丹 洋祐 山下 秀之 曽宇 泰子
長岡造形大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13499033)
vol.6, pp.68-81, 2009-03-31

The tri-structure is a structural framwork that is analogous to a tree. To restore the aboudant seashore environment destroyed during the development of harbors and bays, I propose a system of artificial seaweed forests. In addition, tri-structure is made in a intertwist and disentangling design. This intertwist and disentangling design concept is one I discovered while studying the space geometry of seashore environments.
姜 範熙
長岡造形大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13499033)
vol.1, pp.28-30, 2004-03-19

Peter Eisenman explains his design process through the development of a diagram. The first use of a diagram appeared in his Ph.D thesis in 1963 and the diagram has been used in his architectural designs consistently. With the fast development of digital computer technology, current social paradigm is shifting from analog paradigm to digital paradigm. Peter Eisenman is one of the famous architects who introduced digital paradigm in architectural design. The purpose of this study is to show the reason why Peter Eisenman uses digital design process for architectural design and the method being applied.
菅原 浩
長岡造形大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13499033)
no.5, pp.49-55, 2007

In the introductory philosophy class at Nagaoka Institute of Design, students are required to make philosophical experiments, one of which is a meditation of listening to the surrounding sounds very intently. Through it students can experinece various forms of nonordinary modes of experiencing the world. We can see the beginning steps ofphilosophical questions in those experineces. We also analyse them by applying the phenomenology of M. Merleau-Ponty and other theories.
洪 起
長岡造形大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13499033)
vol.6, pp.21-29, 2009-03-31

It is of utmost importance that systems maintain the robustness in itself to reduce the influence of the uncertain factors resulting from the various external conditions on the reliability of systems. This private view proposes the diversity of elements composing systems as one of the robustness in systems and discusses the fundamental issues related to the diversity from the two viewpoints of probabilistic theory and information theory. It is hoped that such a private view will help to maintain the robustness in systems.
飛田 範夫
長岡造形大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13499033)
no.9, pp.69-76, 2011

As Taihu stones(deformed limestones)were considered one of the symbols of China, so those were painted in Japanese paintings. Classifying by the way of placing the Taihu stones in old Japanese paintings, we can find the way to use the Taihu stones in Chinese garden as following. 1)Shinu -tu(仕女図) painted in the Tang-dynasty, 8th Century, shows they placed small stones in a garden, but we can see that the Taihu stones took place of the small stones from Japanese painting Torige-ritsujo-no-byobu(鳥毛立女屏風). I assume that they use bigger Taihu stones in their garden to enjoy watching from Qixian-tu(七賢図) painted in Chinese Tang-dynasty, 9th Century. 2)In the Bada-chunyun-tu(八達春遊図) painted in 10th Century, they place one huge Taihu stone in their garden. From the Japanese painting E-inga-kyo(絵因果経) in 8th Century, I guess they put a Taihu stone, which is as tall as a human, in the main place of the garden. 3)In Longchi-jingdu-tu(龍池競渡図) painted in the Yuan–dynasty, 14th Century, we can see big Taihu stones both left and right side of the palace. But it was imaged from the old palace of old paintings. From the Japanese paintings Kegon-shuso-eden(華厳宗祖師絵伝) and Toseiden-emaki(東征伝絵巻) painted in the 13th Century, we can see they placed a Taihu stone in front of the palace in Song Dynasty(960-279). I assume that they placed Taifu stones in their garden first and then they started to place the Taihu stones in front of their palace. 4)From Qianlongdi-ji-fei-guzhuang-xiang(乾隆帝及妃古装像) painted in Qing Dynasty,18th Century, we can see that they put Taihu stones in a pond of their garden. Sancai-tangwu(三彩堂屋), a miniature made in 8th Century, shows that they built a pond at the front of the building and placed big stones at the front of the mountain. In Genjo-sanzo-e(玄奘三蔵絵) painted in 13th Century in Japan, there is a big Taihu stone beside the pond built next to Xuanzang's father's house. It means it stared form Song - Dynasty to place the Taihu stones beside a pond.