保坂 稔
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.10, no.2, pp.15-23, 2008-03

The impact of environmental thought among Nazis has not always been considered with relation to the German Environmental Movement thus far. One of the causes of this is related to the influence of the 1970s. The seventies had a major impact on environmental thought. For example, Stone, Naess, and Singer were active at that time. Therefore, I believe that environmental thought before the 1970s has been underestimated. However, many studies show that the laws for the protection of nature during the Nazi Regime were in fact relatively advanced. Furthermore, the Green Party in Germany today is influenced by Anthroposophy. This paper examines the impact of environmental thought among Nazis on the German environmental movement.
若木 太一
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.10, pp.A1-A14, 2007-08

土肥 昭夫 篠崎 桃子 寺西 あゆみ 伊澤 雅子
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
pp.45-57, 2007-08

Leyhausen (1979) observed that feral cats gathered at regular gathering sites and only sat for a long time usually in the evening, and he named this curious cat behavior as "social gathering". Up to date, no one has studied and discussed on the "social gathering", that was considered to play on any role in the social systems of feral cats. We have frequently observed a number of the gatherings and the gathering sites of the feral cats lived in the campus of Nagasaki University. Nine of eleven gathering sites were used by the respective regular membership of the feral cats that shared a common home range regard as a rigid group territory. The spacing patterns of home range and the social systems were so similar with the group territory called the "feeding group", which was organized by the cats have a kin-relation (Izawa et al.1982) However, the "gathering group" in the campus widely differed from the "feeding group" in that the most of the member of a "gathering group" in the campus were originated by non-relation individuals, which sheltered into the campus from the surround urban districts and the high traffic density areas. Consequently, we found that the "social gathering" had filled an important role of accelerating to recognize and to accept each other as the member for the common group territory preservation.
戸田 清
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.8, no.1, pp.23-38, 2006-02-01

On October 15, 2004 the Supreme Court ruling was issued in the Minamata Disease Kansai Lawsuit. It can be said to be a victory for the plaintiffs generally. The court approved the plaintiffs' assertion that the government had been responsible for regulation of wastewater and for relief of the victim (certification of pollution-related patients who were not yet identified at the time). However, a problem still remains because the defendant's (the national government's) claim concerning regulation of food (fish and seafood) was acknowledged by the court. There is much doubt regarding the decision of the national government and the Kumamoto Prefectural government not to apply the food sanitation law to the Minamata Disease case in 1957. It is considered one of the reasons for the Minamata Disease having spread widely. Application of the food sanitation law became controversial as well as in the case of the Kanemi Rice Oil (PCBs and PCDFs) food poisoning. If the food sanitation law was disregarded in those cases, we can say that the Constitution, on which the law was founded, was also disregarded. The Minamata disease has already been accepted in society as an environmental pollution problem, but viewing the Minamata disease as food poisoning should be established in the world of medicine as well as among common citizens.
保坂 稔
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.10, no.2, pp.15-23, 2008-03-31

The impact of environmental thought among Nazis has not always been considered with relation to the German Environmental Movement thus far. One of the causes of this is related to the influence of the 1970s. The seventies had a major impact on environmental thought. For example, Stone, Naess, and Singer were active at that time. Therefore, I believe that environmental thought before the 1970s has been underestimated. However, many studies show that the laws for the protection of nature during the Nazi Regime were in fact relatively advanced. Furthermore, the Green Party in Germany today is influenced by Anthroposophy. This paper examines the impact of environmental thought among Nazis on the German environmental movement.
松田 雅子
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.環境科学部創立10周年記念特別号, pp.187-199, 2007-08

Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi has been enthusiastically received in America and got an international recognition because it vividly describes an Iranian woman's authentic experiences under the Iran Islamic Revolution and its new regime from 1979 to 1997. With her students, Nafisi, a professor of American and English literature, tries to escape from cruel reality in Tehran to the world of Western literature. She interprets the meaning of the real life using Lolita, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice and other novels. Nafisi's narrative is so powerful and gripping that the readers would empathize with the author and make up the images of Iran as an oppressive and totalitarian country and America as a free state just as she shows. However, in close reading we could find that there is an information gap about the Iranian history, that is, she does not mention the days of Sha much enough to compare it with the present regime. Therefore, this book should be read with a view that it has such a limitation. In this paper, the techniques which Nafisi uses to arrest the readers' attention are examined to clarify their characteristics and weakness if any. Nafisi's narrative might be deconstructed by introducing Said's theory of post-colonialism in the part four, 'Austen'.
中村 修 佐藤 剛史
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.4, no.2, pp.1-9, 2002-04-30

It is possible to return livestock's urine to environment safely and to reuse it as resource through biological decomposition. Most of livestock's urine, however, is disposed of unsuitably, and it is regarded as one of prime causes of water pollution now. Since 1999,livestock farmers are obligated to dispose of livestock's urine suitably by law. In the other words, livestock farmers have to pay the cost of livestock's urine disposition. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects and problems of the recircular process of livestock's urine practiced in Kishima area Saga Prefecture. In Kishima area, livestock's urine is reused as liquid fertilizer with a kind of simple process, by which livestock's urine simply mixed with some phosphoric acid and silicone is used as one kind of liquid fertilizer in paddy fields. The merits of the disposition process to livestock farmers can be concluded as : firtly, the cost of livestock's urine disposition can be cut considerably, secondly, farmland can be reserved by recirclar use of livestock's urine, and thidly, the labor burdan bearing with livestock's urine disposition can be lightened greatly. As well the merits to cultivation farmers include : to lighten the labor burdan of fertilizer spreading, to cut the cost of the chemical fertilizer, to improve the quality of rice and to stabilize the yield of rice, to provide the high value-added agricultural products. The technique of recirclar use of the livestock's urine for the liquid fertilizer was developed from the viewpoint of intra-regional circular use. Therefore, it is hopeful to convert the social cost of environment conservation for the regional common benefits into farmer's individual cost economically by this way.
連 清吉
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.1, no.1, pp.135-147, 1998-12
正本 忍
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.10, pp.169-186, 2007-08

Get article s'interesse a l'utilisation du film americain << Soleil vert (Soylent Green) >> comme materiel pedagogique. Ce film de Richard Fleischer, avec Charlton Heston et sorti en 1973, a pour cadre la ville de New York en 2022. La, les maux sont nombreux: surpopulation, tarissement des ressources naturelles et pollution de la nature, d'ou une penurie de vivres, d'electricite, de biens divers, un mauvais foncionnement des reseaux de communication et de distribution, un dementelenient des corps sociaux, une degradation du cadre de vie, un declin de la culture, de la civilisation et de I'humanite, etc. Nous avons d'abord envisage le declin de la culture du point de vue de la courtoisie, de la culture alimentaire et de l'alphabetisation, puis le declin de l'humanite au regard de la dignite de l'homme et de sa vie. <<Soleil vert>> presente de maniere tres concrete et tres diverse les milieux sociaux et culturels du futur, destructure par la surpopulation, par le tarissement des ressources naturelles et par la pollution de la nature. Nous pensons que ce film peut etre tres utile a une education a l'environnement d'autant que ses messages sont encore plus d'actualite de nos jours que dans les annees 1970.
正本 忍
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.7, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005-01-30

Nous avons envisage ici deux problemes environnementaux urbains qui sont proches de la vie des Parisiens : les dejections canines et les dechets abandonnes sur la voie publique. Paris est connu pour la beaute de son patrimoine historique, mais aussi pour la salete de ses rues. Bien que la mairie de Paris fasse des efforts pour rendre la capitale propre et que la plupart des Parisiens considerent les crottes de chien comme une des raisons les plus serieueses qui menacent la qualite de leur vie, les trottoirs parisiens sont couverts de dejections canines et de detritus, comme par exemple des megots de cigarette. Apres avoir examine la realite de la pollution de la voie publique causee par les chiens et les hommes au moyen de quelques donnees et de nos experiences et observations propres, nous avons analyse les raisons de la pollution du point de vue du mode de vie francais, de la notion de la proprete, etc. II en decoule que l'insensibilite des Francais a la proprete, la separation entre pollueurs et depollueurs chez eux et la quasiinexistance du menage scolaire par les eleves eux-memes en France entrainent la salete de la voie publique. Nous avons fait remarquer aussi que l'incivisme peut etre ajoute a ces causes et qu'il est de plus en plus question de la pollution des espaces publics au Japon.
葉柳 和則
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.10, pp.157-167, 2007-08

Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, "Gegen-Umwelt (anti-environment)", einen Schltisselbegriff der Medientheorie von Marshall Mcluhan, im Kontext der Okologie im weiteren Sinne neu zu bewerten. Die Hauptthese der Mcluhanschen "Gegen-Umwelt-Theorie" heiBt: "Von Kunstlern geschaffene Gegen-Umwelten und Gegen-Situationen liefern Mittel, die es uns ermoglichen, die Umwelt unmittelbar zu erkennen und besser zu verstehen". Im Innenraum einer Umwelt kann man nur schwer erkennen, wie sie sich in Wirklichkeit befindet. Durch die "Gegen-Umwelten" als Medien kommt seine Umwelt zum Vordergrund. Eigentlich hatte der okologische Gedanke ein starkes Interesse an Sprache bzw. Poetik, das aber durch die pragmatische und technokratische Haltung der neueren Okologie ausgeschlossen und unterdriickt worden ist. So gesehen liefern die "Gegen-Umwelten" Moglichkeiten, Okologie erneut als Poetik zu beleben.
井上 義彦
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.8, no.2, pp.153-163, 2006-08-01
浜 民夫
長崎大学総合環境研究 (ISSN:13446258)
vol.9, no.2, pp.59-71, 2007-09

In Japan, the transition system from school to working life upon graduation has changed in recent years. The trasition system has changed leading to an increase in youth unemployment, the so-called 'freeter', and NEET (Not in education, Employment or Training) also inactivity among young people. This paper is considered the inactive jobless youth as a new policy subject.