematical model S-201, whose equivalent source distribution is known, is towed in the Tokyo University Tank at the depth of water h/L=1.371, 0.400, 0.300 and 0.200.Comparatively good coincidence has been obtained between the calculated and measured wavemaking resistance, excluding the narrow critical range of Fh=0.820.95 where the KREITNER'S non-linear restricted water effect is clearly observed especially at the shoalest depth h/L=0.200.
乾 崇夫 菊池 義男 岩田 達三
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1956, no.100, pp.47-67, 1956 (Released:2010-01-25)

The wave profile measurements are made with two wall-sided, deep-drafted mathematical models (S-103, S-203) by applying the chemical film method, where the Benzoic Acid is effectively used for the first time, and found as pre-eminently suited to contrasting the flow phenomena on ship models such as wave profiles, initial still water lines, stream lines, and laminar flow area.Comparisons are also made between the calculated and the observed wave profiles.Coincidence is good along the models, but is unsatisfactory in the rear.The principal cause might be safely ascribed to the fact that the wake intesity is always extinguishedly strong just on the narrow band in the vertical symmetrical plane (y=0).Conclusions are then drawn that the present field of the mentioned comparisons between the theory and the observation must be extended from one dimension (on the line y=0, exclusively) to two dimensions, to which the photographic measurements by stereograph might be expected as essential.
乾 崇夫 高幣 哲夫 熊野 道雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1960, no.108, pp.39-51, 1960 (Released:2009-09-16)

As to the wave-interference phenomena connected with the bulb there have been presented two kinds of explanations : one being theoretical, and the other practical.Following the theoretical explanation, which is largely indebted to Havelock and Wigley, we may assume that the wave-making characterististics of the bulbous bow can be safely represented by an isolated point doublet. If admitted, this goes at once to the conclusion that the free wave patterns due to the fitted bulb can be intentionally put just in inverse phase or with strictly half wave-length difference against the main hull waves. This is nothing but the most desirable situation for us in view of promoting the maximum interfering merits of the bulb.On the contrary, the other explanation enforces, rather practically, too much importance of the virtual increment in the wave-making length of the hull which is caused by the bulb waves. In this way, it has long been believed that the reduced wave-making resistance accompanying the bulbous bow has much to do with its increased “effective wave-making length”. From this standpoint of view, it is suggested that, when any amount of bulb merit observed, the bulb waves must proceed by some intermediate fraction between 1/41/2 of ship wave length against the main hull waves. This means that from the bulbous bow we can expect only an incomplete interfering merit at the best.This report is aimed for the experimental determination of the existing conflict, mentioned above, with regard to the 'actual' phase-difference between the bulb waves and the hull waves. The wave analysis procedure is applied for the first time. The conclusion is that the theoretical treatment of the bulb which is introduced by Havelock and Wigley can be practically approved. A few remarks are also made on the two different phases of the hydrodynamical characteristics of the bulbous bow. Its corresponding system of singularities is represented by the combination of an isolated doublet with a continuous source distribution.The former has a positive and therefore the same sense with the latter in hull form characteristics, but has a negative and therefore the reverse sense in wave-making characteristics. This is the true reason why the wavemaking resistance is sometimes reduced remarkably with the bulbous form whose displacement is larger by its bulb than the original form.
徳川 武定 鬼頭 史城 西山 哲男 丸尾 孟 田宮 真 谷 初蔵 木下 昌雄
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.94, pp.69-79, 232, 1954-02

As is only too well known, the quick diving is one of the essential qualities of the presentday submarines. In this paper, first of all, the authors have made an analytical study on the diving motion of a submarine. In the next, the question may be solved as to how much degree the trim angle of the vessel does alter, when the vessel submerges with constant speed Vo, along the specified course, into the given depth of immersion D, in the duration of time T, under the regulation by a pair of horizontal rudders with a certain rudder angle. Fortunate to say, we have still on hand the underwater-performance curves based on the experimental results of the several types of submarine-models, and using them, we obtained numerical values of both the trim and rudder angles of submarine when she performs the diving motion as mentioned above. In conclusion, it is shown that, if we try to make the time duration needed T, as short as possible, the allowance in inclination of hull matters more, rather than the addition of rudder angle.
杉村 卓 野崎 政治 鈴木 輝雄
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.119, pp.209-220, 1966-06

In this paper the results of the destructive experiment of a 1/5 scale ship hull model is reported. The model was designed to be as similar as possible to the midship part of the destroyer escort and subjected to pure bending moment.The general buckling strength of the upper deck was mainly studied considering the effects of under-deck structures.A loading device was specially constructed for this experiment.Buckling of the upper deck occured over two frame spaces and its load agreed with a theoretical estimation.
元良 誠三
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會論文集 (ISSN:18842062)
vol.1960, no.107, pp.83-89, 1960 (Released:2009-09-16)

In this paper, the author states about the results of measurement of added moment of inertia and damping coefficieut about y axis, i. e. for pitching motion.A forced oscillation method same as was used by Golovato was employed for measuring device, and 14 series models varying Cb and L/B are used.As the added moment of inertia and the damping of pitching motion vary with the frequency of the motion, values of them corresponding to the natural pitching frequency are choosen as the typical values when discussing the effect of ship forms.A chart from which additional moment of enertia and damping coefficent of ships having arbitrary Cb, L/B and d/B can be obtained is proposed in this paper.
黒田 七郎 田中 拓 上田 隆康 隆杉 憲行
no.117, pp.292-309, 1965-06

It is well known that a submarine has the excellent propulsive performance in high speed navigation in deeply submerged condition, but few papers have sufficiently shown economical feasibility of submarines for commerical use.The authors have studied about the feasibility of submarine tankers with a view to develop technical problems of commercial submarines. At first, the experiments on five submarine tanker models with the circular and rectangular hull sections were performed by method of three-component measurements at Mejiro No. 2 Tank.Examining the resistance, stability, floating draft and general arrangement of the submarine tankers, the authors chose the ST-2 type rectangular hull form as best for the submrine tanker. The lines of the ST-2 type hull form was shown in Fig. 3 The ST-2 type submarine tankers with various dead weights and shaft horse powers were designed and their investment, operation cost, annual profit, freight rate per dead weight and cpital recovery factor were calculated. The results of this study were summarized in Fig. 19 to 23. The best submarine tanker in the point of view of commercial feasibility was 40,000 tons in dead weight and 20,000 horse powers in shaft horse power under restrained condition within 14 meters in maximum floating draft. On the contrary to the previous opinions, was shown she fact that the submarine tankers would not be very fast than present conventional tankers. As shown in Fig. 23,the submarine tanker would not have commercial feasibility without drastically decreased cost of nuclear power plants.