Sadahiko Yamazaki Kunihide Hoshino Masatoshi Kusuhara
Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
vol.7, no.6, pp.60-65, 2010 (Released:2010-05-22)
30 43

Human body odor is generated by waste materials present on the skin surface and secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands. These waste materials are converted to characteristic odorous compounds through oxidative degradation or metabolism by skin microbes. Changes in body odor due to aging relate to the amount and composition of sweat and sebum secreted, as well as gland activity. 2-Nonenal has an unpleasant, greasy, grassy odor and is mainly detected in people aged over 40 years. Generation of 2-nonenal is related to oxidative degradation of ω7 unsaturated fatty acids. Given that body odor may function as a barometer indicating the body's overall health, further understanding of this odor's makeup is important. Here, we define several types of body odor and describe changes in body odor, with a specific focus on 2-nonenal, an odor characteristically associated with aging.
Michiya Igase Toru Mizoguchi Yoichi Ogushi Tetsuro Miki Akira Ueki
Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
vol.7, no.14, pp.167-173, 2010 (Released:2010-12-20)

In the “Brain Aging and Nutrition” symposium at the 2010 10th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, three experts were invited to report recent findings on maintenance of brain health. Speaking on “The association of postural instability with brain atrophy/cognitive impairment”, Dr. Michiya Igase (Department of Geriatric Medicine & Neurology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine) described the importance of Anti-Aging examination for early discovery and early treatment of decreased cognitive function according to an Anti-Aging examination, particularly stressing on the importance of preventing frailty in the elderly. Dr. Toru Mizoguchi (Shinjuku Mizoguchi Clinic), speaking on “Improved brain function and nutrition”, discussed how low intake of glucose, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals leads to metabolic abnormalities in the brain and low production of neurotransmitters, which can cause depression and many other psychiatric illnesses not only in the elderly, but in middle age too. In “The brain prefers ketones to carbohydrates as an energy source”, Dr. Yoichi Ogushi (Department of Medical Informatics, Tokai University School of Medicine) presented data showing that a ketotic diet, also known as a low-carbohydrate diet (Atkins' or Bernstein's diet), is safe, and, moreover, that ketones are used as an energy source by the brain. This work suggested that advanced glycosylation end product is a risk factor for Alzheimer's and Perkinson's disease, and that glucose is only utilized after keton bodies by the brain. This notion in turn raises the possibility that a ketotic diet may prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.Anti-Aging measures above mentioned may play crucial roles in preventing brain atrophy, cognitive impairment, and depression which are closely related to the aging process. Stable energy supply and adequate nutritional distribution to neurons in the brain are keys to maintain brain function through neuronal survival and biosynthesis of neurotransmitters.
Mio Hori Seishi Kishimoto Yu Tezuka Hideo Nishigori Keitaro Nomoto Umenoi Hamada Yoshikazu Yonei
Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
vol.7, no.11, pp.129-142, 2010 (Released:2010-10-22)
20 25

Objective: To determine the effect of beet extract on skin elasticity in female volunteers with dry skin and in human dermal fibroblasts.Method: To assess the effects of oral administration of glucosyl ceramide contained in beet extract (beet ceramide), we conducted an 8-week double-blind comparison study with 35 females (mean age: 40.9±4.2 years) with mild subjective symptoms of dry skin and declining keratin moisture levels. The compound was administered as glucosyl ceramide at 0, 0.6, or 1.8 mg/day to 3 groups (n=11, 12, 12, respectively).Results: Scores improved significantly for the following subjective skin symptoms: “concerned about dull skin,” “concerned about spots or freckles,” “sticky, oily skin,” “coarse and desiccated skin,” “not elastic, not glossy,” “concerned about rough skin,” “bags under eyes.” In addition, perspiration levels improved. The skin elasticity test (Cutometer) indicated that the elasticity index (R2 and R7) improved in a dose-dependent manner. However, we were unable to confirm the effects of ceramide on increasing skin moisture as reported in previous studies. In experiments involving human dermal fibroblasts, addition of beet ceramide promoted fibronectin synthesis and mRNA expression but had no effect on fibroblast proliferation or collagen synthesis.Conclusion: Results from clinical trials and experiments suggested that oral ingestion of beet ceramide may stimulate intracellular signals and exert favorable effects on the extracellular matrix, including the induction of fibronectin synthesis. In addition, we confirmed the safety of administering beet ceramide to humans.
Yasumichi Arai Nobuyoshi Hirose
Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-5, 2012 (Released:2012-04-19)
5 8

As the aging population expands rapidly worldwide, it has become increasingly important to identify factors that offer means to promote healthy aging. It is well documented that advancing age is associated with increased body fat and blunted insulin action. Centenarians, who are the best model of successful aging, are a unique exception to this phenomenon. Increasing evidence has documented the preservation of insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis along with the very low prevalence of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease among centenarians. We demonstrated that centenarians have a high serum concentration of adiponectin, which was associated with a favorable metabolic phenotype, including higher levels of HDL-C and lipoprotein lipase, and lower levels of hemoglobin A1c, C-reactive protein, and E-selectin concentrations. These observations suggested that high adiponectin concentration may be potentially important for maintaining health and function and could be a target for Anti-Aging Medicine.
Mari Ogura Masayuki Yagi Keitaro Nomoto Ryo Miyazaki Masaya Kongoji Show Watanabe Umenoi Hamada Yoshikazu Yonei
Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
vol.8, no.5, pp.60-68, 2011 (Released:2011-09-17)

Objective: Previous epidemiological surveys of diet indicated a potential relationship between fruit intake and the pathogenesis of lifestyle-related disease. Recent reports indicate grapefruit (GF) may affect sugar metabolism. The present study measured glucose, triglyceride and insulin levels in human blood after GF ingestion with and without other foods.Methods: Twelve healthy, non-smoking female volunteers, non-obese (age 40.5 ± 4.2 years old, BMI 22.0 ± 0.9) were provided with five different breakfasts on successive days: GF, bread or fried vegetables alone, GF + bread, GF + fried vegetables. In meals that included GF, the GF was eaten before the bread or fried vegetables. Blood samples were taken after meals to measure plasma glucose, immuno reactive insulin (IRI), triglyceride and vitamin C.Results: Plasma glucose following a meal of bread or fried vegetables or a meal of bread and fried vegetables with GF was similar. Insulin secretion was slower after a meal of GF alone compared to bread alone (p < 0.001) and the area under curve (AUC) of glucose per carbohydrate intake was lower when GF was eaten prior to bread or fried vegetables than after a single intake of bread or fried vegetables alone (p < 0.001). The AUC of triglyceride after a prior intake of GF before fried vegetables was slower than that after an intake of fried vegetables alone (p < 0.05). Blood vitamin C concentration increased after GF intake (p < 0.001).Conclusion: GF contains saccharides and a variety of dietary elements, including fiber, vitamins, citric acid, naringenin and bergamottin. It is possible that these compounds may affect sugar and lipid metabolism.